Barracks Commanders unveiled

24 October 2011

 In the Sacred Defense literature, publication of doctors memories is still missing, said Colonel Ranjkesh, literature deputy of the Sacred Defense Values Preservation Administration in Alborz Province.

IBNA: A ceremony was held yesterday (October 1, 2011) at Mehr Specialized Hospital to unveil a book by Fatemeh Dehghan Niri. The book is entitled Sardaran-e Sole (The Field hospital Commanders) which includes memories of two Sacred Defense physicians, Drs Abolghasem Akhlaghi and Iraj Mahjoub Behrouz.

The ceremony was attended by Dr Hussein Hekmat Ara, executive manager of the Mehr Specialized Hospital, Abolghasem Akhlaghi, one of the books narrators, Colonel Gholamhussein Ranjkesh, literature deputy of the Sacred Defense Values Preservation and Works Publication Administration of Alborz Province, and Fatemeh Dehghan Niri, the books compiler. Speeches were delivered by these guests.
In his opening speech, Hekmat Ara said the ceremony was a good pretext for recollecting Sacred Defense memories, memories about the hospital in Ahvaz and air strikes by the Iraqi air force on the city.

Later, Abolghasem Akhlaghi, one of the books narrators stated that many doctors and nurses attended the war fronts to save comrades lives and the work is an account on their sacrifices in field hospitals of the front.

He later displayed some images from Ahvaz hospitals during the war and related anecdotes about the photos.

Colonel Gholamhussein Ranjkesh was the next speaker in the unveiling ceremony. In his speech he said in the Sacred Defense literature, publication of works on the memories of doctors in the front is still missing.

He posited that doctors work during the war was much better than that in their counterparts in the first world war because in that war over 8 million people were killed by famine and drought while only 20 thousand were martyred in Iran which can be attributed to the proper function of Iranian doctors in the war.

He further invited all the physicians who were by any means involved in the war to record their memories of the events during that era.

The last speaker war the books compiler, Fatemeh Dehghan Niri. In her address, Dehghan Niri asserted that doctors made an indispensible part of the Iranian forces in the war without whom such a victory would never have been obtained.

Palizan has printed and published the book with support from the Sacred Defense Values Preservation and Works Publication Administration of Alborz Province.

Number of Visits: 4289


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