Along with Husband

Compiled by: Islamic Revolution Website
Translated by: Fazel Shirzad


Nakhl-e-Nakhda neighborhood was far from the city center, our house was a safe place to hold meetings. Clergymen and fighters who were friends of my husband hid books and leaflets in our house. Most of the leaflets were brought by Mr. Darvishi from Qom and hidden in date packages so that no one would notice them. I [Nessa Shoja Nakhli] also hid the packages in the wardrobe and kitchen until people from Bandar Lange, Bandar Khem and nearby towns came and took the packages of the leaflets.

My husband was a letter carrier for the post office and delivers letters and parcels to different parts of the city. In addition to postal packages, he also delivers secret letters of revolutionaries and leaflet packages to different places.

One day, we heard that Ali Davoudi, a friend and companion of my wife, who takes leaflets to different cities with a post office car, was identified by SAVAK organization, and its officers searched his house and even cut his children's mattress into pieces. My husband's friends informed him that SAVAK also suspected him and that they might arrest him at any moment.

I was trying to help my husband spread the leaflets. At weddings and funerals, wherever people gathered, I used the opportunity to distribute the leaflets that I had brought with me to the people.

When clerics like Mr. Abbasi came to our house, they warned me about the dangers of spreading leaflets, but I had taken all the risks and was not afraid of anything.

Most nights I would sit with my wife until morning and we would pack the leaflets. One night, Ali Davoudi came to our house to prepare announcement packages for different regions. Suddenly we heard a terrible sound. Ali Davoudi shouted: "Stop!”SAVAK's forces come into the house." We quickly hid the leaflets behind the closet and waited for the SAVAK officers to come to the house, but there was no news. Ali Davoudi, who had tears in his eyes, sang an Ashura lament. He raised his hands and said: "God, our mouths are dry, we have said enough of death to the king, so when will this king go?" Three days later, we heard the news of the Shah's escape, and less than a month later, the revolution was victorious, and we rejoiced like the people of Iran.[1]


[1] We Were There Too: the Islamic revolution according to the women of Hormozgan, author Ansieh Behboodi, Tehran, Surah Mehr, 2019, pp. 180-182.


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