The 342nd Night of Memory-1
Compiled by: Leila Rostami
Translated by: Fazel Shirzad
Note: The 342nd Night of Memory was held on Thursday, December 22, 2022, with the presence of a group of commanders, veterans, and engineering officials of the Ground Force and the 40th Sahib al-Zaman (pbuh) engineering group of the IRGC in the Sourah hall of the Arts Center. In this program, which was conducted by Javad Aini, Generals Javad Azimifar, deputy engineer of the IRGC Ground Force, Ali Akbar Puri Rahim, one of the former commanders of the 40 Sahib al-Zaman٬s engineers, and Abul Qasem Tabatabaei, the head of IRGC Ground Force Engineering, shared their memories.
The first narrator of the program was General Javad Azmifar, born in Yasouj. At the beginning of his speech, he who has the title of the father of engineering of the IRGC ground force, in the beginning of his speech, he honored the martyrs of the trench builders of the IRGC engineering, Jihad Construction, other engineering martyrs and the martyrs of the 40th engineering group of Sahib al-Zaman (pbuh), as well as the engineering martyrs who defended the shrine of Hassan Shatari and Abdullah Iskandari, who were among the first combat engineering forces during the holy defense period and after. He added: In a historical period after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the division of present-day Pakistan and India by the British, as well as during the Pahlavi rule, before and after the war, and about thirty years after the holy system of the Islamic Republic, and even the governments that thousands They are miles away from the lands of our Islamic homeland, they could never reach the borders of the aristocracy of the homeland. But from 2008 onwards, the determination and dogma of the Supreme Leader was that the system should be established at the geographical top of our Islamic homeland. This action and this great mission was assigned to the IRGC ground forces.
The tools for this work were prepared by the engineering trench builders in West Azarbaijan, Kurdistan, Kermanshah and Sistan and Baluchistan. If we go from Piranshahr to Sardasht in the northwest of the country, we will reach Badin Abad border post. For years, our people knew Badinabad, Sardasht-Piranshahr as the border of the homeland; unaware that it was fifty kilometers away from the border of the country. The cultural unit of the ground force and the cultural unit of the 40th group introduced the three-way Dalamper[1] border of Turkey, Iraq and Iran to the heights of Bemo, which is on the geographical map, and the area of Media or liberated by the PKK[2] and counter-revolutionary groups and have done a good job in this field.
The narrator continued: One should enter the PKK from Shahu, which is 120 kilometers from the end of Zalawab and Kunshet, with a passport. On a dark night in Ravansar, the PKK group set our police station on fire and twenty-two members of our police force were burned in the fire of anger and hatred of the enemies. But today, we are among the countries that were protected from proxy wars with stable security and the efforts and services of trench builders without engineering trenches. During the presence of their founders, Generals Bahraini, Tabatabaei, Pourrahim, Abu Al-Hasani and Andalib, the legions and groups of trench builders made it impossible for those who were looking for proxy wars to encroach on the territory of our country.
The narrator further said: The same trench builders of the 40th engineering group of Sahib al-Zaman (pbuh) built a road, outpost and turret in the cold of 65 degrees below zero in winter and at 3700 meters altitude of Haj Ibrahim and Qandil. Major General Bagheri said that we wished to send one person to Bamu[3] during the sacred defense period, but this did not happen. But the former 42nd division or today's 42nd engineering group broke Bemo's heart and found nobility in Bemo. Today, from Aras to Bavisi Strait and all parts of the border of the homeland, where terrible insecurity prevailed there until the early 90s, with the actions of the seven engineering groups of the ground forces and with the tact of the respected commander of the ground forces of General Pakpur Corps, a portion of the homeland is in the hands of the American villains. Not supposed to The Revolutionary Guards are standing and guarding Shahneshin, Chehlcheshme[4], Sultan, Dobra and Qandil[5]. Political countries and the whole world of Kurdism look at Qandil like we look at Damavand as a hyacinth and a symbol of the country.
If it were not for the actions of the infantry of the Islamic Republic, the engineering of the infantry units of the IRGC, and the bravery of the martyrs Haj Hassan Shatri, Haj Abbas Eskandari and the sufficiency of Aghadadi, we would have to fight with Salafis and Salafis in Hamedan and Kermanshah. Takfiris were fighting. Abdul Malik Rigi in the southeast had made more than 350 kilometers of the border of the homeland insecure by creating terror. How many heads of Shiites Ali bin Abi Talib and other people were cut off in Darzin near Bam, Tasuki in Godar Nahok and thousands of other places.
He further added: More than two to three thousand vehicles from Pakistan entered the country at night and created terror, terror, kidnapping and smuggling of drugs, weapons and ammunition, until in 1988, together with Major General Shahid Shoushtari and the respected commander of the IRGC Ground Forces. We went to the heights of Fadaki Zahedan and discussed what to do to save Zahedan from this situation. Major General Shushtri's suggestion was that we build a wall around Zahedan, but the commander of the ground forces came to the conclusion that we should enter the border of the homeland. We had never entered Malik Siyakoh[6] either before the revolution or after it. With a fifteen-minute walking distance from the border of Pakistan or Afghanistan, the Salafis and Takfiris would block the transit road of the Islamic Republic and drive Ali's Shiites to the other side of the border. This same group of 40 Sahib al-Zaman (pbuh) was one of the groups that made the black heart of Malik Siahkouh as the white heart of his martyrs safe for the system.
Until today, the engineering groups of the IRGC ground forces have taken all the border gaps, including roads, turrets, outposts, safe communications, water and asphalt, from southern Qarqruk[7] and Malik Siahkoh to nine hundred kilometers from the border of the homeland, and today the Salafis and Takfiris are on the other side of the borders. Both in the northwest and the west and in the southeast, which the Americans and Israelis support, they can never do anything. Today in our country, from the snowy heights of Shahidan and Zinata Bhutan [8] to Nashino and Rajan[9] and to Barzin and Qandilha[10] and Haj Ibrahim[11] and Panesar[12] and Sarsawe[13], where sometimes the snow height is It reaches 8 to 9 meters, and in the heat of 65 degrees in the summer, there is great peace and comfort by the Nehang River[14].
After the words of the narrator, the host of the program pointed to the great service and personality of all engineering martyrs, especially Shatari, who were originally the commanders and founders of the resistance axis and were also martyred in Lebanon, and said: This is enough for the mind to create an image of this character. And that rare event that Christians and Sunnis held a ceremony for his martyrdom; And what beautiful words the martyr Haj Qassem Soleimani said about him; Especially an interpretation to this theme that it is not possible to say to Shahid Shatri that, for example, he conquered a certain place or a certain peak, he conquered hearts.
To be continued…
[1] Dalamper Mountain belongs to the three countries of Iran, Iraq and Turkey because it is located at the border zero point of these three countries.
[2] The Kurdistan Workers' Party or PKK is a leftist and armed political organization in Turkish Kurdistan, which was founded in 1978. Since 1984, this political organization has started an armed struggle against the central government of Turkey to gain autonomy in the Kurdistan region of Turkey.
[3] The height of Bemo is 2629 meters in the vicinity of Kamiyaran city of Kurdistan province, parallel to the border line of Iran and Iraq, and its highest peak inside Iran is 1842 meters.
[4] The most important and highest heights of Kurdistan, which continues from Sanandaj to Shiler's development. These heights extend from the north to Baneh, where it forms the Khan Pass, from the south to Marivan, where it is known as Garan. These heights in the Sershio section are one of the most important heights in Marivan city, and its ridge forms the natural border of three cities, Saqez, Marivan and Divandara. The Chehl Cheshme mountain collection includes about twenty other mountains, including Shahneshin Mountain, Dalash Mountain, Dobra Mountain, Sultan Mountain, etc.
[5] It is a mountain in the north of Iraq that overlooks the Iran-Iraq border in the Zagros mountain range. This mountain is strategically important and one of the areas where PKK strongholds are located in the mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan, and it is difficult to access due to the existence of very rough roads. The height of the highest peaks of Qandil reaches more than 3000 meters.
[6] Malek Siyakoh is an inactive volcano with a height of 1605 meters, which is located in the north of Zahedan city. This mountain is the border point of Harmak district of Iran's Sistan and Baluchistan province and Chahar Barjak district of Nimroz province of Afghanistan and Chaghai district of Balochistan province of Pakistan, which is located next to the 95th road, about 35 km from Zahedan.
[7] Qarqruk is a village in the central part of Zahedan city in Sistan and Baluchistan province of Iran.
[8] Mountain Zinata of Bhutan is also located on the border of Iran and Turkey, 38 kilometers southwest of Urmia.
[9] Rajan is a village of Silvana district in Urmia city of West Azarbaijan province of Iran.
[10] Qandil is one of the mountains of the Zagros mountain range on the border of Iran and Iraq. Part of this mountain is located in West Azarbaijan Province, Piranshahr County.
[11] Mount Haji Ibrahim, 3587 meters, the highest point of Qandil Mountain in West Azerbaijan Province, Piranshahr County, on the border of Iran and Iraq.
[12] A village in the central part of Piranshahr city in West Azarbaijan province of Iran.
[13] The heights of 3650 meters are located in West Azerbaijan and the border of Iran and Iraq, which is very difficult to cross.
[14] Nahang forms a permanent river in Sistan and Baluchistan province and a part of the Iran-Pakistan border, and after entering the territory of Pakistan, it flows into the Gulf of Goatar
Number of Visits: 2161

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