Part of memoirs of General Yusuf Forootan

The suicide of a female guerilla

Selected by Faezeh Sasanikhah
Translated by M. B. Khoshnevisan


There was a lady in prison who was a member of the Fadai guerrillas and her behavior was very strange; even though she had been pardoned twice, she was still attached to them. For the third time, when she was imprisoned, due to having a murder case, her punishment was heavy, and she was certain that she would stay in prison for a long time. One day, when she felt very bad, she was taken to the hospital and then her stomach was photographed due to internal bleeding. We saw that she had eaten a collection of pins and clips and various other items in order to commit suicide. For prisoners, especially this type of people, it is dangerous to carry some items with them; they even take their glasses from some prisoners, because they might use them to commit suicide.




A conversation with Amooei

Amooei[1] was one of the Tudeh party prisoners and a well-educated and polite person. He was an officer under Razmara[2] who was arrested because of his assassination. When I saw him, 43 years had passed since his imprisonment and he was 62 years old. He himself said: I am a prisoner of two regimes. He said with regret: With the victory of the revolution, when the story of the release of the prisoners happened, I was also free for a while, during this time I got married and had a daughter, my daughter is very small, my heart goes to her.

I wanted to see Amooei and ask his opinion as a member of the Tudeh party about the letter of the Imam (may God bless his soul) to Gorbachev and the delegation that went to the Soviet Union. I asked him, "What do you think about this matter?" He cried for about twenty minutes on that day and could not control himself. I comforted him and said, “cry to calm down”. I also brought him a glass of tea. “Why are you crying?” I asked after he calmed down a bit. He answered: "You don't know, we gave our whole being to the party and it didn't do us any good." I asked: "What is your opinion about this letter of the Imam to Mr. Gorbachev?" After he calmed down, he said to me: "You don't understand who this Ayatollah Khomeini is, many people don't understand what a great and majestic personality he is." I said: "How?!" He said: "First of all, it is as if he is walking in the corridors of the Kremlin Palace today and [sees] all the events there." Certainly, in the near future, as the Ayatollah has predicted, the communist system will collapse. Secondly, I don't know this lady, I know Dr. Larijani and Ayatollah Javad Amoli, but I don't know this lady and I don't know what kind of person she is, but let's just say that the East and the West spent billions of dollars for more than 250 to 300 years to say that Islam has enslaved women and destroyed their human rights, etc. But Ayatollah Khomeini, with a simple move like a professional chess player, moved a piece and checkmated both East and West in the political game of the world and made the world understand that Islam respects women's human rights more than the East and the West, and this freedom that exists in the culture of Westerners and Easterners is a hundred percent lie about women and is meant to take advantage of the female gender. Of course, I introduced Mrs. Dabbagh and said that maybe she is more of a guerrilla and warrior than you, and he continued: "It is really interesting, I didn't know, I really feel proud...". I said: "She is one of the guerrillas during the revolution. In Paris, when we protested [the] hunger strike, she brought herself there that this expresses the spirit of struggle and special of this woman. He said with surprise: "I like it! East and West tried for more than two hundred years to say that Islam is anti-woman. I feel national pride that the Imam, with a beautiful trick, like a strong chess player, was able to checkmate them by moving his ordinary soldiers. He also spoke briefly about the Nepp plan and then gave a detailed description of how the October 17 revolution in Russia was won and said: When the October Revolution took place, three groups were the main leaders; a group of feudalists [known as] Soviet khans. Some were also moderate, whose main symbol was first Trotsky and then Bhutto. Another group was the military and modernists, of which Stalin and Lenin were part of this group and from the Nepp plan. Force, power and weapons were their plan and Professor Nepp was a famous person in their hands. Lenin and Stalin were famous executioners who succeeded by killing some thirty million people.


Source: Samavi Masumeh, Memoirs of General Yusuf Forootan, Tehran, The Center for Islamic Revolution Documents. 1398 (2019), pp. 239, 242.


[1] Mohammad Ali Amooei was born in 1307 (1928) in the city of Kermanshah. He completed his primary education in Kermanshah, and secondary school and officer college in Tehran. He was a member of the Organization of Iran’s Tudeh Party officers and a member of the party's central committee. He was arrested and imprisoned for the first time after 28th of Mordad coup (August 19) and was released along with other political prisoners on the eve of the Iranian revolution. Amooei is one of the oldest political prisoners in Iran who spent 25 years of his life in prison in the years before the Iranian revolution. After 18 years, Savak entered into negotiations with him and offered him cooperation, which Amooei also accepted. For this reason, in 1350 (1971), he was taken to the Joint Committee for re-interrogation under the pretext of Mohammad Mofidi's case, where he was given the necessary training and he was sent back to prison as a political prisoner in order to keep up appearances. From 1350 onwards, he promoted SAVAK projects within the Tudeh Party of Iran until the Iranian Revolution. In Esfand 1357 (March 1979), Mohammad Ali Amooei, whose collaboration with Savak remained closed, and five other members of the party's officer organization (Abbas Hejri, Taqi Keymanesh, Ismail Zulqader, Abu Torab Bagherzadeh, Reza Sheltuki) who had served for 25 years in the prisons of the Pahlavi regime were elected in absentia as members of the Central Committee during the 16th plenum of the Tudeh Party. In Khordad 1358 (June 1979), the political board of the party elected Amooei a member of the board of directors (and accordingly the political board). In Farvardin of 1360 (April 1981), the 17th plenum retained his membership in the board of directors and chose him as the head of Public Relations and International Relations.
Amooei was arrested during the massive arrest of Tudeh party members in 1361 (1982) on charges of coup and espionage for the Soviet Union. Like Nureddin Kianuri, he was released in the middle years of the seventies (1990s) (Mohammad Ali Amooei, Dard-e Zamane (pain of the time), Memoirs of Mohammad Ali Amooei "1320-1357" (1941-1978), second edition, Anzan Publications, 1377 (1998), p. 14.)

[2] Haj Ali Razmara was born in 1280 (1901). He finished his studies at Saint-Cyr Military College in Paris and after returning to Iran, he was employed by the army. In 1320 (1941), he was appointed as the commander of the first division, and in early 1322 (1943), as the commander of the Army's Operational Training Camp. He was elected as Army Commander after Lieutenant General Yazdan Panah and retired from the same post with the rank of major general at the age of 43. Then, during the premiership of Qawam al-Sultaneh in 1325 (1946), he came out of retirement and once again returned to the army and was elected as the head of the 3rd District of the Ministry of War, which included the armies of Azerbaijan and Kurdistan, and was elected as prime minister in Tir 1329 (July 1950) after the resignation of Ali Mansour. In the second half of 1329 (1950), all the efforts of Razmara and his cabinet were devoted to the oil issue. In Esfand of the same year (March 1951), the National Front and the minority faction in the parliament impeached Razmara, but the parliament speaker postponed the response to the impeachment until after the New Year holidays. On the 16th of Esfand 1329 (March 7, 1951), when Ayatollah Faiz's funeral was held in the Shah Mosque and Razmara had gone to the mosque along with Amir Asadullah Alam, the Court Minister, he was killed by Khalil Tahmasebi, a member of Fada'iyan-e Islam. (Jaafar Mehdinia, Political biography of Razmara, Gitti, Tehran, 1363 (1985)).


Number of Visits: 857


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Excerpt from the Book of Oral History of the Army and the Islamic Revolution

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"On September 8, most of the military personnel feigned illness and did not participate in enforcing martial law. I know of a battalion commander who had come from Maragheh to Tehran, only to head to Shahr-e Rey to his sister's house. When his sister asked him why he had come to Tehran, he replied, 'I am a battalion commander enforcing martial law.'

How the Tabriz Army Barracks Were Seized

The major explained the plan like this: "When you first enter, tell him to hand over the weapons. Once he puts the guns on the table, grab them and give them to me, since I’m the military man here. Then, tell him to hand over his pistol as well. He might comply, or he might refuse, possibly even shooting one of you. In that case, I’ll fire back with my Uzi.

Imam Khomeini

Every time there was a message from Imam Khomeini, the people who followed their broadcasting, quickly found people like me to write the message on the screen or placard for them. On the same day when this order of the Imam arrived from Paris, one of the same comrades hurriedly came to the shop in the evening and said that a message from the Imam had just reached us.