Khadijeh Abedi talks about the first months of the imposed war

The memorable journey of girls of Khorramshahr

Faezeh Sasanikhah
Translated By M. B. Khoshnevisan


Note: The Quran Maktab (School) of Khoramshahr is the first cultural center established for women and the record of its activity dates back to before the victory of the Islamic revolution. After the victory of the Islamic revolution and the breakout of the Iraqi imposed war against Iran, the women of the school played a major role in supporting and serving the defense forces. For more familiarization with the school at that time, we have had an interview with the founder and the former manager of the school. The former head of the school during her interview with the website of the Iranian Oral History has talked about the important role of active women of this scientific, cultural complex before the revolution, after that and then the imposed war as well as the important mission undertaken to them by martyr Jahan Ara. 


*When the Quran Maktab was set up in Khorramshahr?

*The Maktab was active since the Pahlavi regime, but its activities were not official and religious activities were held in the mosques, Hosseiniehs, and people’s houses. One or two houses had been rented for the sisters who had cultural and advertising activities. The people gave their houses to the Quran Maktab. In fact, the whole activities of the Maktab had popular support. A building in Chehel Metri Street of Khorramshahr was rented by Ayatollah Mousavi the prayer leader of Jame Mosque of Khorramshahr and the rent was paid by him. The sisters were of the view that religious meetings and gatherings should be close to the people and the mosques and religious centers should be active for the public and the main center of the building, because some people had restrictions for going and coming. The city’s people were biased and tough. Thus, in addition to the Maktab, the activities were also held in the mosques and religious centers.


*In addition to Quranic activities, what other programs were held in the meetings?

*The programs were broad. Other than Quranic activities and exegesis, Nahj’al Balqah, Islamic laws were also taught. In addition to these, we had long classes for clergies and the women studied Arabic literature. Once, I and some of the sisters went to visit one of the Ulema in the city and trained other sisters the same lessons we had learnt from him. We had special programs in religious occasions and festivities. Even, social services were among the Maktab’s programs and helped the needy. When I say Maktab you consider a scientific, cultural center. Of course, I should add that the Quran Maktab is the first cultural center for sisters in Khorramshahr. Even the sisters’ Basij (voluntary forces) was set up later. The Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) came to me and said, “We want to launch the sisters’ Basij”, and I introduced Mrs. Horsi.


*Given you insisted on being the activities close to the people, did you go to the villages?

*Yes. Under Pahlavi, the Maktab's sisters went to Abadan, Ahwaz and Shush Danial once a week. A hall was given to the sisters and they spent one day from Thursday to Friday there. In addition to religious activities, there were also political programs during which the nature of the Pahlavi regime was decried. For this reason, the SAVAK (Shah's secret police) had threatened the sisters many times.


*In view of the ruling repression of the society at that time, how did you carry out political programs?

*For example, they had political programs in the form of art and performed dramas in one of the famous religious centers in the city which were warmly welcomed. They played as Abou Jahl apparently but criticized the Shah and his policies actually. The SAVAK had warned the organizer to shut down the play.


*How were the activities after the revolution?

*The sisters were also active during the victory of the Islamic revolution. When the Islamic revolution came victorious, the activities were broadened. The Quran Maktab was pioneer in cultural, religious and political issues and acted updated. In Khuzestan and naturally in Khorramshahr, we weathered the revolt of Arab People before the breakout of the war. The Quran Maktab played a major role in Khorramshahr in quelling the revolt. Those who had hatched plots against the authorities gathered in the house of one of the Ulema. The Maktab acted as an intermediator. We talked to the men who were involved in the story in order to ease the difference. Sometimes we even invited the opponents to talk.


*When did you marry with martyr Mehdi Alboghabish?

*We married in 1980 and after marriage, lived in one of the rooms of the Maktab. We intended to ret an independent house, but he said, "The Maktab's programs start since early morning. So I pay the rent and use one of the rooms."


*Talk a little about him.

*Martyr Alboghabish was one of the active youths of the city. He was a s student, and the representative of the city's council and worked in the Revolution's Court. He was an educated man, and a researcher and had much information. He had made an archive from opposite and approved newspapers. He was called the Abouzar of Khorramshahr. He was invited to have debates with the Monafeghin (hypocrites), communists and Peikar grouplet.


*When the war started, the Quran Maktab was among the first institutions which began its activity for serving the Sacred Defense and defense forces from the very first day. What were the Maktab's plans?

*The sisters said, "We are duty-bound to stay and defend the city."  The foods brought from other cities were delivered in two places one in Jame Mosque and the other in Quran Maktab. The bog vehicles stopped in front of the Maktab and emptied the food stuff and we signed the recites of the delivery. 


*From which cities did the foods arrive usually?

*Shiraz, Tehran, the cities of Khuzestan Province and the suburb of Khorramshahr


*What were other programs of the Maktab during the war?

*Cooking and relief working to the injured were our other programs. We also build barricades in the city. Martyr Alboghabish asked us to prepare barricades so that when the combatants came back, they were ready. It was very hard to fill the gunnies with sands. Another task of the Maktab was to keep the ammunitions and weapons. Dej Barracks was one of the places attacked by the Iraqi Ba'thists in the first days of the war. A huge fire had happened and some had been martyred. There was a large amount of ammunitions there. The brothers came and said, "Sisters, let's go to the barracks and bring back the ammunitions." And we went there.

Some of the soldiers were leaving the city, we were asked to stop and satisfy them not to leave. They said, "If they see you sisters, they may stay." Our presence was very effective. We told them, "Don't leave." They said, "See, the people are being killed." We prevented them from leaving the city and if anyone insisted on going, we took his or her gun. The MKO terrorist group or Monfaeghin acted as the fifth column for the Iraq Ba'thists. They came to steal the weapons available in Dej Barracks which had been emptied in order to take them to other cities and launch street battles. It was very hard to take the weapons out amid the fire, but they were of use for us. We brought the ammunitions to the Maktab and hid in the building so that the Monafeghinn could not attack and take them. The weapons were very limited due to the betrayal of the then president Abolhasan Banisadr. The most weapons available were M1 and a few G3 guns. Thus, we had been asked to make Molotov Cocktails. While they are made for street battles not for big war, but we made a high number of them so that if the enemy entered the city, we used them. The building adjacent to the Maktab was the headquarters of the Islamic Republic of Party. We destroyed the wall between the two buildings and compacted them in the yard.  


*The building of Quran Maktab was in Chehel Metri Street and was exposed to more risk of being hit by mortars, cannon shells and bombardment comparing to other parts of the city. Weren't you worried that the you were attacked and martyred or injured?

*Yes, you are right. But nowhere of Khorramshahr was safe, because Iraq had surrounded the city in a pincer way. As you said it was enough that a mortar or cannon shell hit our headquarters. However, we relied in God and gave in divine destiny. Nobody feared of death three. Of course, God favored us a lot. One time, a mortar hit the Quran Maktab the shrapnel shells of which crashed with flour bags! The whole atmosphere had been filled with flour particles. Martyr Alboghabish said, "We found out from the flour particles raised to the sky that the Maktab building had been hit." Another time, unknown people fired at us from inside the city which was clear that it was the work of the fifth column.


*How many girls cooperated with the Quran Maktab and in resistance days? Didn't their families want to take them out with themselves?

*Many girls cooperated with us. Yes, for examples, the family of Shanaz Mohamamdi Zadeh came to take her. She told me, "My family wants to take me. Please do not allow them to do this." I said, "OK". When her family came, I said, "Let her stay. At present we need to stay in Khorramshahr. They are helping us." And they allowed.


*Shahnaz Mohamamdi Zadeh and Shahnaz Haji Shahi, two active girls of the Maktab were martyred on 30th September 1980 namely during the first days of the beginning of the war. Tell us a little about them.

*They were active in the Maktab since the Pahlavi regime especially Shanaz Haji Shahi who was a very active, an artist, tasteful, clear-headed and faithful girl. She worked for the Maktab round-the-clock. She tried to absorb young girls. She was a very good cook and cooked food for the sisters who were active from morning till night. She believed that such works were a kind of worship.


*Do you remember the day they were martyred? How and where were they martyred?

* All of us were together on that day. Both of them had special state. The foods sent from other cities were not enough. The sisters had a law for themselves not to eat some food stuff like compotes and fruits and to send them for the brothers in the frontline that day, Shahnaz Mohammadi Zadeh told me, “Mrs. Abedi, is it possible for me to eat these fruits?” I said, “Yes why not. You yourselves have enacted this law!” she said something that I did not what she meant at that time.” She said, “This is the last fruit that I eat.” I said, “What do you mean?” She smiled. When we gathered to eat breakfast, she said again, “This is the last breakfast that I eat.” The guys were kidding and said, “What has happened? Have you received any news?” Shahnaz smiled again. After breakfast, the guys went to do their responsibilities. The sisters sat inside the barricades and ditches dug in the streets and had more safety. I saw that Shahnaz was sitting on an empty fruit box and had put several tissues in front of herself, writing something on them. I wanted to go to Jame Mosque. She said, “Don’t sit here. It’s dangerous.” It was likely that we were shot by the enemy. He smiled again. Shahnaz was a good girl. But that day, his kindness was accompanied by a special cognition. I went to the mosque and came back and saw that she was still sitting there. I thought she was angry at someone. I said, “Are you still here? Has someone told you anything?” She said, “No I am not angry.”

A vehicle has brought foods from a city. I called the sisters to empty the truck. The evacuation had almost completed that the enemy’s artillery started firing. They knew which part the population was more and targeted there. Everybody ran toward the ditches we had dug in front of the Maktab building in Chehel Metri Street. We stay there until the atmosphere calmed down a little.

Whenever the sisters did not have something for doing, they had scientific discussion. One of the sisters said, “I ask a question and you answer.” She asked, “Why should we give Khoms (one-fifth)?” Shahnaz told me, “Mrs. Abedi you have taught us these lessons. Would you allow me to answer and then she talked about the philosophy of Khoms. The Iraqis again shelled the city. They fired at the mosques a little farther from the ditch we had dug. Shahnaz Mohamamdi got up and said, “Let’s go to help.” And they went to save people if any, while the surrounding buildings were empty. I called, “Come back!” when they started firing, they did continuously. She went forward a little and came back and said, “The sisters, come for help.” She was calling that I said, “Don’t go there, it’s dangerous. Nobody is there.” I saw Shahnaz Haj Shahi also stood up and moved toward her! A mortal shell came down in the middle of the two and they fall down. Watching the scene was very difficult for me. They were our best girls.

We had no car. A pickup came from that side of the street. We put them inside the car and took to the hospital. But both of them were martyred. The night before their martyrdom, I and Shahnaz Haji Shahi had gone to the roof together. It was very warm and we had no fan. We went in a stooping posture. It was very hard to go and come back. We saw the fire of the shells crossing over our head. It was very dangerous. I said, “I am thirsty. How can we go down in this darkness?” Shanaz Haji Shah said, “No problem. Do I fetch water?” I saw under the moonlight that she had worn a beautiful dress. She was a dandy, faithful and artist girl. We were kidding with each other. I said jokingly, “Miss Shanaz, It looks this is the bride dress that you have worn.” But this was her martyrdom dress. She replied, “Yes, I have worn this new dress tonight” and she laughed. She was martyred the next day and I saw that her dress had become perforated.


*How long did you stay in Khorramshahr?

*We were the last group that left the city; after the martyrdom of Alboghabish.


*On what day was he martyred?

*He was martyred on 14th of October 1980.


*Were you inside the city until that date?

*Yes. Even many brothers had left the city. The IRGC brothers came and said, "We have transferred our headquarters to that side of the river. You cannot stay here anymore." The city was falling and the area around us had not still fallen into the hand of Iraqis. The sisters were really very brave. They did not fear and thought that their staying in the city and the works they were doing were the best worship. Thus, they said, "We won't leave. We want to retain the city."

The friendly forces gave the trophies seized to us to hide them. May God bless Haji Aqa Sheikh Sharif Qonooti. He had brought several Kalashnikov rifles. We had M1 and G3 rifles. The sisters said, "We cannot defend the city with Kalashnikov rifles. "They said, "It is not possible." Haji Aqa had said, "Don't use this rifle. If you fire, the friendly forces think that they are Iraqis and fire at you." We said, "We use Molotov Cocktails." They insisted and took us by force.


*What do you remember whenever you think of the last day of being in the city?

*It is very saddening. Everywhere was smoke and fire. Martyr Alboighabish had been martyred on that day. I remember that we wanted to leave and they said, "Take whatever you need." Nobody took any expensive thing. Nobody was after such things. Since my husband had been martyred, I took a photo album inside which was the martyr's photo. I had a few jewelries but I did not take them. The rest were also like me; they did not see the world.


*Were you deployed in Abadan?

*No. the IRGC took us to that side of the river (Karoun). Then they got a house for us in Abadan. The people had also left Abadan.


*It seems that martyr Mohammad Ali Jahan Ara, the Commander of IRGC in Khorramshahr asked you to go to Tehran and inform Imam Khomeini (God bless his soul), the people and authorities of the news of Bani Sadr's betrayal. Is it true?

*Yes. Bani Sadr had said he did not give weapons to IRGC forces. The hand of the forces was empty. The guys had retained the city with empty hands, little weapons and bravery. Martyr Jahan Ara had said, "If we leave, the trenches would become empty. I know that the Imam is not aware of the situation. Go and visit the Imam and tell him about Bani Sadr's betrayal." We felt responsibility and did so. 


*Have you seen the Imam before the start of the war?

*Yes. When the Imam was in Qom, we had visited him in a private meeting. He delivered a speech for the members of the Quran Maktab and stated, "I welcome you sisters of the Quran Maktab who have come from Khorramshahr to see me."  He talked for about half an hour. Since the people did not know the Monafeghin in the early months of the victory of the Islamic revolution. They deceived the people by writing the ayahs of the holy Quran on their logo and the people believed that they were revolutionaries. They had erected camps in Khorramshahr's Chehel Metri Street and other parts of the city and recruited members. Many young people became the members of the group. This was true across the country. Then I intentionally asked about the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization. Martyrs Shanaz Haji Shahi and Shanaz Mohammadi Zadeh were with me. I told the Imam, "I have a question from you. The Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization is recruiting members. Do you confirm that we become the member of the organization?" I wanted that young people pay attention to this point that they should not become the member of this grouplet. The Imam stated, "No" and rejected it. I got very happy of the reply and told the women, "When you came back to Khorramshahr, say the Imam's reply to all the youths." 


*Do you remember who among the girls of the Maktab came to Tehran to do the mission?

*I remember Saham Taqati, and her sister Fakhri, my sister Sousan Abedi, Behjat Slaeh Pour, Esmat Habibzadeh, the wife of sahib Aboudzadeh, Nasrin Bazaz, Ehteram Rafiee, Azhra Edalat and Sohelia Farhadi. 


*How did you leave the city for Tehran?

*We did not that the enemy dominated the Abadan's road to Mahshahr and Sarbandar and fired at them. We took a little dry bread a few cans. The Iraqis hit in front of our vehicle. We saw that the road was within range of the enemy. We opened the door's car and got off. We went to that side of the road so that they could not target us. We came back. We could not go through the road because all of us would be killed. The sister did not fear of death. They said, "Let's go. Our blood is more colored than others." I said, "No. You can't. if we do so, we will be killed and will not achieve our goal." They said, "If just one of us survives, she will visit the Imam." I said, "There is no guarantee that even one of us survives." I made estakhareh (consulting the holy Quran at random in order to decide one's procedure) to see whether it was advisable to go through water. I had never done such a thing and this journey had its own dangers. There is an ayah in the holy Quran about this which the same came. The story of Hazrat Mussa (PBUH) whose mother put him in a box, leaving him on Nile River. The enemy saw him but did nothing and was kind toward him. This ayah appeared in the estekahreh. I told the sisters, "We go and according to this holy ayah, the enemy sees us but does nothing." The same happened. We took the foods and moved. When we wanted to get in the boat, the Iraqi jetfighters appeared. They came so close to the earth that we crawled and lied down. Although they saw us, they did nothing.

At any rate, we got in. The number of us was between ten to 15. We crossed over the river with difficulty. I told the nephew of Alboghabish, "Go to Sarbandsr and find a car or pickup to take us to Sarbandar." We went to Sarbandar with a pickup. We reached to Camp B. The guys were thirsty. The weather is still very warm in Khuzestan in September. They said, "We need to drink water." We were brought water. I had stood behind the sisters. Suddenly I saw that everybody lied down, putting their faces on the soil. I said, "What has happened." They said, "It was because of drinking cold water." During those days, we drank warm water in the warm weather, because we had no refrigerator or ice. The guys had been surprised and thought cold water was found nowhere!

Later, we divided the works. I went to see the parent of martyr Alboghabish. Some of the sisters said, "We go and rent a vehicle." A few others said, "We use this opportunity and go to the hospital to visit the injured." All of the women returned for the hospital except one whose name was Behjat Saleh Pour. I asked, "Where is Behjat?" They said, "When we were asking the condition of the injured, saw that the names of her family were among the martyrs. Behjat saw the list and said: my whole family has been martyred! I have stayed alone! I stay here to get correct news." I told the guys, "Why have you left her alone and came back? I felt sorry for her. It was very difficult that a young girl stays alone. I hugged her. She said, "Mrs. Abedi, all of my family members have been martyred! What shall I do?" I said, "We have to go to Tehran." She said, "But I have to deliver  the martyrs." I said, "See for what they have been martyred? The goal we have is more necessary. We go so that the people are not martyred more than this." Then, we could not leave her alone. She came with us.


*Did the vehicle take you from Sarbandar to Tehran for free?

*No. We did not think we needed money. We rented a car and had no money to pay for it. When we reached to Mahshahr and Sarbandar, we just found out that we had no money and nothing could be done without money. When the women risked their life, they also risked their property. Everyone who had golden earrings or rings or any other thing put in the middle and we bought them in order to pay the rent.


*When did you reach to Tehran?

*We reached to Tehran's Khazaneh Bus Terminal at night. It was very cold and we had no proper clothes. We spent the night there. We were very cold because we slept on the ground.


*Did you succeed to carry out your mission?

*Yes. We went to the Majlis (parliament) in the morning. At first, we were not allowed to enter. One of the sisters of the martyrs made a speech and said, "Why don't you allow us to enter? Why don't open the door of the Majlis for us? You think we have come for begging. We have come for important issues." The door was opened and we went inside. We were taken to a big room. A number of the lawmakers came there. Mr. Ali Akbar Parvaresh, a member of the Supreme Council of Defense was also present. I knew him and said, "You have already come to Khorramshahr and know how the situation is." He said, "I agree with what you said and can say all of them in the TV, but nothing will be changed because Bani Sadr is the Commander-In-Chief and he makes a decision. You must say these to the Imam. He is the only one who can follow your words. Visit the Imam in any possible way." I said, "Can't you do something for us?" The lawmakers said, "As you could open the Majlis door, God helps you visit the Imam." I saw that they could not do anything for us.


*Could you visit the Imam eventually?

*It was very difficult to visit him. We were not allowed to visit him. We said, "We have come from Khorramshahr and have not come for an ordinary meeting." We did not know that some in Imam Khomeini's Office were Bani Sadr's supporters. We had nothing to do with political issues and had come just in relation with the war. Since they knew we were going to inform the Imam of the war news, they did not allow us to see him. They said, "You want to inform the Imam of what has happened two days ago while we have informed him of the news of one hour ago." We insisted a lot. It was raining and very cold. We had gone close to the Imam's house. They said, "You'll become sick. Leave here!" We said, "The rain which is falling on our heads is not worse that the cannon shells raining on others' heads."

It was the time of noon prayer. The guys were obliged to say prayer at the right time. We had to go down for prayer but they did not allow us. One of the neighbors of the Imam’s house supervised us, hearing what we were saying. The lady of the house called us and said, “Come here and take a rest. If you need something, we will give you.” We agreed to go there and say prayer. Inside the house, we found out that they were not good with the Imam, but nobody had asked them to evacuate the house. We said prayer one by one. Then, the wife of the house owner started maligning the Imam, “See many of you have been killed, but they do not let you come to the Imam’s house!” We became very upset. We said, “No, this is not correct. They may have a reason for themselves. Moreover, the Imam does not know that we are here.”

After the prayer, we came back again. They said, “We give you a time to meet him, on the condition that you do not talk about the war and front! Just say hello and go back!” We said, “No, we can’t.” They said, “So, we do not allow you to meet him.” Martyr Abdolreza Mousavi, the IRGC Commander in Khorramshar after the martyrdom of Jahan Ara had been injured at that time and transferred to Tehran. He and two or three others had left the treatment incomplete and escaped from the hospital to come to Jamaran and to talk about the situation of Khorramshar.with the Imam. We saw them too. They were not treated well and did not know they had been injured. They said, “If you were brave, you stood and fought.” They did not talk about their injury since they were very humble like the family of the martyrs who did not say we had given martyrs. Martyr Abdolreza Mousavi said, “I am the conveyor of message from Khorramshahr, if you do not let me say these things to the Imam, you will regret later, because our message are very important.”  They said, “A male and female representative come.” Later, we found out that they had plotted to take us and reject the rest. We went up. They told martyr Mousavi, “Instead of staying and fighting there, you have escaped?’ He insisted, “Let me meet the Imam.” They said, “We tell him.” We did not accept. They told martyr Mousavi to come back and pushed him. His stitch was opened (narrator’s crying) On the other hand, Behjat Slaeh Pour whose some of family members had been martyred and her father injured called me, “Mrs. Abedi, I was beaten.” I became very angry when she said this. I told them with anger, “The one whom you call a deserter is not a deserter, he has been injured, this girl whom you pushed, don’t think that she is an ordinary person or has any expectation or greed from you, they have given up their whole existence and want to talk to the Imam. Why don’t allow us to see him? (Narrator’s crying) they became very upset and shied. But they still did not allow us, Abdolreza Mousavi said, “Go back, Mrs. Abedi. We do not have responsibility more than this.” I replied, “I have not come here to return!”


*Did you come back from Jamaran?

*No. Brother Mousavi was injured and went back. I stayed and told the guys, “Come…” The IRGC forces had been told to force us to come back. But when they saw that there were family of martyrs among us, respected and went back and the guys came up. The guys came and called, “Imam! Our voice does not reach you!” Finally, they withdrew and allowed us to meet the Imam. They said, “Just don’t talk with the Imam.” We visited him. I waited to be the last one, because I wanted to speak. The women kissed the Imam’s hand one by one and went. When it was my turn, I saw they were standing above me, and referring, “Don’t talk.” I kissed the hand of Imam and spoke.  


*What was the Imam’s reply?

*He said nothing, but became very upset. Later the people who were present there complained me and said, “It’ll be your fault if the Imam becomes sick.” Of course, they said this because they loved him very much. I answered, “If the Imam does not hear correct news, he will become sick.”    


*In Tehran, except meeting with the lawmakers and the Imam, did you transfer the oppressed message of Khorramshahr to any other place?

* Yes. We had stayed in the house of a man named Jamshidi who had a confectionary in Nazi Abad neighborhood. One day in a mourning ceremony, a woman was speaking but she did not made any reference to the war. I asked the wife of Mr. Jamshidi whether I could speak for a few minutes. At that time, there were clashes in Tehran between political currents especially between the supporters of martyr Beheshti and Bani Sdar. They did not know us, so they consulted together and allowed me to speak. The people were not informed of what was happening in Khorramshahr. When I talked about the situation in the city, the people who were present there became saddened. The IRGC was informed. The IRGC sisters took me secretly. When they found out that we were in line with Velayat-e Faqih (Islamic government), insisted us to stay here.


*How long did you stay in Tehran?

*We intended to come back. But the IRGC told us, “Now that you have come here, at least complete the relief working course. We hold for you a military course in Imam Khomeini Barracks and a relief working course in Firoozgar Hospital.” They arranged speech program in Nazi Abad and we made speeched for the people. Sometimes, the girls of Khorramsahr made speeches. Behjat Saleh Pour and Ehteram Rafiee whose one of his brothers had been martyred under the Shah and the other one before the fall of Khorramsahr, made speeches for the people. The people had gathered in Rasoul Akram (SAWA) Mosque and foreign reporters from China and Japan were present.

After a while, a number of guys went back to their families. Some others went to Abadan for relief working. I along with Fatemeh Abolhassani, Esmat Habib Zadeh and sister Farouqi went to Qom to continue education. In a meeting we had with Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani, he said, “I want to discharge my obligation to Khorramshahr.” I did not understand what he meant and asked what he meant. He said, “I want to teach you.” We got very happy. He came to our house for teaching. He was the Friday Prayer Leader of Hamadan at that time and went to the city on Thursdays and Fridays. When the people of Hamadan asked Ayatollah Nouri Hamadani to set up a seminary, he invited me to set up a seminary for the sisters. I and Mrs. Abolhasani went there. She went back after a short time, but I stayed. All of these events happened thanks to Khorramshahr’s Quran Maktab.  


*Did the activity of Quran Maktab start after the liberation of Khorramshar?                           

 *Yes, although the city had been mined and trenched and there were still the Ba’thists’ tunnels and ditches in the city and there was no security, we started our work and the activities are continuing till now. The Quran Maktab moved in the right direction since the very beginning. It was in the line of Imam, Velayat-e Faqih and the Islamic revolution, and this is very important. One of the reasons for this success was the support of Ulema both the city’s Ulema and the Ulema who came to our city before the revolution. We the sisters went to visit them. We asked our questions and then transferred the answers to others. We invited Ayatollah Makarem shirazi, Ayatollah Nouri Hamadani, Martyr Ayatollah Motahari, Ayatollah Mazaheri, Ayatollah Meshkini, and the late Ali Davani for ethics lesson. I visited Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi a few years ago. He said, “I consider you as one of my achievements.” I was thirteen when I chose this way and managed to set up the Quran Maktab as well as a seminary for sisters in Khorramsahr.


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According to Iranian Oral History website, the preliminary workshop of “Oral History of Art” was held online before the national conference “Iranian Theories of Historiography and Art” on Wednesday 21st of Azar 1403 (December 11, 2024) by the Art Research Institute of the Art Cultural Center. During the event, “Dr. Morteza Nouraee” the professor of the History Group of Isfahan University delivered a speech.

Benefits of Oral History

History, as one of the fundamental disciplines within the humanities, has evolved through time to adopt various forms and methodologies. Concepts such as "written history," "comprehensive history," and "oral history" exemplify these approaches. Written history relies on documents and textual sources for the analysis and composition of historical accounts, while comprehensive history seeks to integrate various sources—both written and oral.
Book Review

The Hidden Camp

The Hidden Camp narrates the autobiographical memoirs of Mohammad Hassan Mirzaei, recounting his experiences from managing Iraqi POW camps to enduring captivity in Iranian POW camps. This work, rewritten and compiled by Meysam Gholampour, was published in the summer of 2024 by Mirath-e Ahl-e Qalam Publications in collaboration with the Damavand Martyrs Foundation.