British Colonialism and Iran

"British Colonialism and Iran" is a collection of articles presented in a conference which is called the same as the book. The mentioned conference was held on 15 October 2008 in Allameh Amini Auditorium in Tehran University. This conference was a step toward reviewing recounting the principles of the manner of the British colonialists. The preset book is a collection of the papers received by secretariat of the conference. The first part of this collection consists of the lectures and roundtable discussions. It includes the lecture of Dr. Farhad Rahbar, the chancellor of Tehran University, The lecture of Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the head of constituent assembly and, the lecture of Dr. Shapour Ravasani. The final session of the conference consisted of a roundtable discussion called "The role of Britain in the emergence and the establishment of Pahlavi regime". Quite a few frontiers in the field attended this session such as Dr. Ahmad Naghib Zadeh, Abbas Salimi Namin, Dr. Abdolreza Houshang Mahdavi, Mojtaba Soltani, Ghasim Tabrizi, and Syed Majid Tafreshi.  The second part of this collection is dedicated to the papers which were sent to the secretariat of the conference and were presented briefly on the conference day. These articles are presented in alphabetical order.

 Translated by: Jairan Gahan

Number of Visits: 5045


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