Kermanshah; Mersad operation

He Was a Traitor

Compiled by: Faezeh Sasanikhah
Translated by: Fazel Shirzad


The specialized forces that were sent to Kermanshah in the Mersad operation, were there either to complete the plan and carry out the mission or voluntarily. We were a paramedic team that was sent from Tehran to Kermanshah on a voluntary basis. When we arrived in Kermanshah, we settled in one of the hospitals. The general surgery team came voluntarily from Shiraz University and the brain surgery team came from Mashhad University. The operating rooms of this medical center were located on the second and third floors, which were connected to each other from the inside by means of an emergency staircase. The large number of wounded and limited facilities made our work very difficult. But we were busy taking care of the wounded. My friend Fereshteh, who was in the operating room upstairs, came to me, who was in the operating room downstairs, near the evening. He was very upset and worried. I asked the reason for his discomfort, while he was holding his throat, he said: With the doctor... who is an orthopedic specialist. Have you worked I said: No, he said: he amputates all his patients upstairs! I said: Maybe he has no choice! He said: No! It's not like that, because for example, he didn't perform a repair on an injured person! Then he continued with a surprised expression: How is it possible that everyone is an amputee! No matter how much we thought about how to prevent his betrayal and how to deal with this person, our mind got nowhere. Whatever we thought of, we were at a dead end because we were at a lower level in terms of expertise. In addition, our work was not related to the surgical part. Most importantly, we were female students and one of the youngest staff there, and considering the conditions of the hospital, we were sure that our direct warning would not only have no effect, but might even hinder our own activities. We thought to inform other experts, but we didn't know if they would accept our words or not! In general, according to the medical culture, doctors usually do not interfere in each other's expertise. The next morning, they brought a 16-year-old Basij fighter who was severely injured. The shrapnel inside his stomach had torn the diaphragm and pierced his chest and lung. On the other hand, his arm bone was crushed, therefore, Basiji's injury required two specialized surgeries, general surgery and orthopedic surgery. First, the general surgeon started and carefully and painstakingly removed the shrapnel from his stomach. It took 6 hours. At the end of the work, when he was applying the last stitches, the doctor told me: Do not make the patient conscious, so that the orthopedic surgeon can immediately start working on the injured arm. (Specifically, if an arm or leg was injured, the pulse at the end of the injured limb was decisive, that is, if the artery was severed and the limb had no pulse, the limb should be amputated. But if the limb had a pulse, it meant that that the artery is not severed and that organ can be kept with reconstructive surgery.) I was very worried about the hand of this injured person, I found a pulse in two places in his left wrist and marked it with a pen. Also, I checked the pulse of his elbow, the elbow also had a pulse. I marked a total of three places and these three pulses indicated that this hand needed to be repaired.

The general practitioner asked me, does my hand have a pulse? I said: Yes, he said: Doctor... call "the same uncommitted doctor"! My heart wanted to jump out of my chest! I called the doctor with concern. He came over the wounded man's head and pretended to look for a pulse in the wounded man's hand. After a short examination, he told the general specialist doctor: "He has no pulse, we don't have much to do" and left the room! I didn't know what to do! Due to the fact that his hand had pulse, but his hand should have been amputated in a few moments! At the same time, the general surgeon turned to me and said: You said, the patient has a pulse! Waiting for such an opportunity, I said: Your doctor, you can try it yourself! The doctor had not taken off the surgical gloves yet. He took the patient's pulse and felt it. He turned to me and said: His pulse beats better than mine! The best opportunity to introduce it was the mercenary doctor. While I had lowered my voice. I said: It's like this is their way! Until now, he has "amputated" all his patients and no one has stopped him! After hearing this sentence from me, the general specialist doctor hurriedly went to the corridor and addressed the orthopedic doctor in a loud and serious voice: The injured hand has a pulse and must be repaired!! From that day on, a duty to Our other duties were added, and that was to identify the orthopedic injured and look for pulses in their injured parts, and before the orthopedic surgeon started his work, we informed the committed specialist and their testimony for reconstructive surgery. it was enough. When the orthopedic doctor found out that his inhuman act was revealed, he was forced to do his duty from then on. That committed and compassionate general surgeon also continued to work in the field of cardiac subspecialty and is currently one of the most successful cardiologists in Tehran hospitals.[1]


[1] Source: Ghasemi Amin, Tahereh, Mastoran Naradit Fatah, Congress to review the role of women in defense and security..., Kermanshah Municipality, Fall 2016, p. 83.

Number of Visits: 1267


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