The News of Oral History in Aban 1400 (October –November 2021)

Compiled by: Iranian Oral history Website
Translated by: Fazel Shirzad


Note: According to the Iranian Oral History website, "News of the Month" is the title of a series of reports on this website. These reports take a look at news related to the subject of the site in written and virtual media. In the following, you will read news from [the month] Aban 1400 (October –November 2021).

►The head of Kurdistan Arts Center mentioned the main priority of this field as paying attention to culture and sustainability studies and said: "Fortunately, good measures have been taken in this sector and infrastructure works have been started to increase production, especially in the field of oral history."

►The deputy director of the provincial centers of the Islamic Revolution Arts Center said: "The oral history of the Islamic Revolution and the sacred defense should be presented to the young generation, in which the provinces will show good capacities."

►The head of the country's Art Center said: "the Art Center should be the pioneer of sustainability literature and oral history of the Islamic Revolution and sacred defense."

►The Office of Culture and Studies of Sustainability Literature of Khuzestan's Arts Center, in cooperation with Rah-e Mandegar Publications, organized a training course on the oral history of the Islamic Revolution.

►The Director of Literature and History of Sacred Defense of the General Directorate of Preservation of Relics and Publication of the Values of Sacred Defense of Hamedan announced the holding of a specialized training workshop "Interviewing and compiling oral history and memory" in the province.

►The Director of Literature and History of Sacred Defense of the General Directorate of Preservation of Relics and Publication of the Values of Sacred Defense of Hamedan announced the holding of a specialized training workshop "Interviewing and Compiling Oral History and Memory" in the province.

►The author of the book "Lasting Wisdom" on the subject of oral history interview with Hossein Khatibi said:" Documentation, fact-checking and narrating the content of the interview is one of the most important parts that are less considered in oral history and this important point is included in this book."

►The secretary of the Oral History Workshop said that the introductory training course on the Oral History of the Islamic Revolution was held for three days by the Office of Culture and Studies of Sustainability Literature in Khuzestan Province for three days.

►The unveiling ceremony of the book "Under the Shadow of a Palm", short stories of the martyrs of Izzy village in Sabzevar city, by the young writer Mohammad Hossein Ezzi was held in the presence of the martyrs' families, officials, and people in Hosseinieh Ershad of that village.

►The book "A House, No. 29", the oral history of the Vali-e-Asr Association and the activities of Sheikh Hassan Nouri Hamedani in 383 pages, was written by Mohammad Hossein Foroughi and Hossein Ebrahimi and published by martyr Kazemi Publications.

►The unveiling ceremony of the achievements of the oral history of Iranian sports was held on the 11th of Aban in the conference hall of the Persian Master of the National Olympic Academy.

►The names of the winners of the Spring Cell Virtual Book Reading Competition, the Oral History of Stem Cells, were announced by Dr. Hossein Baharvand, the father of Iranian stem cell science.

►The director of the department and the secretary of the policy council of the oral history of sports announced the first unveiling of "the achievements in the oral history projects of sports in Iran".

► The unveiling ceremony of the book "Red Lantern of an Assyrian poet; Interview with Albert Kouchoui, which narratives the memoirs of the "First Magazine for Supporters of Persepolis Team" from the "Oral History of the Sports Press" series.

► Under the effort of the help of the Art, Documents and Publications Office of the General Office of the Martyrs and Veterans Affairs Foundation of Isfahan Province and in cooperation with the Khomeini Shahr Foundation, 54 interviews on the oral history of the martyrs of Khomeini Shahr were conducted with the presence of the parents of the martyrs.

► The book "Anthem of Liberation" on the subject of an oral history interview with Mahmoud Hakimi was published by the National Archives and Library of Iran through the efforts of Gholamreza Amirkhani as an interviewer, researcher, and editor.

► "The oral history of sport is to discover the truth, and our mission in this plan is to confront a wave of confusion and misinformation," said the head of the Olympic Committee.

►The unveiling ceremony of the achievements in the oral history of Iranian sports was held in the presence of officials and sports veterans of the country.

►The head of the Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Art Center announced the holding of an oral history workshop.

► The Public Relations Officer of the General Office for the Preservation of the Relics of the Sacred Defense of Kerman Province announced the holding of a training workshop on the oral history of the Sacred Defense for free at the Cultural Center and Museum of the Sacred Defense of this province.

► The oral history workshop is organized by the General Directorate of Preservation of Relics and Publication of the Values of the Sacred Defense of Qom Province.

► The Equestrian Federation and the private sector will record a large part of Iran's contemporary equestrian history in the form of conversations, interviews, and video programs.

► The book of oral history "Four Men, Revolution Street" was unveiled on the occasion of Qom Day.

► The third national conference "Oral History of Sacred Defense" announced the change of the date of this national conference and said: "the final date of this conference has been set for the 5th of Bahman and the deadline for submitting works and articles has been extended to 30th  Azar (21th December).

►The workshop "Interview of Oral History" and "Compilation of Oral History Books" was held by the Document Management of the General Directorate of Preservation of Relics and Publication of Sacred Defense Values of Kerman to introduce the principles of oral history, discover talents and improving the knowledge of activists.

► At the same time as the book week, an oral history workshop was held in Andimeshk city.

► In a meeting with the mothers of the Junidiۥs martyrs, the Pishva governor announced the need to collect the oral history of the revolution and the sacred defense.

► The head of Astan Quds Razavi Libraries Organization said: "Astan Quds Library is one of the most prestigious scientific centers in the Islamic world, which has the largest archive of oral history in the Middle East and ranks first in the country's press archives, and is the only document center that has digitized all available documents."

► A symposium of the directors of specialized libraries in Iran (Makta) on the importance of establishing documentation centers and preparing documents through the method of oral history was held in the library of the shrine of Masoumeh (PBUH).

► The director-general of documents and publications of the Martyr and Veterans Affairs Foundation of the country said: "Currently, the memoirs of 88,000 mothers and 44,000 living fathers of martyrs have been recorded in the form of oral history."

►The head of the Institute of Oral History of Martyr Zivodari Andimeshk said: "Forty years after the beginning of the imposed war, we Khuzestan people have not yet said what war is, that is why when we talk about the realities of war, some people say it is bitter, war is the harsh situation, and if we are ready to sacrifice our for revolution in this harsh situation, and it will show that we are brave men."

►The strategic deputy of the provinces of the Art Center said: "This year, 400 books on the history and literature of sustainability as well as the oral history of the Islamic Revolution will be published or written by the art field.

► On the eve of the forty-third anniversary of the Union of Students' Islamic Associations, a national conference on explanatory and analytical student movements in Iran was attended by Abbas Salimi Namin, Seyed Kazem Akrami, Bahram Mohammadian, Mojtaba Rahmandoust, Javad Mogoei, and a group of prominent producers and documentarians, political activists and union veterans and a group of alumni of the organization along with the unveiling of the oral history books were held at the Owj Institute.

►The head of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Art Center, referring to the establishment of a workshop on oral history and interview methods in Shahrekord, said: "Considering that there are few measures taken in the field of oral history in the province, establishing a special center for oral history as a research need in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari is necessary."

►The "Oral History at the Sacred Defense Documentation and Research Center" meeting was organized by the Book and Literature House of Iran in cooperation with the Sacred Defense Documentation and Research Center."

►The specialized workshop "Oral History with a Tendency to Sacred Defense" was held based on the compilation method of the National Library and Archives of Iran and the Sacred Defense Documents Organization.

Number of Visits: 2387


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