Thesis: Oral History in Iranian Architectural History

10 September 2011

The defense session for the thesis of Seyyedeh Mitra Hashemi under the title of "Oral History in Iranian Architectural History: An Introduction to Theoretical and Practical Issues" would be held at Architecture and Urban Planning Faculty of Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran on September 12th, 2:00 PM, for MA degree on Iranian Architecture Studies. This thesis is about to present an study on theoretical and practical aspects of Oral history and their connection with Architecture History. The abstract is as follow:

Many people, who know the Iranian architecture, will die soon and as a result of this event, we will miss a great knowledge about Iranian architecture. Despite the vast importance of oral evidences in architectural history, especially the Iranian one, there is no research on the relationship between oral history and architectural history. This research analyses this relationship in theory and practice.
Theoretical issues start with discussions about the essence of history, oral history, and architectural history; with an analysis of their similarities and dissimilarities. These discussions lead us to a definition about oral history of Iranian architecture. The next issue is about the benefits of oral history in architectural history. The last issue includes the background of oral history and its application in architectural history, especially the Iranian one.
Practical issues start with the method of gathering oral evidences, with a focus on the basics of interview. The next issue is about the process of analyzing and archiving the interviews. The last issue includes the methods and problems of organizing and publishing this kind of historical narratives.
This research prepare theoretical and practical principles of oral history in Iranian architectural history for researchers that want to find and save the knowledge of people who know the Iranian architecture.

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