The 2nd issue (winter 2011) of Testimonios, the digital journal for Oral History Association of Republic of Argentina which is a scientific journal for professional oral historians of Argentina is published.  Liliana Barela is the editor of this journal and AHORA (ASOCIACION DE HISTORIA ORAL DE LA REPúBLICA ARGENTINA) is the publisher.
AHORA is non-profit organization that tries to gather Argentinean historians and also expand oral history in Argentina. This association was established in 2004 and had big jump by launching its website in 2007. This association began publishing its digital Spanish journal, Testimonios, in 2009 in order to follow its goals and affording the scientific needs of its members.
Here is an English translation of chapters and articles in this issue of Testimonios.
List of Articles:


• Oral History and the study of guerilla activities in Argentina
Pablo Pozzi

• Legal Front vs. Military Front?  The development of PRT-ERP in Rosario during the "Military Phase"
Laura Pasquali

• Female participation in armed organization in 1970s
Paola Martínez

• "The Peronist Left: formation of the Montoneros in Tucumán, 1966-1974"
Gustavo Cortés Navarro

• For a necessary balance: the relationship between the emergence of the Revolutionary Coordinating Board and Operation Condor. Southern Cone, 1974-1978
Melisa Slatman

• The solidarity of the Communist Party of Argentina with the Sandinista Revolution. Memory, tradition and political boundary
Paula Daniela Fernández Hellmund

• The brigade Simón Bolívar. Argentina's participation in the Sandinista revolution
Martín Mangiantini

• Social struggles and construction of the city. Invasions in Bogotá, 1961-1974.
María Angélica Tamayo Plazas

CYCLE "AZOS" IN 1960s-70s

• Religion and politics in Mendoza from the 70 ': priests of the Third World and post-conciliar Catholic youth
Yamile Álvarez

• Cordobazo: a social movement. Memory, recreation and representation
Francisca Beatriz La Greca & Elvira Barillaro

• "Cordoba is moved by another 29": Representations around Cordobazo. 1969-1974.
Carolina Musso & Ana Noguera.

• The Tucumanazo, Tucuman 1969 to 1972. Between individual memory and collective memory.
Rubén Isidoro Kotler


• Oral History in the XXI Century: Reflections on its theoretical foundations
Gabriela Scartascini Spadaro

• Research Notes on the contributions of oral history testimonies in working with teachers and educational biographies
Talia Meschiany

• In Search of Lost Time: experience and testimony
Débora Cerio

• Community memories and myth-building: the case of Maria Degol
Alessander Kerber & Cleber Cristiano Prodanov

• How to break a union. The repression of the strike by Argentine railway March 1992, seen by court testimony
Fabio Nigra


• Oral History? A political act? Rob Perks in conversation with Mary Stewart
Mary Stewart

• Howard Zinn, in memoriam
Fabio Nigra


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