Resistance Arts Office releases its 600th title

15 December 2011

The 600th released title by the Resistance Literature and Arts Office of the Howzeh Honari was unveiled in a ceremony held yesterday, November 27, 2011.

Nurodin; Iran's Son is the book's title. The ceremony was attended by Hujatoleslam Mehdi Khamoushi, head of the Islamic Propagation Organization, Mohsen Momeni, president of the Howzeh Honari, Morteza Sarhangi, director of the Resistance Literature and Arts Office, Shakur Akbarzadeh, representative of Tabrizi people at the Islamic parliament, Nurodin Afi, the book's narrator, and Masoumeh Sepehri, the book's writer, at Mehr Hall of the Howzeh Honari.

In his keynote speech, Hujatoleslam Khamoushi revered the book and stated that the memories collected in the book cast a profound look at the Sacred Defense events and can be seen as a proper resources for one in search of reality of those days.

As he said, the book's text is written very fluently and human emotions are evident in its sentences. "All the collected memories depict comrades' wholehearted beliefs and I hope that publication of such books will be continued in the future," he added.

During its 23 year's life, the Resistance Literature and Arts Office of the Howzeh Honari has published as many as 600 book titles, asserted Morteza Sarhangi in his address. "Today, the office has stepped into its 24th year and owes all of its achievements to its well-organized staff," he asserted.

He went on to say that memoirs have advanced so significantly in Iran that various styles can be assumed for it which can be meticulously researched.

He further commented on the unveiled book and stated that the writer managed to narrate the story events in a credible and readable fashion.

As he added, considering details is a key factor in creating permanent works. "The truth about the Sacred Defense era is that it is not over yet and a lot can be told and written about it," he argued.

Foreign researchers welcome Sacred Defense recollections, he asserted, and every year a delegation of researchers from Bosnia visit the Resistance Literature office in Tehran to learn about its latest experiences regarding Sacred Defense memories and narrations collecting; they tend to use such memories in their war literature. "Such memories should be deemed as pure national treasury and researchers should seek peopled like Nurodin Afi."

At the end of the ceremony, winners of a recent book-reading contest by the office were praised.

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