God Tested my Patience and Sacrifice

Compiled by: Islamic Revelation Website
Translated by: Fazel Shirzad


I felt, in the moments of activity, that I was on the stage of Karbala and I was fighting alongside Imam Hussain (PBUH). Many times, affairs were progressing with the help of Imam Hussain. In 1975, I obeyed the order of Imam Khomeini. My children and I participated in every assembly and march against the Shah's regime, and it had a special atmosphere. I used to hold Qur'an assembly and recitation of prayers in our house, and I would put notices and announcements about the Imam in chocolate packages and distribute them among people, and my sons would also do this work among men. I remember when I was a child, my father read the Qur'an to me and said: God said in the Qur'an: If people unite in anything, they will win, and at that time I only thought about my father's words and told my children: If we unite together, we will surely win. We will be One day, I had sent my son to the neighbor's house to play with the children and at the same time listen to the words of the elders and bring me news; because our neighbor was a supporter of the Shah's regime at that time. The neighbor, who found out about my work, imprisoned my son in the room and said to him: What are you and your mother doing in this neighborhood? If you come to our house one more time, I will hand you over to the Shah's agents. My son, who was very soft-spoken, had said, you heard that Imam Khomeini said: "My comrades are these little children and..."

Sometimes I would go to Qom and get a leaflet and tied it on my body so that no one would doubt me. Our activity continued until 1977, when SAVAK officers found out about my work. One day in the prayer line in the mosque, I put some leaflets under my prayer rug, when everyone went to prostration, I spread the leaflets in the air. But unaware that the Shah's agents had followed me to the mosque. But they could not arrest me that day either. Until the next day when I returned home, they arrested me and handed me over to the SAVAK organization. They interrogated me. But I didn't say anything. They started torturing me, but they still couldn't get me to say anything. They took me to prison and tortured me so much that I lost one of my kidneys and my six-month-old baby was aborted. One of my fingers stopped working. I was in very bad condition, they had to take me to the hospital. I was hospitalized for 40 days and under the intensive care of SAVAK. After 40 days, with the grace of God, Imam Hussein and his comrades, I escaped from the hospital and hid somewhere, but I did not stop fighting. By changing my appearance, I used to go to mosques and other places and do my work. I went to Qom in 1978, it was the peak of the demonstrations. The Shah's regime could no longer stop the people and finally the Imam came to Iran and Islamic Iran won, but the enemies of Islam did not let the oppressed people of Iran, who had achieved victory after many years, to live comfortably and imposed an 8-year war on us.  When the war started, I sent my children to the front with Quran. Although I was a mother and I could not bear to be away from my loved ones, I endured all the pain to preserve Islam and the homeland. I myself was active behind the front, I sewed clothes and sent them to the fighters, I disobeyed the families of the martyrs and the fighters, but I did not know that one day I would be one of the mothers of the martyrs. I waited so long, I tried for years until I saw the victory of the revolution and the coming of the Imam, I obeyed the command of the Imam, and finally my children obeyed the command of God and left me alone with a world of pain and sorrow. Again, God put my patience, sacrifice and resistance to the test and I am grateful to God in every moment of my life. My first son, Hamidreza, went to the front at the age of 16 and was martyred at the age of 18 after being wounded twice.

My son Ali became a soldier in 1983, and Hossein was martyred in 1986 at the age of 16, and my other son Abul Hasan also became a soldier. I thank God that I was able to do a small service in the way of the revolution and the homeland and offer my children in the way of Islam. I hope that God will accept these gifts from me.[1]


[1] Source: Witnesses of the Saga (Love Poem, Volume 3), compiled by Kabri Shahi; Fatima Salehi; Ashraf Seifaldini, Kerman, Vadiat, 2006, pp. 33-35.


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