A report about the book review meeting for The Journey of seed to the flower

9 February 2011

It has been some time that National Library & Archives of I. R. Iran is holding book review meetings in social and historical fields.
From this series of meetings, the one for the review of The Journey of seed to the flower was held on Monday February 7th 2011 by presence of Dr.
‘Ameli Rezayee (author) and some other interested people and experts of contemporary history in the gathering hall at 7th floor of National Archives Building. Firstly, the author expressed the reasons for writing the book and also considering the women’s affairs in the book. She categorized the women’s evolution in three phases: Fat’h-ali Shah era, Nasseri era, and after the constitutional movement; She expressed the role of women in creating the literature of this period.
The main part of this meeting was dedicated to Q&A between the audience and experts.

By: Houriyeh saeidy

Number of Visits: 5252


Full Name:
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