Interview with Mahmoud Kaman

Memories of My Commander

Mehdi Khanbanpour
Translated by Ruhollah Golmoradi


In the interview General Mahmoud Kaman has told his memoirs for readers of Iranian Oral History Website. He served for many years in the holy uniform of Islamic Republic of Iran army, in the fronts and along with Amir Shahid, Lieutenant General Ali Sayyad Shirazi, and now presents his experiences in the classroom to students and future makers of the country.


Please introduce yourself.

I am Mahmoud Kaman and I was born in Mashhad and have two children. I am a graduate of the officer school in 1969. My service place was from always Persian Gulf to Kurdistan and Sanandaj, I was not just in eastern Iran. My main major was telecommunications. Before the revolution, I was in telecommunications corps; I met Martyr Sayyad Shirazi in the officer school, and then we studied in United States. He took me out of telecommunication and gave me executive duties. After the revolution, almost all my works were executive. From my 31 years of service, I've had 24 years of command and managing, from lieutenant to company and then battalion responsibilities, and later executive posts. All of these were at a time when Martyr Sayyad Shirazi was commander of Ground Forces and he had employed us; we also served the people.


When did you enter military?

There was a high school that accepted student like all high schools. Like today that high schools have two periods, then Nezam (military) high school accepted student from the second periods, but I entered Nezam high school at the sixth or current twelfth grade. This high school was managed by Army.


What was taught there?

The same credits which were taught in other high schools. Our materials and books did not differ, only in a few hours we were trained fall in and military education and a brief shooting. Most of our activities were high school credits education. Just when we graduated from the high school and got our diploma, we participated in competitive examination to enter the officer school like rest of students. I remember that we were about 100 people from Nezam high school who participated in the examination and about 70 of us were accepted.



Did you interested in being a serviceman?

Yes, because two of my brothers were serviceman and one of them was pilot. I became interested in military uniform and had a special interest in commandoes. I passed a short course of commando. My mother always said: you are crazy! I said: why? She said: your brothers fly with something, but there is nothing under your feet when you are in air!


Do you have any memory about the period you were a commando?

Yes, I remember the king had invited Saudi king to Iran. Before the revolution, December 12 was day of the army. We jumped in this day. They had made a position in Karaj highway, and Mohammadreza Shah brought King of Saudi Arabia to show strength of the Iranian army. There is an instruction in sky diving that if wind is more than 10 nautical miles, we have no right to jump, especially with an automatic parachute. In an automatic parachute, carbineer is connected to airplane cable and dive; it opens itself and no longer requires parachute handle.

That day we arrived at the airport at 8:00 a.m. I was a second lieutenant. I think it was around 1961 or 1962. In the morning, they told us the flight to be done. When we wore parachute we had to hold the parachute harness very tight; we became like people who slouch. We were in the same position for half an hour, then they told, "Because wind is severe, the flight would not be done. We wore and reopened parachutes several times from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. King of Saudi Arabia came into the stand at 2:00 p.m. and they announced that the diving had to be made. The C130s were ready to fly. We were about three battalions who enplaned and became ready to dive. My big brother, who was not a military, came along with my mother to see my dive. My mother had said: where is Mahmoud? My brother pointed to sky and said: he is at height among paratroopers. Then my mother stated: "how do I know which one is Mahmoud?" really, when we dived, the sky became black. Three paratrooper battalions mean about a thousand people. It's really a scary and funny scene. We dived through three doors of the plane, from bottom and two doors of left and right of the plane. Now, consider that in situation of sever wind, we dived in Karaj highway. I landed in southern Mehrabad on roof of an old woman's house. I was lucky that my parachute was struck into tree. In parachuting, nothing happens in sky, especially automatic parachutes which are very secure. Everything that happens is on the ground. When you are approaching on the ground, if you do not free up locks on time, parachute like a rogue horse that you stumble over its stirrup, would take you anywhere and it would cause any damage.

When I stumble over tree and left the lock, I was struck hardly on roof of an old lady's cob house, as my boots penetrated three centimeters in cob of rooftop. I started packing the parachute up and then looked at inside of the yard. I saw this servant of God who was inside courtyard. I said: my dear mother, how can I come down? She raised his head and said, "What are you doing there?" I said: I do not do anything honestly, wind brought me here! All neighbors gathered and they scared a little, until a car came and took me.

We had an officer called Gharehgozlu, who was very skillful in skydiving and was commander of the battalion. In France, he had become the first man in free fall but unfortunately that day, due to heavy wind, he had landed on tarmac of Mehrabad and his parachute had struck him into ground several times and caused his concussion. When we returned to the garrison at night, we found that 33 people of us were killed and wounded. I think three people were killed, including officer Gharehgozlu. Others had been injured too.


Where did you work after graduating from the officer school?

I started professional course after graduating. In new educational system it is titled MA. We were divided into different disciplines according to scores and average as well as intelligence testing. I also accepted in telecommunication category. After graduating because of my grade, and since I was second student, I was transferred to joint staff and started to serve.


When were you dispatched to United States?

I served in Joint Staff for some time. The army bought courses from United States and sent students to study. Like pilots who were trained in United States, they also sent us for various courses. It should be noted that most of senior rankings were for Iranian guys, including pilot, and so on. In telecommunications field, there was a course named Electronic Maintenance.

I had completed Language College in 1974. The army had a specific college. We only studied six months language. Professors were all English-speaking. No one talked in class Persian, especially in conversation classes. We were in class from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and just read language. They taught audiovisually. Exams were also held audiovisually. I spent this language course in 1974. When it was over, Joint Staff announced that we added an electronic maintenance course and interested officers could attend in its training course. When I went to the exam, I saw many people participated. They said this course is for the ground forces, and everyone who passes this course must be transferred to the ground forces. Joint Staff did not give its forces to ground force. I passed the exam. The ground force said that the student had been accepted and if you want him to pass this course, he would have to teach in faculty of the ground force after returning and not return to Joint Staff. The joint staff stated we want this officer, but we also need this course, we will buy this course ourselves. Joint Staff bought this course, but it took some time. If any test lasted six months, that exam would be null, and because purchasing the course had lasted more than 6 months, my exam had been refuted. I had to try again. For the exam, I saw that many applicants had come to participate. God bless my mother, she was Seyyed. I said to my mother in the morning: Pray for me, because this course is my right. Once I accepted this course, pray to be accepted again.

The exam had two stages. The first stage was held by Iranian guys and the second by Americans. The first stage was held in the morning. I came out desperately at 10 a.m. from the test site, which was building of Language College of Ground Force. I did not return to the garrison. I was going toward my house in the street. It was 1 p.m. that I told myself have a call to know the exam result. One hour after the exam, those who were accepted were announced. I threw two Rials coin inside public telephone and called the ground force schools circle which was responsible for dispatching to abroad in the army. The colonel answered the phone. I said: I am Kaman. As I said, "I am Kaman", he said the man! It's clear where you are from the morning so far, we were looking for you everywhere. I said: what's up? He said: In the first stage, you only were accepted. You go to consultancy tomorrow at 8 a.m. and take second stage of your exam. I went the next morning. An American officer came. He told me surprisingly, just one person? I said yes! He started the exam. The test was also very difficult. You must use headphone, listen to questions, and write answers. If you waste a little time, you lagged three questions. My exam took for half an hour to 45 minutes. Then, he put answer key and corrected my sheet. He said: a few days later come for an interview. When I was going out of the room, he told me go to buy ticket. I was happy when I came home. What happened was because of my mother's prayer that I was accepted again.


How did you visit Mr. Sayyad Shirazi in United States?

At the same time I was dispatched, Sayyad Shirazi had accepted in great course of artillery and he had been also deployed to USA. Sayyad was at a year higher than me in the officer college but we knew each other and were two years with together. We did exercise with together. Sayyad was athlete and we were close and intimate friends. It's interesting to tell you about beliefs of the guys; their beliefs were very deep. In the officer college, when Ramadan began, they said announce number of those fast. We were in the college all day and night and we just went home on Thursday and Fridays, and we should be in college from Friday evening. Commander of the officer college was marshal. If he is alive, God protects him, if he died, God bless him. During the revolution, he criticized Shah several times, and Shah expelled him from the officer college. He had said the king make many mistakes. He ordered for Ramadan to cook and distribute fresh food for Suhur and Iftar. We did not have a mosque, but we prayed in doorway of sanatorium that was almost large. Sayyad Shirazi was among the guys who fast and we were together in dining room, during Iftar and Suhur.



Tell us about your trip to America. In which year were you dispatched?

I think it was 1976. I was in United States for about 10 months and I passed electronic maintenance course. We were three officers from Iran and 22 American officers and seven or eight from other countries, such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Philippines, Liberia, and other countries, which they were called "allied officers". These foreign officers, at early each month went to finance bureau and received their grant. They only charged our deposit account from Iran in Signal Tower Bank of American College of Telecommunications, and we went to withdraw it. We were not in queue for this grant receivers. There was a Pakistani officer who was very friendly with us and he was very interested in me. Even in a day that I had gone for a visit, he walked a long way to get my letters. He threw them through under door into room. At the same time we had problems with Saudis; one of them was Major Al-Harbi, and another was Officer Al-Qamadi. Al-Qamadi was normal, but Al-Harbi wanted always to argue. Al-Harbi was Wahhabi. Whenever he wanted to have a detail discussion, al-Qamadi didn't allow, he said: "We are both Muslim and we do not have to discuss." Our class was over on Friday afternoon. Major Al-Harbi was drunk since Friday evening until Monday morning. On morning of this day, commuter service came to take us to the college. We must wake him up with punch and kick. Most of the time he didn't arrive at commuter service and he came by taxi.


Which state were you in?

We were in a garrison named Ford Cordon in state of Georgia in Augusta. Augusta was a religious city.


Which year did you come back from USA and where did you work?

I returned at the end of 1976. Before sending to America, I was in Special Force, but given that I was accepted in Faculty of Telecommunications, I left the special force. After graduating, they did not allow me to return to the force, they said: "You have passed the college course, you have to teach." Joint Staff also did not give us to the ground force. We went freely for a while so that we were sent to the higher course. I became second person in the higher course. It is a law in the specific force that keeps first to fourth persons for teaching in the officer college, so they keep me too. I taught at Faculty of Telecommunications until 1979 when the revolution occurred.


Tell us about events of the revolution.

Our garrison was in Lavizan, north, place of Imperial Guard. Let me tell you about sergeant major Salamatbakhsh and soldier Abed. In my opinion, these two caused the Shah decided to escape from Iran. Imperial Guard was responsible for guarding rooms and palaces of Shah's family. When in Ashura day this happened in Imperial Guard, Shah concluded that he would no longer stay. This was the case: headquarters of martial law was in Imperial Guards, soldier Omid Abed and sergeant major Salamatbakhsh Guard attacked with guns for dining hall, and just when agents of martial law were there, they shot all. Some people were killed and, of course, both died a martyr. We were in Northern Garrison of Imperial Guard. When this happened, they kept all of us in the garrison and did not allow us to leave and surrounded the garrison. This event which occurred in Imperial Guard, Shah realized that the situation is not good and had to go. This happened in December 1978, and on January 16 Shah left Iran.

My colleague, that a street is named for him, Youssef Kolahdooz, was an Imperial Guard officer. He was from Quchan. He was operation officer of third pillar of first battalion of Immortal Guard; the 1st Battalion, the best and most representative of Immortal Guard. When royal family went to Kish Island, this battalion also went. Kolahdooz had gone in a night of martial law and detached one by one needle of artilleries; so tanks did not have needles for firing bullets, and only iron body was exited; it was one event that had occurred in Immortal Guard.

I also had a friend named Capt. Tabatabaei. I was 3 years older than him. Our houses were close. We were both in telecommunication training center and I taught. He was also a transportation officer. In the morning, one day I brought my car, one day we went to the garrison with his car. Our house was in Gheytarieh. Once I opened the house door, I saw some people had poured a lot of leaflets in our house. It had been rumored that the army wanted to attack people; Imam had declared that this was rumor of SAVAK and the army was with people. I picked up the announcements and poured into the car. I came to Tabatabaei's house, and he got on too. I said: Majid look behind the seat. He looked back and told: what is this? Where are you taking them? I said: They had been poured in our house. Roof of my car was drawer-like. I told Majid: "I open the car roof, you evacuate these leaflets." We did this and all the leaflets were broadcast to the garrison, except two ones! We took these two leaflets to the garrison for the guys to read.


Where were you at the beginning of the war on September 22, 1980?

I was in Telecommunication and Electronics Training Center at Lavizan garrison on September 22. They bombarded also up of our garrison. I was teaching in the same garrison for five months. They commanded and dispatched me to 28th Division of Kurdistan. My post was also officer of battalion 464. I went to my work place and served there until 1984. When I was in telecommunication battalion, I was responsible for communication with telecommunications of the division. The division had four brigades, a brigade in Marivan, a Brigade in Saqqez and two brigades in Sanandaj. Headquarters of the division was in Sanandaj. The garrison was in a hole. Left of the garrison was Avidar Heights, and right side was also heights of Salamatabad. In front of the garrison was crossroad of Marivan and behind it was the city.

In addition to telecommunication tasks, our battalion had been also responsible for guarding two points, one crossroad of Marivan and another crossroad of Bijar. We had two police stations and seventeen soldiers along with several officers in crossroad of Marivan. An enlisted man served in police station of crossroad of Marivan named Halalzadeh. I was operation officer of the battalion too and I was very sensitive in relation to these police stations. Because of this I myself took water car to see who was present and absent, and who had left the police station; because it was a very crucial area. At the same police station of crossroad of Marivan, they killed one of my soldiers with knife. It was very important not to leave their service place.

That day, at 10 a.m., I saw Sergeant Halalzadeh entered the division. I said: what are you doing here? He said: I need a bath Major. I told: after bath return very soon. I'm going with a water tanker, you also come soon. If you do not come, you will be front with me! Shortly, he bathed and then went up. We had a room called operation room, very large; it was about seven and eight meters wide and 15 meters long and had a U-shaped table. That day, it was supposed all military units in Sanandaj have a commission in this room; because the safest place was 28th Division of Sanandaj. There was a prc77 Portable Transceiver in the room which was related to network of alerting air danger. There were 20 to 30 active Portable Transceivers in this network. If any air strike took place, the network would alert. There is a dry battery under prc77; just like a brick, in the same width and length, and packaged. The room had two doors; one toward room of the division commander, one in corner of the other room. Head of the table was arranged toward the commander's room and the portable transceiver was next to the door. Successor guardian officer of the division was a Major who was not from telecommunication unit. Halalzadeh took a battery and got into the conference room. He stated I came from the telecommunications battalion and I have to check the portable transceiver. He deorbited the dry battery and replaced it battery of handheld bomber. Then he connected it to receptacle. Because the guard officer was not from telecommunication unit, he had not realized that the battery did not need charge or electricity. In fact, hour counter of the bomb needed city electricity. Halalzadeh went out of the room and left Sanandaj by a car. At five o'clock the commission was to be held, I moved to the meeting at 4 p.m. I was deputy of the battalion. The battalion commander was on leave and I had to go to the meeting. I arrived 20 minutes earlier. At the corner of the room, I stood in front of room of the division commander and talked with the guys. I also did not understand why alert portable transceiver was plugged. They opened door of the commander room and said: gentlemen, the commission will not be held, return to your units. After a few minutes I had left the room, there was exploded. Nowhere was seen. Everywhere was dust and smoke. I quickly went out of the building. Unfortunately, several people died a martyr and some of them, including the division commander were wounded. We sought all of city to find Halalzadeh, but it was not clear where he had escaped. Then we found out that he was a member of Monafeghin, and many letters was found among his things that showed he had contacted with group of Monafeghin. His name was Halalzadeh (means legitimate), but his behavior was not at all compatible with his name.


How long were you in Sanandaj?

I was in Sanandaj Division that C130 plane crash and martyrdom of Valiallah Fallahi occurred in Kahrizak. At that time, Sayyad Shirazi was commander of West operations, and headquarters of West operations in Kurdistan was in general headquarters. After this incident, one day that I was in West operations headquarters, a man took my eyes from behind. He said: you do not know me? When I heard his voice I told: "sir, you our head, Mr. Sayyad Shirazi." We embraced each other. He said: what are you doing here? I said: I am in Sanandaj Division. At the same time, a command had been issued so that he became commander of the ground forces. Sayyad was also choosing his forces. He said: You have to be transferred to commanding of forces. He chose me as logistic commander of the ground force command. Difference of Sanandaj with the south was that all four sides were front and unsafe, but in the south front was just in one side.


Tell us about Mr. Sayyad Shirazi.

Let me tell you memory about Sayyad Shirazi and Abolhassan Bani-Sadr. Sayyad ordered Sanandaj division to parade. They had wanted command of the ground force and the president to order them. Bani-Sadr had opposed. He had said: a quarrel will occur. Sayyad, who was commander of Operation Kurdistan, had stated, "I will be responsible for its result. They told us: you have to parade. We had four battalions and had introduced them. We had not brought indigenous people for parade because they had family in the city, they might have been hurt. We had brought forces form everywhere, from Tehran, Isfahan and Shiraz, Kurd and Lur. On February 3, they told us: "Today is a parade." We had to get dress and ammunition. Then they said: the parade is not going to be done, we will later determine day of the parade. At that time, Ayatollah Mahdavi Kani - God bless him - was in Sanandaj. He told, the parade will be held on February 7. We were ready too, and because the commander was on leave, I should have walked in front of the battalion. There was a street which intersected headquarters of Sanandaj division in a square. We had to pass that way to inter from western door of the division headquarters. We went and parade in the street. All noncommissioned officer, commanders and brigadiers, who were of good and religious guys, were parading in front. We were all equipped with a grenade and a gun, so if an event happened, we could defend ourselves. We paraded and interred the city, passed the field and returned to the division. Nothing happened.

In the same afternoon, I went with plainclothes man to walk in the city. I saw they had written our names in all cinema facades. They had written these who paraded are anti-people officers; they came to show you power. You brave Kurds! You Democrats! And you guerrillas of the west! Listen. In Sanandaj, there were many of such parties that Alhamdulillah, all of them were destroyed through Sayyad measures and Sayyad Shirazi became prideful. We did the parade and nothing happened, and people had also come to watch it.

In 1983, I came to Sayyad in command of the ground force and became officer of logistic. Before this, on March 25, 1982, they said, "You must come to the division for an interview." I had also gone in plainclothes man. They guided me and said: Go for Human Resources Deputy. I sit in the office that suddenly I heard sound of a blast. I said Deputy Human Resource Officer: Mr. Colonel, this is explosion? He said: No sir, antiaircrafts are working on the roof. When we heard sound of the second explosion, I said: Mr. Col., this is not sound of antiaircraft. In summary, I came out of the room. The resource building was in such a way that all deputy offices were located upon each other and were separated by stairs and elevators. When I came out, I saw a young man who head of his Kalashnikov had obtruded from his jacket, clenched his fist and saying, "Death to anti- people army!" there was a soldier named Farshid Sabri. The previous night, had brought five or six of Monafeghin to the building in trunk of his car and had hidden them in a cabin behind engine room and auditorium. It had been supposed Sayyad speak about conquest of 5th site by Iranian forces and expelling Iraqi forces from 5th site of South, but the speech was canceled due to explosions. The agents who had hidden went to dining hall for attack and began firing on staff. Then they went to 9th floor building of board. They killed guard officer, successor officer and a large number and fled from door at corner of the headquarters. All this had been ordered by soldier Farshid Sabri. The soldier, because was soldier of one of officials, his car wasn't checked, he had used situation and hidden them in trunk and brought into the building. Then that event happened.

I was with Sayyad until night of Eid of 1983 told me: You have to come to the south. Like that general staff of the ground force which was in Sanandaj, one was also in the south. I went and became operational commander of the south command and served before him until 1985. Martyr Sayyad was of iron and steel. In 20 to 25 days in war area, he only slept two hours in 24 hours. When I was with him, I was in a stew due to insomnia. When he went for a meeting or lecture, I found a place to have a short sleep.

I also have a good memory from martyr Monfared Niaki. He was the oldest officer of the ground force and commander of 92rd Division. This division was one of the most sensitive divisions. In an operation, he was informed that his 18-year-old girl had died. When Sayyad heard this, he became very upset. He gave me a letter and said: go to the command and send the letter for Niaki. Before yourself establish mission of the division to his deputy post. Then coordinate with aviation in order to he reach quickly to Ahwaz with helicopter and then with C130 to Tehran and his daughter's ceremony. After doing all these measures, inform me. I obeyed too.

I got into the command. I had a colleague who was telecommunication officer of 92nd Division and his name was Moghim. Whenever I went there, I first went before him and I greeted him. I just sit that field phone dialed. My friend answered. He had said, "Give the phone to Kaman." Why did he come there first? I took the phone. Niaki said: "Now you first went before your friend, then you come to me?" I said: Mr. Colonel I'm coming now. He had sat in underground trench, as if not his daughter had died. I went and give him the letter. When he read the letter began to write. Then he folded the letter and put in envelope. I said: Mr. Colonel, you now according to commanding order submit forces to deputy. After that I'm at your service to embark you to a helicopter and I calmly return to commander of the force and report. He said: No Mr., I wrote everything. Go tell him I'm doing my works. He gave me the letter and said, "Say hello me to force commander. I said: Mr. Colonel! He said: Mr., if you do not go, I would keep you for lunch. I got up too, I said goodbye and came out of the trench. I went inside my friend's trench. I saw the letter envelop is open. I opened the letter and read it with my friend. I was crying, my friend too. He had written: "in the name of God. Thanks to consideration of the force commander for my child, all guys of 92nd division are my children. My family holds burial ceremony for the third and seventh days. In this sensitive situation, I will not leave my mission. Yours truly Masoud Monfared Niaki." He had not even written his own grade. He was a faithful officer and the oldest officer of the army. When Sayyad heard this news, he disintegrated. He said: "Who are we encountered? Now Saddam comes to see who is against him." We had a lot of this sample. Let me another example.

Rahim Rahmani, the commander of commandoes, had been shot in his stomach. He had fastened a large shawl around his waist. He was not good at all. He had gone pale. Notwithstanding his 190 cm height and being square-shouldered, he had gone pale. Sayyad came and told me: Rahim Rahmani is going to die a martyr, go and give the mission to his deputy and then take him to Dezful and hospitalize him. Then inform me.

He worked in Abu Ghraib hills. It was summer and the weather was very hot. There was a bad smell from Iraq. I went to Rahim trench. I said: Hi dear Rahim. He told: "well sissy, what do you do here?" I said: dear Rahim, I came here to greet you and I told him the story. I said: You have to come with me, the car is waiting. Then we go Dezful by helicopter to be hospitalized. He stated: I will not go cross my heart; I will not go cross my two children heart! My children are doing single combat, when they see Rahim Rahmani leave here, they would be demoralized and surrender themselves. Then, I must give captive afterwards. Run along! I will not come. Whatever I did he did not come. He said: unseat me! But I will not retreat in this situation.


Tell on operations you had with Sayyad Shirazi.

In most of the operations, I was with Sayyad in the operation room and logistic of command; operations Beit ol-Moqaddas, Ramadan and Kheibar. In Operation Beit ol-Moqaddas when we entered Khorramshahr with Sayyad, the Iraqi tea cups were still hot. Our guys operated as quickly that they had not have time to eat their tea. I said: Mr. Colonel, cups are still hot. He laughed and said: "Do not think to drink it!"

Let me tell you about an interview in Operation Beit ol-Moqaddas. I had a colleague named Brigadier General Morteza Nabavi, whom God preserves him. He was fluent in three languages: English, French, and Arabic. Following conquest of Khorramshahr, he had brought an Iraqi general and interviewed him. The general said: they told me by telephone that some sounds are heard from Iran, be careful. I said: they did not tell me anything about from Iraqi Intelligence Service, there's not a problem at the moment. As I hung up, I saw two young people came in my trench and said, "Let's go!" The whole world war doctrines were discredited by these Basij guys.



What were features of martyr of Sayyad Shirazi?

He had his own special features. I was with him until end of his service. When he retired, he became Special Advisor to commander-in-chief. After the war, we had also family visits. Once during the war, he told me: "Come rest for a few days, maybe I want to use you in a new place. He gave me vacation for ten to twelve days. Exactly I got home at night on March 19. I was eating dinner that the phone rang. My wife answered the phone and told me: Come on, it's Sayyad on the phone. I got the phone. I said: yes, Mr. Colonel? He Said: where are you going to go on vacation? I told: Mashhad. He said: do not go to Mashhad, go to Shiraz. I said: Shiraz? He told: Yes, but there is a condition, take my children too. It is five years they are at home. I said: Aye aye sir! He said: I will determine the place, count the costs too, and then we will go Dutch. As well as take my car. It was a 1979 buff Paykan with Isfahan number plate. He said: Get plane ticket for the guys. You go by car last night so that when they arrive at the airport next day, you will be there. My wife did not accept. He said: We'll come with you too. Sayyad's wife and his children went by plane, we by the car. When we arrived at Shiraz Airport parking, I heard speaker call me. I went from parking door. I saw a fashionable Benz and Paykan, and two red hat soldiers had stood there. I knew they had come for us. We did not say anything. I went for Sayyad family. We all rode Sayyad's Paykan. When we were going out of the parking, I saw Colonel Karimi is knocking car window. He said: "We called you a lot, why you did not hear?" I said: I cared the children, I did not hear. He told: why this way? We prepared a car for you. Once Sayyad's wife said: let us go to a somewhere like a hostel. They said: No. Shortly, they escorted us to club of Zerehi. After four days Sayyad came too. When he arrived at the front of hostel, he saw two cars are parked there and soldiers saluted. He came forward and did handshake Col. Karimi. When he approached me, he did handshake me and whispered: Did not my children ride these cars?! I said: No, sir, I'm careful. He said: So let me kiss you two times. He really had candor, and did his work without any expectancy. Generally he had a strange morality; whatever he wanted to do, he first prayed two Rakats. He was very pure.


When did you hear news of his martyrdom?

I understood myself. Near my house, one of the guys was running, I said: what's up? He said they killed Sayyad. I filled with pity for him.
Tell you again about purity of Sayyad. An operation had not done very well, so a training night operation was going to be done. He was responsible for the operation himself. We were guest for dinner in 55th Airborne Brigade of Shiraz, and then at 11 p.m. we went to see the operation and returned. I was in front of car and he had sat back. Escort car was also in front of us. He said: let's go to the command. We had two commands, Dezful and Barghazeh. I thought he meant Barghazeh that was in middle of desert. We arrived. Once Sayyad said: why did you come here? Return to Dezful. I also came back. At 4:30 a.m., we reached Dezful. He told, is it possible to warm water, I want to take a shower. I said: yes. Our club which was emplacement of our logistic had a pump and connected to Dez River. The river passed from Dezful and its water was very cool too. I connected the pump. I woke up the pump officer to turn on the pump. Then I went to him and said: is there anything I can do for you? he said: thank you. I said: it was my task. I woke the pump officer, turned on the pump and warmed water. As soon as I saw his eyes became open. I will never forget that moment. He told: what did you do?! He became very angry. I said: Mr. Colonel it was his duty, like I am before you now. He said: it's different for you, why did you wake up the soldier? Go now. I also came out. Dezful has great Kaymak. He called me at 7 a.m. I went to him. He said: come to eat breakfast. I said: I ate. He said: Do not cosset yourself, come here, sit and eat. We talked during breakfast.


If there is some word, please say.

I married in 1971. I thank a lot my wife. She nurtured children. I was not at all with my own children. My wife did all works.

Martyr Sayyad was in somehow physiognomist. One day my wife called me. As I answered the phone and greeted, I realized he could not speak. He said: my wisdom tooth aches, I went to the street clinic. The doctor cut my teeth in four pieces. I couldn't eat anything. Both children also have a fever. I said: my darling, what can I do in thousands miles away from you? Why do not you call your brother in upper alley? My brother is also in downstairs, why do not you call him? He said: I do not want to disturb anyone. When we ended call, I went to Sayyad. They had brought dinner. Sayyad asked: what's up? He said: nothing. He said: "When you went, your face was in a different state, and now is another state, what happen?" say. I also narrated the story completely. He quickly picked up the phone and called command of Tehran. He said: The car must go with a soldier to the address. Take his wife and children to hospital. They must take their medications. Then inform me. It was because of this kind of behavior that we worked heartily and with all power. We were never dissatisfied.

Our wives also did a great task; because if we were not comfortable, we could not work well. I read a quote from Mr. Sarhangi, who was in charge of Department of Resistance Literature and Art of Hozeh Honari and was one of comrades of martyr Avini. He has a phrase that is very strange. He said Saddam lost the war because of Iranian women and mothers. What happened behind the front would have made us succeed in the front.


Thank you for giving us your time.

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