Benefits of Oral History

History, as one of the fundamental disciplines within the humanities, has evolved through time to adopt various forms and methodologies. Concepts such as "written history," "comprehensive history," and "oral history" exemplify these approaches. Written history relies on documents and textual sources for the analysis and composition of historical accounts, while comprehensive history seeks to integrate various sources—both written and oral.

Various Narrations and Interpretations in Oral History

In oral history, sometimes the memories of a person are narrated and the topic of discussion is that person; but sometimes, oral history expresses an event or a topic. In this regard, if the focus of oral history is on the "subject", the more narratives we have, the better and more accurate results will be obtained, and the more we will understand the essence of the case.

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Content editing of oral history should be close to the interviewee’s style

According to Oral History Website, Dr. Morteza Rasoulipour in the framework of four online sessions described the topic “Compilation in Oral History” in the second half of the month of Mordad (August 2024). It has been organized by the Iranian History Association. In continuation, a selection of the teaching will be retold:

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The interviewer is the best compiler

According to Oral History Website, Dr. Morteza Rasoulipour in the framework of four online sessions described the topic “Compilation in Oral History” in the second half of the month of Mordad (August 2024). It has been organized by the Iranian History Association. In continuation, a selection of the teaching will be retold:

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The position of “standard language” in compiling oral history

According to Oral History Website, Dr. Morteza Rasoulipour in the framework of four online sessions described the topic “Compilation in Oral History” in the second half of the month of Mordad (August 2024). It has been organized by the Iranian History Association. In continuation, a selection of the teaching will be retold:

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In order to learn more about the problems and challenges of producing oral history works or memoirs, the oral history website has conducted conversations with some experts and activists in this field, which will be presented to the audience in the form of short notes. Maintaining the interviewee's privacy is one of the duties of the oral history interviewer.

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Compilation of texts requires proficiency over all types of writings

According to Oral History Website, Dr. Morteza Rasoulipour in the framework of four online sessions described the topic “Compilation in Oral History” in the second half of the month of Mordad (August 2024). It has been organized by the Iranian History Association. In continuation, a selection of the teaching will be retold:

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Oral History Interviewer Should Be “Patient”, “Cautious”, and “Unbiased”

According to Iranian Oral History Website, the fourth online session of “Oral History School” was held by Iranian History Association on Tuesday evening, July 9, 2024. In this session, Dr. Abolfazl Hasanabadi gave a lecture focused on “Interview: Stages and Manners”.

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From Defining the Plan to Estimating the Costs of Oral History Project

According to Iranian Oral History Website, the third online session of “Oral History School” was held by Iranian History Association on Monday evening, July 8, 2024. In this session, Dr. Mehdi Abolhasani Taraghi gave a lecture focused on “Finding a Topic and Defining the Plan in Oral History”.

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Similarities of Memoriography and Oral History; Cause of Confusion

According to Iranian Oral History Website, the second online session of “Oral History School” was held by Iranian History Association on Sunday evening, July 7, 2024. In this session, Dr. Mehdi Abolhasani Taraghi gave a lecture focused on “Boundary of Oral History and Getting Memories”.
Book Review

The Hidden Camp

The Hidden Camp narrates the autobiographical memoirs of Mohammad Hassan Mirzaei, recounting his experiences from managing Iraqi POW camps to enduring captivity in Iranian POW camps. This work, rewritten and compiled by Meysam Gholampour, was published in the summer of 2024 by Mirath-e Ahl-e Qalam Publications in collaboration with the Damavand Martyrs Foundation.
Book review

That Side of the Wall

Seizure of US embassy as narrated by Habibollah Bitaraf
Habibollah Bitaraf was one of three first ideologues of the seizure of the US embay and a member of the coordination council of the den of the espionage. He who was studying Civil Engineering in Technical Faculty of Tehran University at that time has first-hand memoirs about the event.

Oral history education should not rely on individuals

Today, training is considered by the oral history experts as a key issue. According to Dr. “Ali Tattari”, oral history education needs to be processed in universities so that, by approving regulations and guidelines, the education of this science does not rely on individuals and does not suffer from a crisis with the slightest change in the country's political and economic climate.

Filming the crime of Shah's agents in morgue

On that day [9th of Dey 1357 in Mashhad – December 30, 1978], the whole city was in chaos; the hospitals, the shops, and in addition to these, the movie theatre was burning in fire. Even, I heard that some people had gone and set fire some centers such as "Iran-America Society" or the ones connected to the foreigners. The clashes continued till almost sunset.