Oral History Workshop – 12


Shahed Yazdan
Translated by M. B. Khoshnevisan


The oral history website is going to provide the educational materials of some oral history workshops to the audience in written form. The present series has been prepared using the materials of one of these workshops. As you will see, many of the provided contents are not original or less said contents, but we have tried to provide categorized contents so that they can be used more.





After we decided to do the work by keeping the questions or removing them, we must use punctuation marks in our text to make the text "easy-to-read". We put dots, commas, question marks or exclamation marks and the likes in the places of the text where it is necessary.


Note: The principle is that the sentences should be as short as possible.


After placing punctuation marks, we use prepositions such as "from", "with", "in", "that" and other such things to make the text "goo-to-read".

So far, we have not changed the original text and have only made it easy-to-read and good-to-read.

In the next step, if necessary, we move the sentences and change their order to obtain a good form of the text. At this stage, we do not remove or add a sentence, but we may just change the order of the sentences depending on the need.

Then we add explanations and clarifications of ambiguous points that were written before in the form of footnotes to the main text to complete the first chapter; after that, we do the same for the rest of the chapters of the book.

Be sure that at this stage, you also need to refer to the narrator and ask him or her ambiguous things.


Until the book is finalized, supplementary interview does not get off the back of researcher and narrator!


Spoken or written tone

Spoken tone or broken writing style is the words that the narrator says literally, for example, he says "I'm going" or "we went" while he means "I went". On the other hand, there is written language style, which turns the narrator's speech into writing and replaces the word "I am going" with a slang word like "I'm gonna".

Currently, it is customary to convert the spoken tone into a written one, except in direct quotations. In a direct quotation, the tone of speech must be placed inside an open and closed quotation mark; For example: "He said to me: Mammad, let's go."


In direct quotation, the exact phrase is cited in broken writing style.


In late sacred defense period, a number of oral history books were published about the war, which had been edited in broken writing style; but the Academy of Persian Language and Literature found fault with it due to the deviation in the Persian language, and gradually, it made them go more towards writing in written language style. At the same time, everyone agrees that wherever there is a direct quotation, it should be written in broken written style.

In direct quotation, if the sentence is in another language, it should be cited in the exact form and its translation should be written in the footnote. Even if a person mispronounced a word, it should be written in the same way as it was said, and if an explanation is needed, it should be mentioned in the footnote.


Number of Visits: 1226


Full Name:
Part of memoirs of Seyed Hadi Khamenei

The Arab People Committee

Another event that happened in Khuzestan Province and I followed up was the Arab People Committee. One day, we were informed that the Arabs had set up a committee special for themselves. At that time, I had less information about the Arab People , but knew well that dividing the people into Arab and non-Arab was a harmful measure.
Book Review

Kak-e Khak

The book “Kak-e Khak” is the narration of Mohammad Reza Ahmadi (Haj Habib), a commander in Kurdistan fronts. It has been published by Sarv-e Sorkh Publications in 500 copies in spring of 1400 (2022) and in 574 pages. Fatemeh Ghanbari has edited the book and the interview was conducted with the cooperation of Hossein Zahmatkesh.

Is oral history the words of people who have not been seen?

Some are of the view that oral history is useful because it is the words of people who have not been seen. It is meant by people who have not been seen, those who have not had any title or position. If we look at oral history from this point of view, it will be objected why the oral memories of famous people such as revolutionary leaders or war commanders are compiled.

Daily Notes of a Mother

Memories of Ashraf-al Sadat Sistani
They bring Javad's body in front of the house. His mother comes forward and says to lay him down and recite Ziarat Warith. His uncle recites Ziarat and then tells take him to the mosque which is in the middle of the street and pray the funeral prayer (Ṣalāt al-Janāzah) so that those who do not know what the funeral prayer is to learn it.