Rationalization of Oral History Books (part II)

Rationalization Represents the Mastery of Compiler over Text

Following report is based on an invitation in which history experts are asked questions about oral history. In this regard, one of experts, as his perspective, has answered to one of questions titled "The amount of rationalization and appendix in oral history books". We will read these comments as follows. Mohammad Javad Moradinia, general director of Office for the Development of Books and Reading Books of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and ...

Rationalization of Oral History Books (part I)

Reliable sources enrich Rationalization

Following report is based on an invitation in which history experts are asked questions about oral history. In this regard, one of experts, as his perspective, has answered to one of questions titled "The amount of rationalization and appendix in oral history books". We will read these comments as follows.

Applying Oral History in Iranian Schools Based on Lesson Plan

Oral history is used in various centers as a new approach and method for recording developments of contemporary history. Schools also play an important role as educational basis in secondary schools. This credit, explores role of oral history in understanding social history. Students will use oral histories as a starting point for researching social history of their family, school, religion and customs. They will examine role of oral historians and will interview with family members.

Difference between written memories and oral history (part II)

Memoirs are not oral history

Following report is based on an invitation in which history experts are asked questions about oral history. In this regard, two experts, as their perspective, have answered to one of the questions titled "Difference between written memories and oral history". We will read these comments as follows.

Difference between written memories and oral history (part I)

Similar in appearance, but different

The following report is based on an invitation in which history experts are asked questions about oral history. In this regard, two experts, Saeid Alamian and Ali Tatari have been answered, as their perspective, to the one of the questions titled "Difference between written memories and oral history". We will read these comments as follows.

Nature of questions in oral history interviews

One of the features of oral history interviews which makes it more similar to other kinds of interviews is the arrangement of questionnaire and proper and precise and calculated questions. Providing the possibility of "generating random questions from the interviewer" in some oral history interviews is similar to how questions are asked in a free or undirected interview. In both of these methods, the interviewee is open to present questions and can respond to ...

Impact of Emotional Status

Purposeful conversations about past events and their excavation from the narrators mind is effective in mitigating psychological stress accumulated over time to create more favorable emotional status. Even in some cases it is felt that the narrator is trying to settle accounts with a specific person by recounting some issues to set free from a mental and conscientious pressure and achieve some sort of peace.

General features of memoir writing

Undoubtedly, memoir writing is one of the oldest forms of writing, dating back to the history of the invention of script and writing. Perhaps one of the questions posed by the promoters of memorabilia is “what are the memoir feature qualities?” Does the memory writer has to have any special techniques? Whether writing personal memories is easy or absent?

Impact of time on oral history

Dominant political and cultural trends are a serious threat to memoir recording and oral history since they surpass the perspective and judgment of the narrator concerning individuals and various issues. The impact is sometimes so bold that comparison of the narrations during such times to the previous versions reveal serious differences. This has been prevalent in the memoirs of the Islamic Revolution and the Holy Defense or people.

Which priority?

Receipt of memories or truth discovery

Targeted interview within the framework of a specific subject is one of the prominent features of oral history. Accordingly, the oral history scholars are requested to maintain respect towards the narrator, open their mind and patiently listen to the narrator and ask questions in due time within the limits defined.

How the Tabriz Army Barracks Were Seized

The major explained the plan like this: "When you first enter, tell him to hand over the weapons. Once he puts the guns on the table, grab them and give them to me, since I’m the military man here. Then, tell him to hand over his pistol as well. He might comply, or he might refuse, possibly even shooting one of you. In that case, I’ll fire back with my Uzi.

Imam Khomeini

Every time there was a message from Imam Khomeini, the people who followed their broadcasting, quickly found people like me to write the message on the screen or placard for them. On the same day when this order of the Imam arrived from Paris, one of the same comrades hurriedly came to the shop in the evening and said that a message from the Imam had just reached us.
Oral History School-3

From Defining the Plan to Estimating the Costs of Oral History Project

According to Iranian Oral History Website, the third online session of “Oral History School” was held by Iranian History Association on Monday evening, July 8, 2024. In this session, Dr. Mehdi Abolhasani Taraghi gave a lecture focused on “Finding a Topic and Defining the Plan in Oral History”.
The story of Red Cross and Seyed Ali Akbar Aboutorabi

Rest House no. 13

Narrator: Colonel Mohammad Khosh Niat
In the year 1363(1984) and after a few months after our transfer to Mosul Camp, Haj Seyed Ali Akbar Aboutorabi came also there. He had been captured in the first days of the war. Earlier, we had heard a lot about him from the captives who had gone to the Intelligence Department and been tortured. We knew that a person ...