Operation Matla’olfajr

It was the last days of the month of Azar (December) and the garrison had the mood of an operation. A joint operation was supposed to be carried out by the IRGC and the army under the responsibility of Najaf Headquarters and the Army’s Leading Headquarters in the west. The movement to and from the garrison had increased. Finally, the operation began on 20th of Azar 1360 (December 11, 1981), on the Gilan-e Gharb and Sarpol-e Zahab area.

It is lunchtime; We are hungry very much!

The routine of our [Fatemeh Keshavarzian] rallies was that the boys would walk from their high school, located behind our school (school name: Mahboobeh Mottaheddin), to the girls’ school to go together to where they were supposed to rally. The brothers, as they had done in the previous days, approached our school and opened the door. I and a few female students who had been waiting for the revolutionary brothers to arrive, joined them.

Revealing the SAVAK Plans

One of our friends, Mr. Movahedi, had brought me a radio that could pick up all the news and information that the SAVAK agents were exchanging, and I wrote down a few things from there and conveyed them to the Imam through the late martyr Iraqi. One was a plan to encourage people in such a way that a group of people would infiltrate the people to attack the barracks and ...

Memoirs of Political Prisoners

An Excerpt from the Memoirs of Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi

It was night. The air had grown cold and dark. An army truck was parked beside the gendarmerie in Qom, waiting for me and two other gentlemen. Each of us was assigned two armed guards. Given the extreme unrest in Qom, they seemed eager to get us out of the city as quickly as possible.

Memoirs of Haj Abolfazl Almasi

One of the Islamic Revolution fighters in Qom

Salutations to all the warriors of Islam, followed by a loud blessing: "Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad wa Aali Muhammad wa ‘ajil farajahum" This was the sound of women gathering in our home to collect public donations for the war front. It was the autumn of 1980, and the war had just begun. Streams of aid from the people were flowing toward the battlefields.

Memories of Monireh Armaghan; Wife of Martyr Mehdi Zainuddin

He said, “We are not in the south anymore, we are going to the west. There is not safe. I can't take you with me. You have to go back to Qom.” We didn't have a house in Qom, I went to my father's house. Later, he called and said, “I’m on the way. Go to my father's house, I will come too.” I remember that night well. His mother had made Fesenjan; Mehdi's favorite food.

Filming the crime of Shah's agents in morgue

On that day [9th of Dey 1357 in Mashhad – December 30, 1978], the whole city was in chaos; the hospitals, the shops, and in addition to these, the movie theatre was burning in fire. Even, I heard that some people had gone and set fire some centers such as "Iran-America Society" or the ones connected to the foreigners. The clashes continued till almost sunset.

Exiling Hujjat al-Islam Wal-Muslimeen Mohammad Mahdi Roshan to Zabul

“Mr. Sabah”, a city police officer, was seen in Kamaliyeh Seminary. He came to me and took me back to prison. I was sure that I would be exiled. At night, they put me in one of the solitary cells of my imprisonment. It was 12 p.m. when I was informed of arresting Hujjat al-Islam Wal-Muslimeen Seyyed Fakhruddin Rahimi. Exile was definite.

Memories of Muhammad Nabi Rudaki About Operation Muharram

Operation Muharram ranged from Abu Ghraib to Bayat checkpoint. The forces of Imam Hossein (a.s.) Brigade, who were shock troopers, faced the flooding of the Doirej River in Chamsari area and most of their three battalions were washed away. Hossein Kharazi and I went there in the next morning. Their martyrs were often martyred with rescuers' backpacks, stretchers and guns in their hands, and ...

Night raid and brutal arrest

They took me out of the room and did not let me put on my shoes. I said slowly: Why are you pulling me? Let me put on my shoes. He said: pull him. They pulled me with a shirt and a jacket that I was wearing. It was just like trying to pull a sack. They almost took me like this for a long distance until we reached the end of the street. There, they pushed me into the car like a sack. I told them: I will get in myself, why are you bothering me?
At the Unveiling of “War and State”:

Minister of Health Praises the Prestigious Sadr Family

The book War and State in the Memoirs of Seyyed Mohammad Sadr, authored by Mohammad Qobadi and published by Sooreh Mehr, was officially unveiled at the The Artistic Sect of the Islamic Republic. According to the Sooreh Mehr Publishing website, this event was attended by Mohammadreza Zafarghandi, Minister of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education;
Dr. Nouraei:

“Oral history of art” should move toward producing documentaries

According to Iranian Oral History website, the preliminary workshop of “Oral History of Art” was held online before the national conference “Iranian Theories of Historiography and Art” on Wednesday 21st of Azar 1403 (December 11, 2024) by the Art Research Institute of the Art Cultural Center. During the event, “Dr. Morteza Nouraee” the professor of the History Group of Isfahan University delivered a speech.

Benefits of Oral History

History, as one of the fundamental disciplines within the humanities, has evolved through time to adopt various forms and methodologies. Concepts such as "written history," "comprehensive history," and "oral history" exemplify these approaches. Written history relies on documents and textual sources for the analysis and composition of historical accounts, while comprehensive history seeks to integrate various sources—both written and oral.
Book Review

The Hidden Camp

The Hidden Camp narrates the autobiographical memoirs of Mohammad Hassan Mirzaei, recounting his experiences from managing Iraqi POW camps to enduring captivity in Iranian POW camps. This work, rewritten and compiled by Meysam Gholampour, was published in the summer of 2024 by Mirath-e Ahl-e Qalam Publications in collaboration with the Damavand Martyrs Foundation.