A research on world countries'' flags and signs

Farshid Khodayari, researcher of Iran''s history and culture, said: "Iran''s flag is composed of signs and colors each of which carry certain historical cultural meaning. There are many sources for understanding these signs and symbols; one of them is Nosratollah Bakhtvartash''s "The History of Iran''s Flag".

Another Suicide among Pahlavis

Alireza Pahlavi was born on April 28th, 1966 in Tehran as the second son of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the dictator and last Shah of Iran. He committed suicide on January 4th 2011 at his home in Boston by gunfire.

Asnad-e Baharestan (Baharestan Documents) Quarterly will be published soon

Have you ever seen the thick quarterly of Payam-e Baharestan? Islamic Consultative Assembly (Majlis) Library and Museum publishes this quarterly under the direction of Hojjat-ul-eslam Rasool Ja’farian. We heard good news from them. This quarterly is about to publish a new professional series for documents under the title of Asnad-e Baharestan. Asnad-e Baharestan presented its goals, conditions to accept articles and other regulations as follow:

Seda (Voice), Oral History News Bulletin, New Series. No 2

Seda (Voice), oral history news bulletin, which was published in 12 issues in 2009, is going to be published with some differences in contents and numbers in 2010.

Call for Papers: Ninth European Social Science History Conference

The Oral History and Life Stories Network has become the major regular international forum for European oral history and life story researchers. The European Social Science History Conference has been held biannually since 1996.

Index of thousands of foreign books, articles about the Islamic Revolution

Mohammad Karimi said:" The data related to the published Islamic Revolution''s works, or in other words the works on the contemporary history from the constitution era so far, have been gathered in website."

Memoir of Martyred governor to be published

The Only Martyred Governor is the probable title of a book on the life of martyr Ali Ansari by Dr Rashid Jafarpour. Presently the book has been passed to the martyr''s wife for final considerations.

Writing neo-memoirs

A distinctive feature of neo-memoirs is their direct contact with war events and the people related to war. Memoirs are mainly reports with thought provoking traces void of any discrete literary devices.

Change of Iranian historical geometry and ways for facing falsification

The head of Islamic revolution specialized library of the Majlis library referred to the importance of Iran oral history which this center has paid special attention to and said that we should face the falsifications more seriously.

National Oral History Association of New Zealand Conference

Oral History in the 21st Century: Voices of Identity in a Globalised World National Oral History Association of New Zealand Conference 2011 - 2-3 April 2011

Benefits of Oral History

History, as one of the fundamental disciplines within the humanities, has evolved through time to adopt various forms and methodologies. Concepts such as "written history," "comprehensive history," and "oral history" exemplify these approaches. Written history relies on documents and textual sources for the analysis and composition of historical accounts, while comprehensive history seeks to integrate various sources—both written and oral.
Book Review

The Hidden Camp

The Hidden Camp narrates the autobiographical memoirs of Mohammad Hassan Mirzaei, recounting his experiences from managing Iraqi POW camps to enduring captivity in Iranian POW camps. This work, rewritten and compiled by Meysam Gholampour, was published in the summer of 2024 by Mirath-e Ahl-e Qalam Publications in collaboration with the Damavand Martyrs Foundation.
Book review

That Side of the Wall

Seizure of US embassy as narrated by Habibollah Bitaraf
Habibollah Bitaraf was one of three first ideologues of the seizure of the US embay and a member of the coordination council of the den of the espionage. He who was studying Civil Engineering in Technical Faculty of Tehran University at that time has first-hand memoirs about the event.

Oral history education should not rely on individuals

Today, training is considered by the oral history experts as a key issue. According to Dr. “Ali Tattari”, oral history education needs to be processed in universities so that, by approving regulations and guidelines, the education of this science does not rely on individuals and does not suffer from a crisis with the slightest change in the country's political and economic climate.