Ahmad Ahmad Memoirs (13)

Edited by Mohsen Kazemi

Ahmad Ahmad Memoirs (13)
Edited by Mohsen Kazemi
Soureh Mehr Publishing Company
(Original Text in Persian, 2000)
Translated by Mohammad Karimi

Concurring with Islamic Nations’ Party
When I was officially accepted as a member of INP (1), I participated in some secret meetings. The first 3 meetings were held in Mr. Mir Mohammad Sadeghi or in the mosque. In these meetings, he would talk about my status in the party and my connections. There I understood that I could only be in contact with the individual higher than myself in party ranks. I would also participate in party classes just in the specified domain for me.
After the primary meeting I entered party classes. My task in this level was participating in classes and learning party teachings. Other than that I had to find and introduce trusted and enthusiastic people to be examined and then joined to the party.
 Each member in the party had an ID number. Once when I was given this number for the first time, I thought to myself what a large number of people have joined the party that my number was that. This ID number and the imagination of having a several thousand members for the party, was a heartwarming reason for me to participate in the meetings, classes, activities and speeches.
In party classes, we would talk about the programs, the party manifest and goals and also the kind of government they were about to create and Islamic parliament.
The journal of Khalq [people](2) was the only organ of the party that I would read most and I had only permitted to have for 24 hours. After this time I had to give it back to the party to be available for another member. Beside that I would read books by Engineer Mehdi Bazargan & Dr. Yadollah Sahabi. The other things that they would teach us were the rules of working secretly, membership techniques, and organizational discipline. In some classes, some of writings, articles and analysis of Khalq would be discussed.
Our units commander in the party was Mr. Seyyed Mohammad Mir Mohammad Sadeghi and the other members of the class were Javad Mansouri and Hadi Shams Ha’eri (3).
After few months I would act as go-between two classes of the party. Gradually I became more interested in party activities. I would spend part of teaching salary -452 Toomans (65$) - for the party and I thought by this help party would achieve its goals sooner.
Thus, all my life at those days of youth blood was under the shadow of the party and its activities. I always was considering the party interests wherever I would go and whatever I would do at that time.
Once I remember that in September 1965 (one month before the party being revealed), I had gone for a personal matter to south of Iran, Bandar-Abbas port. I took it as chance to observe and detect the ways of going out and coming in to the city, Persian Gulf paths and the ways for embarking and disembarking ships for possible arms smuggling. I was so concerned about this matter that I almost had forgotten my main reason for that trip.
INP and my activities for it are golden pages of my life. Despite short period of activity, this party had deep impacts of the members ideas and insight, in a way that even after passing their prison sentences they would remain as opponents of the regime and begin and lead new movements.

1- Islamic Nations Party (INP) was a political organization that had a revolutionary manifest and would follow armed strategies. The first Central Committee meeting of the party was held in March 1962 by the leadership of Mr. Seyyed Mohammad Kazem Mousavi Bojnourdi. The principals of the party were based on establishing an Islamic government and its programs were organized in 65 articles in different fields of economy, judiciary, culture, and foreign policy. The strategy of this party to achieve its goals was armed struggle against the Pahlavi regime. The organizational activity of the party was designed in three stages: 1) The stage of growing the number of members of the party and their training. 2) The stage of armed preparation. 3) The stage of revealing the activities which had three levels: Level 1; declaring the existence of the party and inviting people to take part in armed struggles, 2; Threatening the government bodies and doing destructive operations against important governmental bodies such as ministries,, parliament, and governmental centers, 3; beginning general or public armed fight against the regime until Islamic government establishment.
INP had a monthly official organ named Khalq and a red flag with an 8 pointed star in a white circle. In organizational chart of the party, the leader and the central committee were on top. This committee would lead some networks that each network would include two groups and each group would include two squads and each squad would include two branches and each branch would include two units and each unit had to connect with two schools. Finally in each school there were some party classes. Class was the lowest rank in the party and would include three members and a head.
Party’s leader was Seyyed Mohammad Kazem Bojnourdi and its secretary was Hassan Hamed Azizi and the financial official was Seyyed Mohammad Seyyed Mahmoodi Qumi (Tabatabai).
In INP’s ideal government, two parliaments would exist; one for the elites (Just Mujtahids), The People’s Parliament (people’s elected representatives).
2- Khalq Monthly was the official organ of INP which was prepared by the central committee and then presented to the units and branches. The first issue of this monthly was published in 1964 and continued up to No 9. Some articles from other nations’ fight against other regimes were also seen in this monthly.
3- Hadi Shams Ha’eri was son of the famous clergy of Hamadan, Sheikh Taqi Ali Zanjani, born in 1943. He was familiar with political issued from teen ages. He shortly took part in Hojjatiyyeh Society activities and then became a member of INP in 1964 and when he was arrested he was sentenced to 4 years in prison. He was freed in 1965 and became a member of Hezbollah (Party of God) and when Hezbollah joined MKO (Mujahedin Khalq Organization), he also joined MKO in 1971. When MKO changed its ideology to Marxism, he also changed to a Marxist. A year later, after being listened to by SAVAK, he was arrested and put in Evin prison. At the brink of Islamic Revolution he was freed from prison and continued his activities in MKO until this organization’s confrontation with Islamic Republic and in 1981 he went abroad by the orders of MKO. In later years he reached highest ranks in MKO. In 1991 after conflicts with MKO he separated from this organization. Finally he could escape from Ashraf camp in Iran and took asylum in Holland. He died of cancer on June 1st 2012 in Herongen near Holland in Germany.

Number of Visits: 5334


Full Name:
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