The Memoirs of Mohammad Reza Hafeznia (14)

Memoirs of Hafeznia (14) Apparently, I had not been banned to visit someone anymore. I didn't know who had come to visit me. It was for the first time that I went behind the visiting room which had big and closed glasses and talked though a headphone. I saw that Mr. Alireza Chaychi, my former friend who later became my brother-in-law had come to meet me. I was surprised. How had he dared to come and visit me? I never thought that someone had the guts to do so. Apparently, he had relation with some of the guards outside the prison and had found a way to come and visit me. He had brought me a little money and some fruits. It was very interesting for me that someone had been found to come and ask about my health after that incident. He left there and after him, others also came to meet me. His wife along with her...

The Memoirs of Mohammad Reza Hafeznia (13)

Memoirs of Hafeznia (13) I was really uniformed. I didn't know what would happen. Finally, they made me to enter the large hall of the prison. They opened a small door and asked me to go in. It looked very dark and tight in the first look. I said, "oh, God where is here? Where is this cellar?" I went forward. The space became bigger. A number of people were there. First, we entered a small room. It seemed that the head of that section of the prison was stationed there. He was a black sergeant major, and very tough and angry.  I came to him. He registered my name, showing me a bed and said, "This is your bed." I looked around myself and saw that the space was very dirty and polluted.  Later, I found out that the prison was the same fifth ward of Vakilabad prison in Mashahd where those who had been...

The Memoirs of Mohammad Reza Hafeznia (12)

Memoirs of Hafeznia (12) Of course, I also asked them to give me books. First they didn't accept but after my insistence, I was given two books one of which was The Roots ( It was about the sad story of the African blacks and slaves' being sent to America the studying of which annoyed me more), and the other The Dragon Generation. They did not give me any other religious book except the holy Qur'an. I was heavily guarded in the prison. When I wanted to go to WC, they opened the door very cautiously. A few people stood along the way, waiting for me to go and come back. Even, I was not allowed to take a shower. There was a pond in the middle of the prison yard that I was just able to wash myself inside it. However, they later took me to the division's bath. On the whole, they treated on me toughly. Sometimes, the...

The Memoirs of Mohammad Reza Hafeznia (11)

Memoirs of Hafeznia (11) Then the interrogators brought the pamphlet of "The Land of Islam" which I had written in Teacher Training University upon the request of some students, asking questions about it.Some issues had been brought up in the pamphlet which were new at that time. I had brought up a series of solutions in the pamphlet about which the interrogator asked several questions: "Have you written these works by yourself?" – "Yes" –"It doesn't seem that you are capable of writing such things."I said, "Anyhow, this is just like the operation that doesn't seem to be carried out by me." We talked a little about it, and apparently after one week of mental and sometimes physical harassment and threats, they convinced to some extent that the operation had been carried out by me and no one else had been...

The Memoirs of Mohammad Reza Hafeznia (10)

Memoirs of Hafeznia (10) They again started asking me several questions. “How have you heard of it? Where have they told you? So, it is clear that some people have had relation with you.” Thus, everything started from the very beginning. Of course, a few tough ungracious persons came later and joined the group. They treated very violently. They annoyed and beat and forced me to stay awake for a few days. They didn’t let me sleep even for a few moments. I really needed to sleep but as soon as I closed my eyes, they began to beat and did not allow me to sleep. Even I did not known what I was writing. They called me and said something but I did not know what to answer. And in general I didn’t know what I was doing. They were trying to bother me physically and mentally. However, during all these times, my...

The Memoirs of Mohammad Reza Hafeznia (9)

Memoirs of Hafeznia (9) Transferring to TehranI think it had not passed more than one day when they suddenly stopped interrogating. I had just sat on a chair in the room lonely. I had no news of the fate of Shahir Motlaq (the division commander). I also did not know what was going on outside the room since I was fully guarded. I had already heard from the anti-intelligence agents of Khorasan 77 Division that there were political prison, cells and places for torturing in the division.  I was surprised why they didn't take me there, because it was not a minor measure that they wanted to ignore it easily. I disclosed nobody's address, I did say nothing. About the persons whose names was in the phone book, I said I did not know who they were, you call them. They would say who they are! They were not so stupid...

The Memoirs of Mohammad Reza Hafeznia (8)

Memoirs of Hafeznia (8) We reached the detention center as I was in such dreams. The door was opened and I was pushed inside. I entered the cell.  The first thing I said there loudly which I think everybody heard was "By the Lord of the Ka’ba I have succeeded" (the immortal phrase that Imam Ali (AS) expressed as blood spouting from his pierced scalp dyed red his face and beard). I said this phrase from the bottom of my heart which boosted my morale. After a few minutes, several people came into my cell and started searching me. By chance, there was a phone book in my military uniform which was found by them. I gave a deep sigh but did not ignore. I had already decided to put the phone book out of my pocket since the phone numbers of some of my friends from the university, Shiraz garrison, Mashhad's and...

The Memoirs of Mohammad Reza Hafeznia (7)

Memoirs of Hafeznia (7) Finally, we arrived in the parade field of the artillery unit which was bigger and cleaner than the other ones. Armored, infantry and artillery units with thousands of soldiers and commissioned and noncommissioned officers had all stood up around the field. The military units with their guns and bayonets had remained upright and displayed a great battlefield. As far as the eye could see, the companies and battalions had been deployed around the field respectively. They were ready to march with their guns and bayonets. I had also stood up in the place where I had to be and the grandeur of the division and the field had no impact on me and my will. All of a sudden, I found out that Major General Shahir Motlaq, the division commander had returned and was present in the field! I said to...

The Memoirs of Mohammad Reza Hafeznia (6)

Memoirs of Hafeznia (6) The soldier said nothing and started to help me open the ropes. I took the box of the colt bullets out of the truck and put it in my room under the table behind which I sit. Then, I started reading a book as if nothing had happened. The same soldier came back again and took his gun. I found out that he was still continue to guard and looking at me from the window and in fact watching me. I had to bend gently so that he could not see me. I opened the lock of the bullet box quietly and without any suspicious move, while pretending to study, I opened the door of the box, and took three magazines of bullets out, brought them up very slowly and hid them between my feet on the same chair on which I had sat in a way that the soldier did not see. Then, I took out the empty magazine of the colt,...

The Memoirs of Mohammad Reza Hafeznia (5)

Memoirs of Hafeznia (5) When I came back to the company, I thought of planning an operation. The first plan which drew my attention was to carry out an operation in the new parade field of the division located beside the tank battalion and a ceremony was supposed to be held in the field the next morning. So, on this basis, I thought of finding a way. Around evening, I was said that since you were the commander of the first squad of the tank company, you would be on alert tonight, the rest of the officers would leave but you stay here as the officer on duty. I got very happy. I guessed that ammunitions would also be given to me. Now I knew comfortably that I could arrange a plan for an operation.  It was still daylight. When others left, I quickly left for the parade field to examine the conditions and to...
At the Unveiling of “War and State”:

Minister of Health Praises the Prestigious Sadr Family

The book War and State in the Memoirs of Seyyed Mohammad Sadr, authored by Mohammad Qobadi and published by Sooreh Mehr, was officially unveiled at the The Artistic Sect of the Islamic Republic. According to the Sooreh Mehr Publishing website, this event was attended by Mohammadreza Zafarghandi, Minister of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education;
Dr. Nouraei:

“Oral history of art” should move toward producing documentaries

According to Iranian Oral History website, the preliminary workshop of “Oral History of Art” was held online before the national conference “Iranian Theories of Historiography and Art” on Wednesday 21st of Azar 1403 (December 11, 2024) by the Art Research Institute of the Art Cultural Center. During the event, “Dr. Morteza Nouraee” the professor of the History Group of Isfahan University delivered a speech.

Benefits of Oral History

History, as one of the fundamental disciplines within the humanities, has evolved through time to adopt various forms and methodologies. Concepts such as "written history," "comprehensive history," and "oral history" exemplify these approaches. Written history relies on documents and textual sources for the analysis and composition of historical accounts, while comprehensive history seeks to integrate various sources—both written and oral.
Book Review

The Hidden Camp

The Hidden Camp narrates the autobiographical memoirs of Mohammad Hassan Mirzaei, recounting his experiences from managing Iraqi POW camps to enduring captivity in Iranian POW camps. This work, rewritten and compiled by Meysam Gholampour, was published in the summer of 2024 by Mirath-e Ahl-e Qalam Publications in collaboration with the Damavand Martyrs Foundation.