"Meeting in Fakkeh (Molaghat dar Fakkeh", Narrating Genius of a Young Commander

Shima Donyadar Rostami
Translated by Ruhollah Golmoradi


Undoubtedly wars have always been a place where elites and geniuses have emerged. Hasan Bagheri has also been mentioned among the geniuses. When he participated in the meeting of the Army War Room on November 16, 1980 and demonstrated his comprehensive knowledge on status of the entire south front to senior officials, he was appreciated by all. Hasan Bagheri, at the age of 24, had become so famous that senior members of High Council of Defense and senior military officials looked at him as someone who was aware of the most accurate information and could provide a solution.

"Meeting in Fakkeh" written by Saeed Alamian addresses biography of martyr Hasan Bagheri (Gholamhossein Afshordi). Alamian had already addressed his life based on account of six martyr commanders and 170 narrators in three-volume series of "Narrative of Life of Martyr Hasan Bagheri", but "Meeting in Fakkeh" using oral memoirs of 65 narrators, mention 28 months of history of the war in form of biography of martyr Hasan Bagheri. Among narrators of oral memories, there are also names of martyrs such as Mohammad Ebrahim Hemmat, Mehdi Zeinoddin, Mehdi Bakeri, Hamid Moienian, Davood Karimi and Ali Sayyad Shirazi.

The author tries to illustrate the first years of the war alongside Hasan Bagheri by bringing numerous narratives and according to temporal sequence. There are plenty of operational details in this book that indicate Alamian referrals to numerous documents and narrators. However, the book has a good composition. While the martyr's pictures and documents along with exact explanations which are extracted from text of the book are represented at the end of "Meeting in Fakkeh", but bringing these photos in the midst of chapters could add to attractiveness of the book. As follow we will review 22 chapters of the book.

"Mischief Child" is title of first chapter of the book. The author addresses in this chapter childhood narratives of Gholamhossein based on memories of his mother, sister, brother (Major General Mohammad Bagheri) and one of neighbors. A child while who was not very strong physically, but did his best for mischief and playfulness. In page 18, we read, "His mother who once was concerned about losing the skinny boy, now was worried about events that his mischief and over activeness could have endangered his life." Childhood deviltries, early years of school and his treat with the neighbors are other issues of this season.

The second chapter titled "End of Childhood," addresses spiritual developments of Gholamhossein during adolescence. While it seemed he made little or no attention to school and education, he was diligent in studying religious books, interpretations of the Quran, and research on Imamat, Prophecy, and Mahdism. How his social personality was formed and his activities are described in the same chapter. We read in page 29, "he didn't advise anyone face to face; he did not say I prayed on time, you also get up and pray on time. When we went out by car, voice of Azan which was heart from each mosque, he stopped and went to the same mosque for praying. When he got off car, he did not say to anyone that you also come and pray. This was the best way for us to enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong."

In this chapter, in addition to the previous narrators, oral memories of cousin of the martyr, his co-neighborhood and some other relatives of martyr Bagheri have also been addressed. The author has written name of the narrators in footnotes of the book.

The third chapter is called "Unfinished Education" and refers to story of his expulsion from major of "animal husbandry" in Rezaieh University (Urmia) because of his political and religious activities. Of course, he also had been accepted in field of "Judicial Sciences", but he didn't see pre-revolutionary judicial system having necessary qualifications for his activities. Hence, after the revolution, he immediately followed the same field.

Due to expulsion from the university, Gholamhossein was obliged to go to Jaldian Garrison in Naghadeh on April 1978 for passing military service. We read In part of page 45, "Imam Khomeini on December 2, 1978, coincidence the first day of Muharram, ordered soldiers in a message to leave the garrison. Gholamhossein was one of the first persons who executed this decree. He even detested remaining in military service before the order. On the other hand, he wanted to stay and speak with soldiers in order not to stand up against people and not to shoot and struggle."

Alamian has also placed documents such as letters and articles of Shahid Bagheri in Kayhan newspaper in the midst of oral memoirs. In addition to using memories of the martyr's family and friends, other sources such as "Collection of Hasan Bagheri Memories" and "Daily Notes of Martyr Hasan Bagheri" have been also used in this chapter.

"Narrative of Victory", which is title of the fourth chapter, refers to different presence of Gholamhossein in the streets of Tehran for victory of Islamic Revolution. Using art of writing, he participated in these events as an eyewitness and wrote notes on this subject. In parts of remained notes by martyr Afshordi (in page 50), we read about tumults of street fights against Pahlavi regime, "Some flying helicopters in high height were seen since noon. As they approached, people took shelter alongside walls. There were many bullets on windows and walls of the street, which suggested intense clashes. Of course, gathering of people peaked in front of street of entrance of the air force. At this time, a helicopter took off from the air force and heighted, and after an anti-aircraft shooting, they began to strike the helicopter. About 100 to 200 cartridges were shot for him that all were wasted because of being moving the target and its distance, and difficultness of shooting in standing position. According to words of crowd, the helicopter pilot was known and had brought ammunition."

In fifth chapter, the martyr's classmates in university have also been added to narrators. Winning of Islamic Revolution, acceptance in major of law in University of Tehran, beginning of the first academic year, attempts to Islamize universities and activities of dependent cabals in educational environments and Gholamhossein participation in apprenticeship courses of judiciary are among other topics in this chapter.

Now Gholamhossein Afshordi was not just a revolutionary student. He joined editorial board of "Jomhouri-e Eslami" newspaper because of his interest in journalism and charming articles before the revolution. Chapter of "An Adventurous Correspondent" deals with narratives of journalism and reporting of this martyr. In page 59, we read, "Gholamhossein was one of those people whom each editor wishes to have such forces. He showed his competence in the very first two months that editor in chief selected him to dispatch a journalist to Algeria."

In the chapter, it is also addressed manner of Gholamhossein Afshordi in reporting and journalism based on daily archive of Jomhouri-e Eslami Newspaper. Activity of this young journalist was as much as that the newspaper pages weren't empty of reports, news, and content any day. Most of Gholamhossein's time was spent in the newspaper, however, he felt more revolutionary commitment, and this tied his research spirit with intelligence unit of IRGC. In chapter of "Birth of Hasan Bagheri", oral narratives from Major General Mohsen Rezaee and some of Gholamhossein's colleagues in the newspaper have addressed this field. Maj. Gen. Mohsen Rezaee narrates about him in page 78, "He came to me and said: "I am Afshordi, a journalist in Jomhouri-e Eslami Newspaper. I'm ready to help. I see counter-revolutionary forces are assassinating and causing insecurity. I want to do something for security of the country. In the same initial words, I realized he was one of those we were looking for; he was a talented person and had a rich analysis of conditions of the country. We determined nickname or code for our friends. We chose name of "Hasan Bagheri" for him."

In the following, it is addressed presence of Hasan Bagheri in the front which was narrated by narrators such as Morteza Sarhangi, Saeed Sadeghi, Rear admiral Shamkhani, General Mehdi Sabooni, General Hossein Daghighi and some of his companions and friends.

From the seventh chapter titled "Water War", the author enters more seriously into the battlefield along with Hasan Bagheri, and expresses these moments by the narrator. The event of great flood of Khuzestan in 1980 and preventing the enemy's movement by water are topics that are being pursued in this chapter. Hasan Bagheri, through his best awareness, sends all his forces to identify dry canals which are inclined to the enemy, stops advance of the enemy for a while.

Alamian have assumed audiences of the book are aware of war zones. Hence, disambiguation of the book is more based on individuals and the narrators. Footnotes addresses less to places and most of them have information about people and the narrators.

"The Plan Room", which had been equipped as result of initiative of martyr Bagheri in golf, is title of Chapter VIII. Identifying intelligence weaknesses, determining people to identify the battlefield, and eventually establishing the unit of operation intelligence, how to equip this unit and how to identify the enemy are contents of this part. In page 115 we read, "Hasan Bagheri wrote a seven pages and seventeen paragraphs detailed report to the authorities fifty days after start of the war on November 11, 1980. Despite describing causes of failure to confront the invading Iraqi Ba'ath army, he presented an analysis of disorganizations of the first fifty days of the war."

"The 2:20 Minute Pillar" is the ninth chapter of the book. In this chapter, which began with advent of seizing road of Susangerd-Hoveizeh, abilities of Hasan Bagheri in identifying battlefields are revealed for all. In a narration stated by martyr Davood Karimi, the reasons for calling martyr Bagheri "2:20 Minute" are presented.

The 10th chapter of the book begins with a brief description of Operation Nasr. Hasan Bagheri, after the operation, reports reasons for its failure and anticipates subsequent Ba'athist operation. It is stated in narrative of brigadier general Sirus Lotfi in page 128, "This prediction even surprised us, because he had not already told us. It didn't last more than a week that the enemy did annexation and installed several bridges upon Karkheh Koor, Nissan and Nahr-e Sableh rivers. All predictions of brother Bagheri were realized and all praised for his military genius and intelligence."
Chapter XI titled "Exit from Cul-de-sac" begins with a short sentence in notebook of martyr Bagheri, "We must hearten ourselves. This kind of fight doesn't work; the strategy of war needs to change. "This sentence was a summary of meeting with commanders in which his idea was accepted.
As a result of implementing innovative operations, booty and captives were obtained. In page 137 we read: "He, in his own way, perhaps as a result of having journalist background, conversed with Iraqi prisoners and got information that would help much in understanding nature of the Iraq army."

When Bani-Sadr was removed from commander-in-chief post in June 1981, Hasan Bagheri was among those who had prepared an operation. The operation was renamed operation of "Khomeini, Spirit of God, Commander-in-Chief" because of deposing Bani-Sadr. This topic is pursued in chapter XII titled "Entering Commanding Arena". In part of page 143 it is cited by Fathollah Jafari, "acumen, power of analyzing problems and fast decision-making in critical moments turned Hasan Bagheri into a great war commander."
By approaching middle of the book, that is, in chapter XIII, there is narrated story of going Hasan Bagheri for proposing. This chapter titled "Warfare Propose!" mostly focuses on personality and position of martyr Hasan Bagheri's wife, Parvin Daiepour. In page 152 we read in his oral narration, "He had a ripe voice. He said, my name is not Hasan Bagheri. I am Gholamhossein Afshordi..."
All acknowledge role of Hasan Bagheri in Operation Samen ol-A'emeh (AS). His impression is elaborated in chapter four titled "Great Transition in The War." It is stated in page 168, "In this operation, Hasan Bagheri innovated. He coordinated with forces of the oil company before the operation in order to pour much black oil on Karun River using oil pipes. This oil, which was one to two centimeters deep, began from northern point of Karun and directed toward the south. When that large black oil flared on Karun, its smoke caused the enemy not to see the area."

The "Key of Tariq al-Qods Castle" is title of the fifteenth chapter. Hasan Bagheri had shown his commanding initiatives and in this chapter we read he sought establishing a brigade and a battalion for the IRGC; an introduction that advances well Operation Tariq al-Qods. In page 181, as quoted by Mohsen Rezaee, we read, "I felt Hasan, is not that Hasan who gave me information and sent prime reports a year ago, this Hasan, in addition to intelligence issues, has acquired a very high operational capability."
When Operation Tariq al-Qods ended successfully, IRGC commanders began to prepare a greater operation, but the enemy had forestalled and implemented a major attack on Chazabeh. Chapter XVI deals with "Battle of Chazabeh". The bad news came one after another until after capturing heights of Nabaah by the enemy, Hasan Bagheri decided to go himself for detection. Major General Mohammad Bagheri narrates in page 191, "My brother was still injured and there was a crack on his skull. Physicians had forbidden him from direct presence and activity in the front. He did not stand. All commanders tried to stop him; but he did not pay attention and went. After a few hours he returned and described situation of that area."

"The Great Conquest" is title of chapter XVII. This chapter, which is dedicated to Operation "Fath ol-Mobin", in addition to describing anxious moments of commanding this major operation, also reveals how Bagheri treats war booty. Fathollah Jafari (page 218 of the book), who accompanied Bagheri in visiting booty, says, "Hasan Bagheri had a purpose for this visit; he wanted to see which countries did help Iraq? And how effective were they for us? One of booty carrier was French. He examined it carefully and saw its Portable Transceiver; it was a Thomson one. He asked which models has the country? Has it cannon? How about a rocket launcher? I realized that he knew different models."
Chapter eighteen is "The Glorious Day." After Operation Fath ol-Mobin Khorramshahr should be released. Hasan Bagheri carefully examined Iraq anti-attack before the operation. He assembled Iraqi captive officers and talked with them. In page 237, we read from oral narrative of General Asghar Kazemi, "Hasan Bagheri examined issues from perspective of Iraqi people. If we wanted to do an operation, he would infuse Iraqi officers that Iraq wants to attack and we want to defend. The Iraqi officer in captive was unaware of general atmosphere of that day ... he tried in his own thought to misguide Hasan, so he hid some things; the very things he hid and mislead were precisely what we needed."
Chapter XIX is called "Taste of Failure". This chapter is dedicated to Israeli attack on Lebanon, deployment some troops from the armed forces of Iran to Syria and five stages of Operation Ramadan; Issues that had a profound impact on Hasan Bagheri. In page 269, we read as quoted by Major General Gholamali Rashid, "We felt Hasan was no longer the former Hasan and he completely changed; sometimes he came to the headquarter from work and activity, or when we saw him on the way, we felt that in a soon future we would not have the commander, and God would take him from us."

"Return of Victory", which is chapter XX, refers to formation of the operation Muharram in November 1982. General Ahmad Gholampour (p. 281) says, "Operation Muharram was conducted under supervision of Karbala headquarter and commanded by Hasan Bagheri and his deputy Majid Baghaee, and in this operation we captured a lot of Iraqi fighters and great and important goals. Operation Muharram led to change our entire strategy about the war."
The twenty-first chapter of the book is titled "Worried about Future of The War". Victory in the operation Muharram made people happy and had a positive effect on morale of the commanders, Hasan Bagheri saw signs of becoming the battle tougher. Consequently, in several meetings with commanders of the war it was decided to determine external targets for the battle. In page 293 we read: "Hasan Bagheri also had established an external unit. Members of the organization were Iraqi captives and warriors who later formed the Badr Brigade."
The last chapter of the book is titled "Meeting in Fakkeh". This chapter addresses planning Operation Valfajr Moghadamati, Operation Muharram, and then, martyrdom of Hasan Bagheri as narrated by his friends, comrades and friends. Hasan Bagheri, who moved toward Fakkeh with his brother and some of his comrades, died a martyr during firing of Baathist mortars. In page 304 narrative, Maj. Gen. Mohsen Rezaee narrates, "At first, they did not tell me Hasan died a martyr. They said he was injured. As soon as they said he was wounded, as if there was an explosion in my brain. For a moment I did not have a normal state; like someone who is missing, a person who suffers a mental shock. I was worried that perhaps he had died a martyr and they didn't want to tell me. So that I knew from movements of the guys that it is true, he died a martyr. I suddenly felt I was in vacuum. I felt the war had reached a decisive moment and I had lost one of my arms."
"Meeting in Fakkeh: Biography of Shahid Hasan Bagheri (Gholamhossein Afshordi)" was first published as 661st book which is produced in the Office of Literature and Art and 22nd Festschrift in this series of books by Publication Sooreh Mehr in 2017 and this year (2018) was published for the first time.

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