"Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf" released

Reprinted on the occasion of Persian Gulf National Day

Translated into Persian by Abdul-Mohammad Ayati, the Iranian section of "Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf" by John Gordon Lorimer has been reprinted by the publication of Iranology Foundation.

IBNA: The studies of Persian Gulf require the assessments of the researches made by the tourists and politicians which were done through the years. "Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf, Oman and Central Arabia", a book by John Gordon Lorimer, is about the history, society and geography of Persian Gulf countries.

The Iranology Foundation has selected the book's Iranian history section for translation. The work has been translated from Arabic into Persian.

John Gordon Lorimer (1870-1914) was an official of the Indian civil service, assisted by a dedicated team of researchers from the political department of the British government in India.

According to Amazon, this is the most important single source of historical material on the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia. Lorimer's Gazetteer was compiled with the original intention of providing British agents and policy-makers in the Gulf, India and London with 'a convenient and portable handbook to the places and interests with which they are likely to be concerned'. Better documentation was regarded as an essential prerequisite to the strengthening of British influence in the area during a period of increasing international tension.

The original edition was issued as a secret document by the British Government in India in 1908 and 1915. The range of the Gazetteer is extensive and complex, with descriptive text supported by a variety of annexes and appendices, including historical analyses, texts of treaties and special essays on subjects of interest.

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