From Tabriz to Syria with "Like Himself"

Do You Mean Hamzeh? That Abolfazl Lover Martyr

Elham Saleh
Translated by Rohollah Golmoradi


"Like Himself" is title of the book. It is the third volume of the book series of Shrine Defenders that has published by Revayat Fath Publications in order to describe part of life of people who went to Syria to defend shrine of Hazrat Zeinab (AS) and Syrian, and were martyred. The book narrates life of martyr Hemed Javani. He was born in 1990 that two times went to Syria and wounded in his hands and eyes due to exploding cannonball, went into a Coma and finally was martyred.


Describing His Life and Footnotes

"Like Himself" starts with Hamed Javani's parent life, then birth of Amir, older son of Jafar Javani, and finally birth of Hamed. The book talk about characteristics of Hamed javani during his childhood and teenage: "in home, every delayed work was done by Hamed. It was rarely happened that they bring someone for wiring and repairing a tab that was leaking, painting the walls and also installing glass. Hamed was weather skillful in these fields or if not, he was trained to learn and do them himself." (p:19)

The book includes other parts moreover than describing Hamed Javani. Footnotes of the book help to understanding better the text. For example, there are explanations in the footnotes about Persian meaning of the sentences that are written in Turkish; such as explanations about diverse ceremonies like ceremony of "Shah Hossein" that is hold during first 10 days of Muharram in Azerbaijan provinces of Iran and in a widened level in Tabriz in occasion of Imam Hossein martyrdom. 


Dispatch to Syria

There are information in the book that guide the audience, for example about the region that Hamed Javani was dispatched there; where in south of Syria that was one of the main region of war and included provinces of Damascus, Daraa, Quneitra and As-Suwayda. Place of mission of Hamed was in Headquarter Nabuwat in a city called Khabab that is located in crossroad of Damascus, Daraa and Quneitra, and in the past was central building of a university named Qasioun was there.

It is also noted that how Hamed dispatched to Syria. He was of the first Pasdars (Third Lieutenant) that was informed about dispatching to Syria and registered. January 2015, Hamed Javani was receipted dispatch form.

Hamed went to Syria for the second time in April 2015. He and some of his friends took their dispatch forms from operating Army Ashura in order to dispatch to Tehran and then Syria.


The Book Features

"Like Himself" is compiled in a few pages. This is the most important of the books that are published by Revayat Fath Publication. Series such as "Era of the Closed Doors", "Shokaran (hemlock)", "The Hidden Half-moon", "The Sky" etc… addresses life of their subjects, "Like Himself" has also the trait. Because of this there is stated no extra words and their life are narrated shortly. As well as, in the book, in a short time we approached when Hamed is wounded: "they arrived about at noon in Jurin and engaged immediately. They got 107 mm divisional gun. After one or two shootings, they thought they should address camouflaging the gun and defenses around it. Their shooting dust wasn't still finished that their 107 mm divisional gun was stroke; as the earth had been exploded. Hamed was thrown away the hill near 107 mm divisional gun by blast wave. In the blink of an eye, all his body was filled with hot steel shrapnels." (p: 48)

Hamed Javani was injured his hands and eyes and went into a Coma. He was hospitalized first in Syria and his brothers went to see him; he stated: "Hamed was well-known "Abolfazl Lover Martyr" among the wounded and Iranian doctors in Syria. Amir had heart it first when he had arrived Damascus. Hamed was known Syria in the name of Hamzeh. Because of security issues, anyone is not called there by his original name. When he looked for Hamzeh and addressed him everyone, he heart Hamed was called by the name: "Do you mean Hamzeh? That Abolfazl Lover Martyr?" (pp: 56& 57)


Martyrdom and Family Patience

The book is so impressive and more when words connect the audience to martyrdom of Hamed Javani, when his father was informed and to his mother patience: "he found nurse station number; 269. He called the number and said "I'm father of one of the wounded that has brought from Syria; father of Hamed Javani. The ICU stated we will call you. Have you transfer my son to another division?", then he heart that "God give you enough patience. Your son martyred one hour ago." (pp: 69&70)

Martyr's father when talks about him says continuously "be pleasant my son" (he says in Turkish). The book finishes with the words of him: "I have written in Quran that God detaches martyrs for own and buys him. That is a martyr has done something that God is his client. My Hamed also did something that God accepted it and has told his angels detach Hamed for me and bring him. He has done something that I, as his father, in Day of Judgment will visit the Prophet and his offspring and Fatimah (AS) proudly. Because of this I say: be pleasant my son!" (pp: 85&86)


Easy and chummy prose

"Like Himself" in one of the books that simply and casually, with intimately and persuasively prose, narrates a subject, the subject in a series of books "Shrine Defenders" is dedicated to the martyrs of shrine defenders. Simplicity and intimacy between the audience and the book is an integral feature of the series and similar collections (The Hidden Half-moon, Shokaran (hemlock), The Sky, Era of Closed Doors, etc.). The book has a fictional language but there are memories about one of the shrine martyrs in it and it is included in the group of memories books.

"Like Himself" ends with photos of martyr Hamed Javani, photos that have been taken individually or together with his friends and the last photo depicts his funeral.

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