Moments of Silence Conference

This conference will provide a space for literary and artistic expressions based on the Iran-Iraq War, as developed in these two societies. March 15-17, 2011

SOHA Conference 2011

The Southwest Oral History Association invites proposals for presentations at its 2011 annual meeting to be held March 31-April 3, 2011 in Downtown Los Angeles, California. The theme “Visualizing Oral History:

Archive of Islamic Revolution

The information dissemination deputy of the Documents Center of the Islamic Revolution Javad Mansouri said:" The center ''s document ''s archive holds 3 main collection including the papers related to before and after the Islamic Revolution and Iranian documents which exist in foreign countries. So far some 10m documents have been collected."

Call for applications Workshop on Alternative Research Methodologies

The fifth SEASREP-Sephis training workshop on Alternative Research Methodologies will take place in the Philippines on 17-28 October 2011. The workshop aims to provide PhD students from the South an opportunity to strengthen the theoretical and methodological quality of their work under the guidance of experienced researchers from the South.

A Report of the 2nd Conference of Oral History(1)

Second conference of Oral History was held in Documents Organization. Historians, researchers and active people in this field were present there. On the opening day, Ali Akbar Ash’ari, the president's advisor criticized and expressed his sorrow for eliminating “Documents Day” in Iranian national calendar.

Thousands of Britain, US consulate

The manager of Majlis library''s docs center said that some 50,000 documents of Britain and the United States national archive, related to Iran(late 19th century till the WWI), have been gathered. Ali Tatari told IBNA: As Iranian''s historiography throughout the history was usually ordered by the kings and the regimes thus inaccurate issues were constantly included.

A report about the book review meeting for The Journey of seed to the flower

From this series of meetings, the one for the review of The Journey of seed to the flower was held on Monday February 7th 2011 by presence of Dr.

Documents reveal defeat of Shah Aides

History researcher, Ghasem Tabrizi says the documents show that the house of Pahlavi prepared their exit from Iran in the beginning days of 1357 (March 1978). Some of them, he said, left the country under the pretext of illness and plastic surgery.

A research on world countries'' flags and signs

Farshid Khodayari, researcher of Iran''s history and culture, said: "Iran''s flag is composed of signs and colors each of which carry certain historical cultural meaning. There are many sources for understanding these signs and symbols; one of them is Nosratollah Bakhtvartash''s "The History of Iran''s Flag".

Another Suicide among Pahlavis

Alireza Pahlavi was born on April 28th, 1966 in Tehran as the second son of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the dictator and last Shah of Iran. He committed suicide on January 4th 2011 at his home in Boston by gunfire.
Book Review

The Hidden Camp

The Hidden Camp narrates the autobiographical memoirs of Mohammad Hassan Mirzaei, recounting his experiences from managing Iraqi POW camps to enduring captivity in Iranian POW camps. This work, rewritten and compiled by Meysam Gholampour, was published in the summer of 2024 by Mirath-e Ahl-e Qalam Publications in collaboration with the Damavand Martyrs Foundation.
Book review

That Side of the Wall

Seizure of US embassy as narrated by Habibollah Bitaraf
Habibollah Bitaraf was one of three first ideologues of the seizure of the US embay and a member of the coordination council of the den of the espionage. He who was studying Civil Engineering in Technical Faculty of Tehran University at that time has first-hand memoirs about the event.

Oral history education should not rely on individuals

Today, training is considered by the oral history experts as a key issue. According to Dr. “Ali Tattari”, oral history education needs to be processed in universities so that, by approving regulations and guidelines, the education of this science does not rely on individuals and does not suffer from a crisis with the slightest change in the country's political and economic climate.

Filming the crime of Shah's agents in morgue

On that day [9th of Dey 1357 in Mashhad – December 30, 1978], the whole city was in chaos; the hospitals, the shops, and in addition to these, the movie theatre was burning in fire. Even, I heard that some people had gone and set fire some centers such as "Iran-America Society" or the ones connected to the foreigners. The clashes continued till almost sunset.