Qulaitizing Oral History Works-2

Mahya Hafezi
Translated by Ruhollah Golmoradi


The Iranian Oral History Website has conducted short conversations with some experts and practitioners on the topic of how to improve oral history books or memoirs, the results of which will be presented to the readers in the form of short notes and in several parts.


  More interaction with the audience

Advances in technology have provided tools for oral history book producers to better engage with the audience. For example, instead of printing photos and documents at the end of the book, these images can be uploaded online; Then, using the quick response barcode, the link of the images can be provided to the audience.

Using this method, cost of publishing book and consequently price of the book will be reduced. In this new method, the images are provided to the audience in color and with high resolution. It is also possible for the reader to enlarge the images so that he/she does not lose the details of the photo and the document.

For example, the book “Bang-e Azadi (call of freedom)” has used this method, and it is possible for the reader to hear the audio pieces mentioned in the book.


Suitable paper for printing

Using white writing paper to print the book makes the reader's eyes tired. On the other hand, if the volume of the book is large, it would be heavy. To solve this problem, it is suggested to print the book on bulky paper. However, due to high porosity, these papers are thicker but lighter. Also, the proper printing of this type of paper does not bother the reader's eyes. Interestingly, such paper is cheaper than other types.


Proper arranging chapters

Arranging chapters of each book is different from another book. The text specifies the logic of arranging chapters. For better communication with the audience, correct and logical arrangement of chapters should be done. Using appropriate titles for each chapter is one of the essentials of proper arranging chapters.


To be continued…


Qualitizing Oral History Works-1


Number of Visits: 1332


Full Name:
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