Asnad-e Baharestan (Baharestan Documents) Quarterly will be published soon

5 January 2011

Have you ever seen the thick quarterly of Payam-e Baharestan? Have you enjoyed the articles collected in it? Up to now 8 issues of this quarterly have been published which dedicated to documents, periodicals, and texts. Islamic Consultative Assembly (Majlis) Library and Museum publishes this quarterly under the direction of Hojjat-ul-eslam Rasool Ja’farian. We heard good news from them. This quarterly is about to publish a new professional series for documents under the title of Asnad-e Baharestan.
Asnad-e Baharestan presented its goals, conditions to accept articles and other regulations as follow:

Asnad-e Baharestan
Professional Quarterly on Documents

Asnad-e Baharestan as a journal dedicated to documents and by the help of writers wants to present documents and oral archives to the researchers for publishing documented research works. Asnad-e Baharestan is about to publish articles regarding documents in each quarter. The documents would be among the ones that are coming out of archives for the first time and will present realities of old years by enlightened writers.
Asnad-e Baharestan asks the writers to follow the following regulations for their articles:
Acceptance conditions:
The articles would be accepted for publishing which are based on new and unpublished credited documents.
The articles based on Majlis documents have priority.
The articles should not be sent to any other journal simultaneously or later.

The regulations for compiling articles
The articles must be compiled according to the following regulations:
The article should have abstract, keywords, introduction, body and conclusion.
The writings should at most 8000 words.
The texts should be typed in Microsoft word 2003 or 2007 in 12*20cm.
The ones who present their article in Persian, they should follow the handwriting methodology of Persian Language and Literature Academy.
The abstract must be in 150 words and keywords should be 8 words.
The first page should include: name and sure name, educational degree, address, organization, postal code, telephone and email.
The documents and pictures should be 300 dpi and with jpg or tiff extension format.
References should be made as follow:
Documents: the office that owns the document, Doc no. and date.
Books: Name and sure name, title, translator, volume, place of publication, publisher, publishing date, number of impression, page number.

The received material would not be returned.
The writer is responsible for the contents of the article.
The editorship board can accept, reject, edit or summarize the received material.

Ali Tatari, the manager of Majlis Documents Center and one of policymakers of this quarterly about the recent procurement for publishing this quarterly said: “As the first step, Dr. Ja’farian believes that a professional document-oriented journal should be shaped in Majlis Documents Center. We consulted with a group of experts of documents and documented researches. Although Payam-e Baharestan has covered part of this matter but it is not a professional one. So from December 1st (Majlis day in Persian calendar) we dedicated an office for the quarterly and the job began on December 22nd.
He promised the first issue will be published in winter of 2011 in 12*20cm format and 250-400 pages. Up to now 4 articles are ready.
Documents Center manager about the fields of activities of this quarterly said: “They would be: documents researches and findings, conferences news and meetings about history and documents, the news of organizations active in document-related fields, documented books reviews, introducing newly found documents and pictures, introducing documentary centers and internal and foreign archives and interview with elites.”
He also said that an interview with the late “Mohammad Afrasyabi” one of parliament members would published in the quarterly. The other materials of this issue are about some articles’ translations for foreign readers and some reports about British parliament documents which are published for the first time.
This quarterly would be sold in bookstores around Tehran University and some other universities in Iran and abroad.
Tatari said that they will welcome the articles that are based on newly found documents or present new points about the previously published documents and can be used as a professional reference; such as documents, comments, critiques, analysis and etc.

Maliheh Kamaledin
Translated by: Mohammad Karimi

Number of Visits: 5582


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