Oral History News of August-September 2023

Compiled by: Iranian Oral history Website
Translated by: Fazel Shirzad


Note: According to Iranian Oral History website, "News of the Month" is the title of a series of reports on this website. These reports have a look at the news related to the topic of the website in written and virtual media. In the following, you will read news from August-September 2023.

►Soroush magazine, No, 1726, was published with a file about oral history titled "Individual Narrative to Reach the Collective Past". This magazine has been published with 64 pages and a price of 75 thousand Tomans (Iranian currency). This issue is in a special file with titles such as the function of oral history in compiling local history, the different path of historiography and oral history, oral history and the artistic taste of the author, the interaction of the researcher and the narrator in oral history, the light of history shines on us, oral history in the frame, truth and inaccuracies in oral history, the oral history project, from beginning to end and guidelines for visual production of oral history, has addressed the history of oral history.

►In an interview with the reporter of the Young Journalists Club, the head of the Holy Defense Documentation and Research Center, referring to the holding of the fifth "Memories and Names" ceremony during the Holy Defense Week, said: In this ceremony, 45 of the commanders who paid attention to their oral history, will be honored.

►Director General of Preservation of Works and Publication of Sacred Defense Values of Semnan Province; In an interview with IRNA on Sunday, General Abbas Motahari said: This year, 40 audio and written books in the field of holy defense were printed and published in the formats of memory, story, poetry, research, analysis, and oral history.

►The person in charge of publishing the works and values of the clergy's participation in the holy defense of Lorestan announced the writing and publication of the oral history of Hojjat-ul-Islam by Ali Khurshidvand this year. Hojjat-ul-Islam Ebrahimi said: The recording of the interviews of this revolutionary cleric is being done.

►In the 479th meeting of Qom Research Foundation, 27 August 2023, with the presence of three old Qom herdsmen and Qom researchers at Tolo Mehr University, the oral history of herdsman occupation in Qom was examined.

►The 2-day oral history workshop was held on the 27th August 2023, by the efforts of the art department, in Hall No. 2 of Azadi Bijar Cinema Campus, with the presence of more than 20 young and veteran writers.

►Educational workshop "Role of oral history in the local history of Iran" 3 September 2023, with the aim of familiarizing the authors and researchers of the oral history training course of Yazd province with local history, strengthening the scientific and specialized foundation of researchers and improving the quality and quantity of local history productions in the hall Gatherings of Yazd Art District were held. The instructor of this workshop, Asghar Mantazer al-Qaim; He was a professor of history and a member of the faculty of Isfahan University.

►The head of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Sistan and Baluchistan said: We are ready to be with the Martyrs and Veterans Foundation of the province in documenting, preparing oral history and national registration of monuments.

►The Center for Political and International Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Department of Oral History and Historical Studies published the call for its 7th conference entitled "One Hundred Years of Multilateralism in Iran's History and Foreign Relations". The date of this conference is 16 January 2023 and the researchers will send the abstract of their articles to the secretariat of the conference by 22 October.

►The director general of Mazandaran Martyrs and Sacrifices Foundation announced the beginning of the preparation and recording of the oral history of memories and wills of 14,000 martyrs of the province and said: So far, 4,200 cases of the oral history of the sacrifice society of this province have been recorded.

►The book "Oral History of Najaf Seminary (thoughts, currents and events)" was published by the content production group of the Cultural and Propaganda Vice-Chancellor of Islamic Propaganda Office of Qom Seminary under the efforts of Saeed Rostaazad. This book is the result of Mohammad Javad Sahibi's interview with Ayatollah Mohammad Mahdi Asefi and was prepared and edited by Hojjatul Islam Saeed Rostaazad at the Cultural and Propaganda Deputy of the Islamic Propaganda Office. It has 484 pages and has been published by Bostan Kitab Institute.

►The book of the oral history of the martyr defender of the shrine, Ahmad Gholami, titled "From Ray to Levant" has been prepared and made available to those interested on the Iransedah Book Base. The book "From Ray to Levant" was published in the year 2020 by the Holy Defense Document and Research Publishing House.

Number of Visits: 1064


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