Islamic Revolution Oral History (Imam Khomeini, from Paris to Victory)

Book Review:

Author: Ali-Akbar Ali-Albari Baygi
1st impression, September 2005
Price: 2500 Rls

Islamic Revolution victory was an outcome of different causes; however, there are three main causes that are more emphasized by researchers in this regard: first, religious believes of Iranian nation; Second, peoples unity and fight against the regime; Third, the unique leadership by Imam Khomeini. These three factors beside each other made a strong triangle that could bring down the Pahlavi regime. Analyzing different aspects of these factors, clarifies the real character and components of the Islamic movement of Iranian nation. Among these three, Imam Khomeini’s leadership, particularly in critical conditions, had a great effect on the triumph of Iranian Muslim nation’s fight against the Pahlavi regime. Analyzing different aspects of Imam Khomeini’s leadership and its characteristics clarifies important aspects of Iranian Islamic Revolution history.
October 6th 1978 to February 11th 1979 is one of prominent periods of Islamic movement history. This period, Imam’s immigration to Paris up to the victory of Islamic Revolution, is full of incidents and events that each of them moved the revolution forward. The importance of this period made the Iran Revolution Documents Center to carry on a series of researches by Oral History research methodology in order to analyze and narrate the events and decisive role Imam Khomeini played in them. The author has used the memoirs of prominent political figures of this period and also library resources in order to present a coherent and analytic report. By publishing these books, Iran Revolution Document Center hopes present part of Iranian nation’s fight against the Pahlavi regime to the new generation.
Iran Revolution Document Center thanks the author Mr. Ali-Akbari Baygi and also Mr. Rahim Nikbakht, compilation assistant; Gholam-Reza Khosravi, compilation unit manager; and Dr. Hamid Karami-poor, manager of memoirs department, for the role they played for this research.

Translated by: Mohammad Karimi

Number of Visits: 5405


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