Oral History News of June-July 2023

Compiled by: Iranian Oral history Website
Translated by: Fazel Shirzad


Note: According to Iranian Oral History website, "News of the Month" is the title of a series of reports on this website. These reports review the news related to the topic of the site in written and virtual media. In the following, you will read news from July 2023.

►The book "Chamran Motorcyclist" was reviewed as a combination of oral history and memoir along with a brief look at the role of martyr Chamran in the imposed war, on Sunday, June 25, in the Qasre-e-Shirin Hall of the National Museum of the Islamic Revolution and Sacred Defense.

►The "Strange Uprising" meeting was held by the Khuzestan Art District with the theme of the collection of memories of the discovery of hijab in Reza shah era. In this meeting, which was held in collaboration with Bidari) awakening( Media Center, especially for cultural activists of Khuzestan province, oral history researchers of Bidari Media Office presented discussions about the events of the discovery of hijab in Reza shah era in Khuzestan province.

►System of strategic studies and oral history books of the Ministry of Defense with the presence of Amir Mohammadreza Ashtiani; Minister of Defense and Mohammad Ali Zulfigol; The Minister of Science was unveiled at Malik Ashtar University of Technology.

►Ali Amani, the head of the public headquarters of the 6th Bahman Amol Islamic epic, said: "The oral history section will be added to the commemoration programs of the 6th Bahman (February) Amol epic." The purpose of this section is to strengthen historical memory based on the principles of historiography, especially oral history.

►The scientific meeting of oral history with the title "Method of research or format and type of writing" was held on Sunday, July 2, 2023, under the initiative of the vice president of education and research of the museum.

►The tenth book by Mohammad Parhalam, a Gilani researcher of oral history, titled "Rahim Sami's photos of the Islamic revolution in Gilan" was published by Gilan Art Center (Nekofrin Publication). This book contains 130 pieces of unseen photos from the cities of Foman, Soumesara, Rasht, Lahijan and Siahkal during the Islamic Revolution, and each chapter of the book has several pages of research about the photos.

►The book "Always a Jihadist" narrating the oral memories of General Alireza Afshar was unveiled in the presence of Dr. Mohsen Rezaei on Saturday, july 8, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at the Iran Institute. The author of this book is Seyed Hossein Hosseini and it was published by Iran Publication.

►The unveiling ceremony of three oral history books "Harun Yeshayai", "Qabad Shiva" and "Behrouz Gharibpour" narrated by Nasser Fakuhi on Sunday, July 8 in Central Book City; Shariati Street was held. These three books were published in 2023 by Nash Ghagah.

►The four-volume book "Diplomacy with a loud voice; The oral history of American foreign policy in Iran (Pahlavi's second period)" including 13 interviews with American ambassadors, CIA officers and two American military advisors was unveiled on July 12, 2023 at Iran's Cultural and Press Institute. This book has 536 pages and was published by Iran Publishing House at a price of 190,000 Tomans (Iranian currency) in 2023. Book interviewer id William Burr, collector; It is the oral history research office of Columbia University and it was translated by the translators group of Iran Publications.

►The book "Khanetab", the oral history of the people of Isfahan from 1941 to 1955 was unveiled on the sidelines of the first meeting of the series of "Ingah" meetings, oral history meetings in collaboration with the Isfahan Arts Center. Narges Loqmanian is the author of this book.

►Director General of Martyrs and Veterans Foundation of Tehran Province on July 16, 2023 at the closing ceremony of the documentary "The Credit of Alleys" said: "More than 2,000 documentary titles of oral memories of the parents of martyrs and veterans were made last year, and 2,500 oral history interview documentaries this year." It is on the agenda.

►Head of the General Department of Communications and International Affairs of Karaj Municipality; Seyyed Jamal Beheshti announced: The first chapter of the scientific and cultural project, the oral history of this metropolis, was compiled and prepared in the form of a podcast.

►The launch meeting of the book "Angry Signaler" oral memoirs of Abulqasem Amuhosseini was held in Martyr Avini Hall of the General Directorate of Culture and Islamic Guidance in Qom. This book is written by a group of authors and published by Hamasa Yaran Publication.

Number of Visits: 1585


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