Material Intellectual Property Rights of Oral History Work-6

In Oral History Contracts, Commitment Is One-sided

Following our discussion of Material Intellectual Property Rights of oral history works and the note of A Heritage With No Legal System, we discussed with Sooreh Mehr Publications, Fatehan Publications, Sooreh Sabz Publications, Dr. Abolfazl Hasanabadi, and Dr. Mouloud Sotoudeh. Now, we have a conversation with “Masoumeh Jafarzadeh”, one of the active oral practitioners in East Azarbaijan.

Qualitizing Oral History Works-5

Characteristics of Interviewee

The Iranian Oral History Website has conducted short conversations with some experts and practitioners in order to more understanding the problems of producing books on the topic of oral history books or memories, the results of which will be presented to the readers in the form of short notes and in several parts.

Material Intellectual Property Rights of Oral History Work-5

The necessity of financial estimation of projects by the Oral History Association

Following our discussion of Material Intellectual Property Rights of oral history works and the note of A Heritage With No Legal System, we discussed with Sooreh Mehr Publications, Fatehan Publications, Sooreh Sabz Publications, and Dr. Abolfazl Hasanabadi.

Qualitizing Oral History Works-4

Characteristics of Interviewer

Producing an oral history work is similar to make a building which has basic foundations. If these constituents are not provided correct, there would not be a desirable final product. An oral history work has two primary constituents: the first one is words that the interviewer states and the second is words that compiler collects. Most of any oral history work is about content that the interviewer expresses.

Interview in Oral History of Sacred Defense-3

According to many experts, interview is the heart of oral history and plays the role of the first brick in oral history. That’s why it is necessary even for people who have experience and knowledge in this field to acquire more knowledge, and modify and complement previously used methods. This necessity is more evident when we re-examine the interviews that were not conducted with the necessary standards.

Material Intellectual Property Rights of Oral History Work-4

Most Oral History Practitioners Get Caught Up in Criteria of Formal Compilation of Organizations

Following our discussion of Material Intellectual Property Rights of oral history works and the note of A Heritage With No Legal System, we discussed with Sooreh Mehr Publications, Fatehan Publications, and Sooreh Sabz Publications. During the latest weeks, the Oral History Website interviewed with some oral history practitioners in this field. In the current interview, “Dr. Abolfazl Hasanabadi” addresses more accurate and more concrete angles of material intellectual property rights in oral history books.

Material Intellectual Property Rights-3

“Work for Hire Agreement” is the best approach with difficult publishing conditions

Following our discussion of Material Intellectual Property Rights of oral history works and the note of A Heritage With No Legal System, we discussed with Sooreh Mehr Publications and Fatehan Publications. This time, the reporter of Oral History Website interviewed with the manager editor of Sooreh Sabz Publications about material intellectual rights:

Qualitizing the Oral History Works -3


In order to understand more about how to improve the quality of book production on the subject of oral history or memoirs, the oral history website has conducted short interviews with some pundits and authorities, the results of which will be presented to the audients in the form of short notes and in several episodes.

Interview in Oral History of Sacred Defense-2

According to many experts, interview is the heart of oral history and plays the role of the first brick in oral history. That’s why it is necessary even for people who have experience and knowledge in this field to acquire more knowledge, and modify and complement previously used methods. This necessity is more evident when we re-examine the interviews that were not conducted with the necessary standards.

Material and Intellectual Rights of Oral History Works-2

The publication "Surah Mehr" focuses on respecting the equal rights of the parties

To continue the issue of material property rights and intellectual property of oral history works and heritage notes without a legal system, we discussed with Surah Mehr Publications. This time, the reporter of oral history website has interviewed the responsible manager of Fatihan Publications about material and intellectual rights: General Ali Nazeri, the responsible manager of Fatihan Publications, who has been working in the field of publishing sacred defense books for about 13 years, ...
Part of memoirs of Haojjatol Eslam Sheikh Esmaeel Dayani

Saudi attack on Iranian pilgrims

My most memorable trip happened in 1366 solar hijri (1987) during which I accidentally was the head of the caravan. On that trip, the brutal massacre of the Iranian haj pilgrims by the Saudi agents happened. That horrible tragedy occurred on Friday which was later known as "Black Friday"… Almost everybody had prepared to take part in the rally on the day of the "Disavowal of Polytheists".

Nurse of Fav Hospital

“I didn’t see this event in Ayoubi Hospital, but I did in Fav Hospital exactly. At least once a day, we witnessed the flight of Iraqi jets from that area which came to strike the hospital. Of course, our forces poured so much dirt and sand on the concrete roof of the hospital that it became like a hill, and the guys could hardly understand the sound of the bomb and...

Report on the Fourteenth Conference of Oral History- 3rd and final part

Connecting oral history to the body of power is traumatic
According to the Iranian Oral History Website, the 14th Oral History Conference titled “Oral History on Scale” was held by the History Department of the University of Isfahan and the Oral History Association of Iran on Tuesday morning, May 14, 2024; professors, experts, and ...
A review of twenty years of oral history in Iran

Scientific and professional authority; perspective of Iranian Oral History Association

If a person has a personal library in his or her house, one or more oral history books are seen among them. In recent decades, the wave of book lovers has turned towards the field of oral history, and all this rising trend is owed to the activists in this field.