4 July 2011

The Latin American Network of Oral History (RELAHO) was launched in December 2010. RELAHO is an academic organization for the communication of research, using oral history carried out across Latin America. In addition to providing a supportive network for those involved it also aims to advocate for the use of oral sources in the study of the history of the recent past.

Rubén Kotler, the association’s administrator, reports:
‘In 1992 oral historians from Mexico, Argentina and Brazil got together in Sao Paulo, Brazil to discuss the need and the possibility of organizing periodical meetings. Since then this group has grown to include oral historians from other countries and since 2005 there have been three Latin American oral history conferences. At the most recent of these conferences in Recife, Brazil, in April 2010, the regional network became a reality with the creation of a website. Grandmother and granddaughter: sharing and listening to life’s stories in Rajasthan, India.
‘The Latin American Network of Oral History (RELAHO) website – – serves as a virtual space to bring together researchers across the continent who are using or interested in oral history. It serves as a window through which we can strengthen our bonds and meet up every time we have a need for it.
‘Currently, the network is made up of various regional and national associations, workgroups, researchers and any individuals interested in this subject. Its purpose is to share information on local, regional and national archives relating to the safekeeping of oral testimonies, to encourage the creation and preservation of oral archives, and to give coverage to relevant publications on the subject of oral history. The newly launched website will also be a way of sharing information on conventions, symposiums, conferences and any virtual sites on these subjects.’
 For more information please visit the website: or email

Source: International News Section of UK's Oral History Journal, Spring 2011, p24.

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