13th print-run of "History of Islamic civilization"

Translated into Persian by Ali Javaher-kalam, "History of Islamic civilization" by Jurji ýZaydan has been reprinted by Amir Kabir publication. Although a few decades have passed since the book''s compilation but it is yet a comprehensive source.

IBNA: Publishers of history books released 67 history and geography book titles last week. Among the released books 60 were compilations and 7 were translations. Moreover 28 books were debuts and 39 were reprints. Averagely 2448 books and 327 pages were released.

Some of the released books were "From Parviz till Changiz", "Babak Khoram-din", "Tajikistan in a look", " Ancient Iran history", "History of modern Iran", "History of Islam''s civilization", "Khani history", "Damghan: a veiled treasure", "Islamic culture and civilization", "The shining points of history", "Marco polo" and etc.

Jurji Zaydan was born into a poor Greek Orthodox family in Beirut and, through self-education, obtained entry to the Syrian Protestant College in 1881. After a year in the medical school, he participated in a student strike and was expelled. As did many of his contemporaries, he went to Cairo, where he embarked on a career as a journalist, publisher, novelist, scholar, and pro-nationalist intellectual.

He was a major contributor to Arab literature. During the thirty years of his life in Cairo, he produced twenty-one historical novels dealing with Arab history; a five-volume history of Islamic civilization (Tarikh al-Tamaddun alIslami, Cairo, 1901 - 1906); a four-volume history of Arabic literature (Tarikh Adab al-Lugha al-Arabiyya, Cairo, 1910 - 1913); and a dozen other books on history, language, and literature. In 1892, he founded the magazine al-Hilal, which he authored, published, and distributed for the next twenty-two years practically single-handedly.

With al-Muqtataf, it became the most important forum of the Arab Nahda (Renaissance) for the discussion of history, nationalism, secularism, modern sciences, and political institutions. In addition, Zaydan was also the author of the first autobiography in Arabic, Mudhakkirat Jurji Zaydan.

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