Key historical document on Bushehr, Dashtestan and Tangistan published

‘Gazetteer of The Persian Gulf’ by John Gordon Lorimer’, released by Abad-Boum Publication introduces the southern Iranian regions of Bushehr, Dashtestan, Tangistan, Dashti, Liravi, Hayat Davood, Angali and Shibkouh according to the author’s notes.


According to IBNA correspondent, the book ‘Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf, Oman and Central Arabia’ compiled by John Gordon Lorimer, translated and arranged with some further explanations by Abdolrasoul Kheirandish (PhD) reviews parts of the Persian Gulf shores based on the information provided in John Gordon Lorimer’s notes.
The back cover of this book reads: “Persian Gulf coast includes wide, long and geographically diverse territories. The entire northern half of the sea includes the coast which was called ‘Ports Governance’ in the early twentieth century. Also, parts of the ‘Fars’ of that period based on the book ‘Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf’ are included in this translation.”
Selection of the entries and their arrangement and explanations added by the translator present it in a special form to be more usable for today’s society that looks at Persian Gulf with greater importance. Topics of the book that cover the southern Iranian regions Bushehr, Dashtestan, Liravi, Dashti, Tangestan, Shibkouh, etc., include geographic, demographic, economic, communication, agricultural, livestock, trade and a number of other topics in about a hundred years ago.
The ‘Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf’ by John Gordon Lorimer translated by Abdolrasoul Kheirandish is published by Abad-Boum Publications in 233 pages with a print run of 1,000 copies.

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