General Hamdani & Iraqi-imposed war on Iran

In a challenging interview, Former Iraqi Republican Guard Crops commander General Ra’ad Hamdani has analyzed Iraqi's army's operations as well as Iran's operations during the imposed war while evaluating their strong and weak points.

IBNA: "Saddam's War: An Iraqi Military Perspective of the Iran-Iraq War" by a group of the United States' Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) members has been translated into Persian by Davoud Coupaee and marketed by Marz-o-boom publications.

Member of the research staff at IDA Kevin M. Woods, senior fellow at IDA Williamson Murray as well as Thomas Holaday who has researched the military-strategic history of Iraq since joining the IDA has a long conversation with General Ra’ad Hamdani in 2007.

During the challenging interview the commander had analyzed s0ome of Iran and Iraq's operations during the war and has evaluated their strong and weak points.

The commander's opinions are significant since he is an old Iraqi soldier who worked as Iraqi Republican Guard Crops commander General. He constantly thought about conquering Iran's soldier's military actions.

The first chapter has published a summary of IDA's data and analyses according to General Ra’ad Hamdani and the 2nd chapter is an edited text of his interview which is arranged chronologically.

A part of the first chapter reads so; "Saddam believed that he had gained a perfect opportunity for him to act against Iran. Moreover, a number of Iraq’s senior officers (some, but not all, recently appointed to their senior positions by Saddam) believed there would be easy pickings to the east. What was not clear at the time, at least at Hamdani’s level, was what exactly Saddam hoped to gain from a war against Iran…"

The detailed and challenging conversations of Kevin M. Woods, Williamson Murray and Thomas Holaday with General Ra’ad Hamdani were made in Jordan from May 14-19, 2007 and the released book holds the text.

The interviews kick off with sections including "Arab-Israeli wars of 1967 and 1973", "Military transition under Ba'athist rule" and continue with "Prologue to Iran-Iraq war", "Saddam's aspirations", "Saddam's response to failure and executions", "Khomeini's spiritual influence", "Iranian response to weapons of mass destruction" and etc…

"Saddam's War: An Iraqi Military Perspective of the Iran-Iraq War" has been marketed in Iran in 265 pages.

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