Oral History Interview & Importance Part 17
Application of Body Language (1)
Hamid Qazvini
Translated by Natalie Haghverdian
In our previous note we said that the oral history interviewer shall be well versed on communication techniques and apply them for quality management of the interview. One of these techniques is body language.
Below, we present a number of impacts that body language might have and observing them is vital in an interview.
- First impression
Usually the first impression in an interview session affects the attitude of the narrator. Obviously the interviewer shall show no signs of hubrous and pride. Or have hands in their pocket. The interviewer shall make an entrance with respect and modesty and stand upright and politely in front of the interview and shake hands immediately upon arrival. These actions create a friendly ambiance.
Shaking hands promotes self-esteem and leads to intimacy and makes you memorable. While shaking hands make sure to place your hand fully in the hand of the narrator and avoid pressing their hand unnecessarily.
- Eye contact
While shaking hands, make eye contact with the narrator and maintain it during your interview while avoid gazing or staring at the narrator. Sometimes, staring presents a threat or intimidation. Hence, when you feel you’ve been looking into their eyes for long, divert you look for couple of seconds.
Also, avoid sizing up other features in the face or body of the narrator or checking corners of the room since it demonstrates your lack of attention to the narrator’s story. (This applies to the veterans with a physical injury.) Avoid checking time which shows the narrator that time is up and you are willing to finish the interview.
- Sitting manner
Sit with ease. This helps you to think better and keep normal appearance. Of course don’t sit as easy as you sit in your house. For instance, if you loll on the couch the narrator might take it as disrespect or not taking the interview seriously. When you are invited by the host to sit, sit with dignity and comfort; never throw yourself on the couch. Siting straight shows preparedness and dominance on interview customs. Sitting your legs crossed represents your lack of interest. Also, it is better to lean forward sometimes. In this way you show your full engagement and interest in what the narrator has to say.
Avoid leaning forward extensively since it might represent insolence and invading the privacy of the narrator. Keep the allowed distance with the narrator of the opposite sex according to the moral and religious customs. In general, people might take offense if you keep a close distance and take a defensive position.
- Hand movement
Don’t move your hands harshly to present domination. Nevertheless, don’t move your hands extensively while taking to the narrator since it might disrupt their concentration. Hand movement is permissible to the extent of transferring message and shall not be perceived as unnecessary and abnormal movement.
On the other hand, the positions of the hands and fingers shall not interrupt the narrator. Folded arms show lack of interest.
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 1 - Oral History, Path to Cultural Dialogue
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 2 - Characteristics of an Interviewer
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 3 - Selecting a Subject
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 4 - Narrator Identification & Selection
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 5 - Goal Setting
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 6 - Importance of Pre-interview Data Collection
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 7 - To Schedule & Coordinate an Interview
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 8 - Required Equipment & Accessories
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 9 - Presentation is vital
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 10 - Interview Room
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 11 - Pre-interview Justifications
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 12 - How to Start an Interview
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 13 - Proper Query
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 14 - Sample Query
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 15 - How to ask questions?
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 16 - Body Languag
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