Review of the book "General of khorheh"

Biography of 2nd Brigadier General Gholam-Ali Amiri

Fereydoun Heydari Molkmian
Translated by: Fazel Shirzad


The design on the cover of the book is beautiful and eye-catching including the blend of trees and mountain heights, which, of course, is done on a gray background. After the list, the beginning of the speech, the text of the life and memoirs of Amir Gholam-Ali Amiri Khoreh in 26 chapters, and after that, the picture and documents are presented. Although two images are included in two pages with an appropriate cut, the images are blurry.

He was born on the night of the 19th of Ramadan, equal to the 1st June of 1953, in Khorheh village of Mahallat district in Markazi province. They named him Gholam-Ali and pierced his ear as a sign of Imam Ali's (PBUH) slavery and put a ring in it and vowed that when he was seven years old, this ring would be removed from his ear in the courtyard of Imam Rezaۥs (PBUH) shrine. Devotion to the Imams (PBUH) had its roots and ancient history in the family of Haj Khalil Khan Amiri Khorheh.

    Gholam-Ali's father was a calm and steadfast man and was known for his good morals. She was also the principal and teacher of a girls' school. He had good handwriting and a gentle spirit and left important influences in Gholam-Ali's life.

The mother was a housewife and had a lot of patience in life, raising her children with her art and tact. The family learned peace and piety from her.

Gholam-Ali was born after four daughters. The first time prayer, religious duties, and recommended acts were of special importance in the family. Loving Imam Hussein (PBUH) and participating in his mourning ceremony was one of the important priorities of the family. This caused children to become accustomed to praying, fasting, and various religious duties from an early age.

Gholam-Ali spent all his elementary and middle school years in the village school, but from the first year of high school, he went to his sister, who married her cousin a few years ago and lives in Tehran. The new school year was a year of destiny. Gholam-Ali was away from the village of Khorheh and had to continue his education in Tehran away from his family. Thus, he left his high school years behind while returning to Khorheh in his summers and graduated in 1971. Although he was not accepted in the national entrance exam, sometime later he was accepted in the police university entrance exam. The police academy had a special laws and rules. The students took 144 courses for three years on a 24-hour basis, with military courses arranged in the afternoons. Three years later, at the end of his student days, he graduated with a bachelor's degree in science and was a member of the Army family with the rank of second lieutenant. The day after the graduation ceremony, he, whose name had been drawn in the lottery, left for Shiraz with his companions. The introductory training course ended in the July of 1976, followed by a specialized training course that lasted about 9 months, but on the day when people were to be assigned to work, Gholam-Ali, who wanted to serve in Tehran, eventually chose a training center.

During this period, the army, which had a special and important position in the country, seemed to be close to the head of government. However, during the people's struggle against the imperial government, the army, as a supporter of the Iranian people, united the nation. When all the forces joined the revolution, Gholam-Ali Amiri served in the "One Infantry Division" of the center. Accidently, the first battalion that went to the Alvatan forests in the Piranshahr and Sardasht areas to fight the counter-revolutionary groups was from this division. At the same time, some problems were forming in Gonbad Kavous, to which a group of the same division was immediately sent. In early October of 1979, a unit of this division left for the Sardasht region. There were three brigades in this unit, and Amiri was in the third brigade. The 3rd Brigade had several battalions and Amiri served in the 147th Battalion. The unit was supposed to return a month after the mission began, but the unit lasted about four months.

When Gholam-Ali returned to Tehran, he had not yet rested for a day or two, so he quickly introduced himself to the barracks and was sent to Shiraz for a short missile training course; A guided missile shooting training course that had not been used in Iran still.

When he returned from this training course, it was near to Nowruz. A few days later, he introduced himself to the barracks. The barracks was now a training center. In 1980, he gave military training to soldiers in the guise of the commander of the third company. Late in the summer of that year, he decided to go to Mahallat for a few days. He was going to visit Khorheh and reminisce about his childhood. It was not more than a few days after his stay in the city that he heard the news of the start of the war on the radio; Shocking news that surprised him a lot. Although he was on vacation, he left for Tehran the next day.

The news of Iraq's invasion of Iran, when the country had just passed the revolution and was being revived, shocked everyone. On the next day, military training began in the mosques, and the people, in the form of mobilization, increased the military power of the country so that they could help the army and the IRGC.

The sudden war led to more efforts in the barracks. Hence, they changed the structure and while doing specialized work, they almost became educational centers. The country was in dire need of soldiers, and people were invited to join the fronts in a public call. People from cities and villages also responded positively to this invitation. All the barracks were full of soldiers. Due to the need for all forces, although Gholam-Ali should not have been appointed as the battalion deputy in terms of rank, six training groups were under his control. Thus, in 1981 and 1982, he served in the same position as deputy battalion commander and commander of training units in the barracks.

In the meantime, in 1960, two operations were carried out, "Samen ol-A'emeh" and "Tarighat al-Quds". The "Fatah al-Mubin" operation lasted until the 30th of March. Khorramshahr was liberated on May 24th of 1982. Gholam-Ali Amiri was honored with the rank of captain two days ago, on the first of khordad.

It was in August 1982 that Gholam Ali was going to get married. He was twenty years old and, at the suggestion of his family, chose a girl from distant relatives to marry. The girl was from a cultured and religious family. They issued a temporary marriage and postponed the wedding to September next year.

As Nowruz approached, Gholam-Ali asked for a week off to go on his first joint trip with his wife, but when he learned that he had been transferred to the 28th Sanandaj Division, he returned home to discuss the transfer with his wife. His wife had arranged for his travel. He had packed his bags and suitcases and was ready to travel. Tears welled up in her eyes when Gholam-Ali told her about the transfer,[and said:]

"- Where should you go?"


She did not think she would have to say goodbye to her husband so soon and escort him on a dangerous journey. It so happened that their travel plan was disrupted and Gholam-Ali returned to the barracks after his vacation to introduce himself to the 28th Kurdistan Division; An army that was fighting on three fronts at that time; one was the internal enemy. The second enemy was the Iraqis who attacked and sat on the border in the area of L28 and set the Mariwan Division under fire. The third enemy was the changing and unpredictable condition. Thus, from the beginning of 1983, when their unit was to be prepared for Operation Dawn 4, until September 23rd of 1986, this mission lasted. Of course, during this period, he was first sent to the southern region near Majnoon Island to identify and prepare a place for the deployment of forces, then he took his battalion from the southernmost point of the country to the northernmost region of the country to operate on Boalfath and Dopaza heights in Sardasht. But the Sardasht road had not yet been opened and was not suitable for operations. On the southern front, they needed more of his freshman forces. So it was decided that his battalion would return to Majnoon Island again and prepare for a new operation: Operation Badr, and after that, they would have to move quickly again and take all the equipment with them to Marivan ... Finally, according to the knowledge gained from him and his work experience, he was introduced to pass the excellent course, which was a study opportunity.

Gholam-Ali moved to Shiraz with his wife and child to live together for a while. They felt joint moments and the experience of being together then.

In 1987, he was assigned to command the 185th Mechanized Battalion. The beginning of the following year was marked by a series of attacks by Iraqis. Gholam-Ali Amiri, with his 185th Mechanized Battalion, captured two Iraqi border guards on a patrol mission in the Pich Angizeh area. He also seized three handguns and ammunition and two field telephones.

After the adoption of the resolution, the 185th Battalion was informed to move towards Mehran and occupy the dispersal area near the Golan. In 1989, they were engaged in defense in the same area. The following year, the names of those who had to take the M.A examination of AJA University of Command and Staff of Iran Army; Amiri's name was also among them.

But perhaps he was destined to remain at the University of Staff Command; A place that provides a good opportunity for Gholam-Ali Amiri, after years of presence and command in war zones, to teach and work as a scholar this time. Undoubtedly, his experiences could be useful to his students.

Mr. Amiri, who entered the university with the rank of Major, became Colonel II when he was a student, then Colonel, and then, due to his long experience on the front, his writings, and his activities at the university, he received the rank of General, i.e. 2nd Brigadier General.

The book "General of khorheh" written by Zahra Tahmasebi, its first edition was published in 2019 by the Foundation for the Preservation of Relics and Publication of the Values of the Sacred Defense of Alborz Province and Hanzaleh Publications in 167 pages and 1000 copies with softcover in Medium octavo at 18,000 Toman (Iranian currency) and was sent to book stores.

Number of Visits: 2357


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