Oral History News of April-May 2024

According to Iran's Oral History website, "News of the Month" is the title of a series of reports on this website. These reports have a look at the news related to the topic of the website in written and virtual media. In the following, you will read news from April-May 2024. Research Vice President of Jurisprudential Heritage Institute emphasized the ...

The 351st Night of Memory-3

The 351st Night of Memory was held on 4th October 26 of 2023 in Sooreh Hall of the Art Centre of the Islamic Revolution. The narrators of the night, Brigadier General Ali Asghar Keshavarz, Nasser Sharifian and Mr. Navidi recounted their memoirs about martyr Abbas Rostami who was a wrestler and the person in charge of the camp of Iraqi captives. Also, the book "My brother is still present" authored by Miss Mansoureh Qanadian was unveiled.

The 351st Night of Memory -2

The 351st Night of Memory was held on 4th October 26 of 2023 in Sooreh Hall of the Art Centre of the Islamic Revolution. The narrators of the night, Brigadier General Ali Asghar Keshavarz, Nasser Sharifian and Mr. Navidi recounted their memoirs about martyr Abbas Rostami who was a wrestler and the person in charge of the camp of Iraqi captives. Also, the book "My brother is still present" authored by Miss Mansoureh Qanadian was unveiled.

The 351st Night of Memory

My brother is still present

The 351st show of Night of Memory was held on 4th of Aban 1402 (October 26, 2023) in Sooreh Hall of the Art Centre of the Islamic Revolution. The narrators of the show, Brigadier General Ali Asghar Keshavarz, Nasser Sharifian and Mr. Navidi recounted their memoirs about martyr Abbas Rostami who was a wrestler and the person ...

The 350th Night of Memory

Stable border

The 350th Night of Memory was held with the narration of Faraja Frontier on the September 28 of 2024 in the Surah Hall of the Islamic Revolution Arts Center under the title "Stable Border". In this program, Brigadier General Jalal Setareh, Second Brigadier Gholam Hossein Yaghobi and Kiast Sepehri; the border guard commander of Kermanshah ...

Oral History News of March-April 2024

According to Iran's Oral History website, "News of the Month" is the title of a series of reports on this website. These reports have a look at the news related to the topic of the site in written and virtual media. In the following, you will read news from April 2024. The book "Oral History Recording" written by Valeri Raleigh Yow and translated by Hossein Farahani was published by Surah Mehr Publication ...

The 349th Night of Memoir

Blood Sharer

The 349th Night of Memoir was held on Thursday, August 24, 2023 in the Surah Hall of the Islamic Revolution Arts Center with the title “Blood Sharer” . In this program, Alireza Rajabi Jafari, Aref Jafari and the defender of the shrine, Seyyed Musafir gave their memories. Davood Salehi was in charge of performing this night of memory.

348th Session of Memory Night-3

The 348th session of memory night titled “Chokan Homeini” was held in Sooreh Auditorium of the Artistic Sect of the Islamic Republic on Thursday, August 3, 2023. In this session, Hedayatollah Navvab, Abolfazl Hajj Hasanbeigi, and Ehsan Dorostkar, fighters of Jihad Sazandegi, shared their memories. Mehdi Aghabeigi hosted this night of memory.

News of Oral History (February-March 2024/Esfand 1402 SH)

According to Iranian Oral History Website, “News of the Month" is title of a series of reports on this website. These reports have a look at the news related to the topic of the site in written and digital media. In the following, you will read news from February-March 2024 (Esfand 1402 SH).

348th Session of Memory Night-2

The 348th session of memory night titled “Chokan Homeini” was held in Sooreh Auditorium of the Artistic Sect of the Islamic Republic on Thursday, August 3, 2023. In this session, Hedayatollah Navvab, Abolfazl Hajj Hasanbeigi, and Ehsan Dorostkar, fighters of Jihad Sazandegi, shared their memories. Mehdi Aghabeigi hosted this night of memory.
Part of memoirs of Haojjatol Eslam Sheikh Esmaeel Dayani

Saudi attack on Iranian pilgrims

My most memorable trip happened in 1366 solar hijri (1987) during which I accidentally was the head of the caravan. On that trip, the brutal massacre of the Iranian haj pilgrims by the Saudi agents happened. That horrible tragedy occurred on Friday which was later known as "Black Friday"… Almost everybody had prepared to take part in the rally on the day of the "Disavowal of Polytheists".

Nurse of Fav Hospital

“I didn’t see this event in Ayoubi Hospital, but I did in Fav Hospital exactly. At least once a day, we witnessed the flight of Iraqi jets from that area which came to strike the hospital. Of course, our forces poured so much dirt and sand on the concrete roof of the hospital that it became like a hill, and the guys could hardly understand the sound of the bomb and...

Report on the Fourteenth Conference of Oral History- 3rd and final part

Connecting oral history to the body of power is traumatic
According to the Iranian Oral History Website, the 14th Oral History Conference titled “Oral History on Scale” was held by the History Department of the University of Isfahan and the Oral History Association of Iran on Tuesday morning, May 14, 2024; professors, experts, and ...
A review of twenty years of oral history in Iran

Scientific and professional authority; perspective of Iranian Oral History Association

If a person has a personal library in his or her house, one or more oral history books are seen among them. In recent decades, the wave of book lovers has turned towards the field of oral history, and all this rising trend is owed to the activists in this field.