Empathy, Solidarity: Needs of Sacred Defense Literature

24 October 2011

By Mohammad Ghasem Foroughi Jahromi; writer, researcher

Today, the practical context for Sacred Defense researchers and writers is far from solid and coherent. As well, the Sacred Defense-related literary, cultural and arts programs are devoid of any strategic planning [in the country].

IBNA: Personal preferences are still the number one lever for choices and appointments, and the policies made in relevant organizations and foundations do not hint of any bright future, and pitifully, things are getting worse day by day.

Facilities are diminishing and conditions are deteriorating. All the concerning organizations and centers appear to endorse Sacred Defense affairs, while, in deed, they display not so much interest in such matters.

As could be seen at the most cursory glance towards the actions' report of these organizations in the past few years, monotony and repetition seem to overshadow everything and officials are remiss in their duties to refresh and renovate [Sacred Defense] things. Are the capacities we boast we enjoy in our country set in action properly? Discipline is lax, and bad practices are widely in evidence in the circulation of books, programs, performances and their quality level provided by the organizations.

Dear officials are hoped to think up an association for considering these programs and policies in a permanent and efficacious manner. Little by little, experts become veterans, life passes by and hairs turn gray; maybe a body of Sacred Defense literature and arts veterans should be formed to work out integrated schemes in 5 or even 10 year-long time spans.

The once-boisterous men can still exert their will to produce novel, effective outcome. Therefore, why not holding on to them in the association; they are both experienced and ready for such tasks and can be advantageous in dealing with matters. However, new fields are still to be delved into.

Translated for IBNA by:
Abbas Hajihashemi

Number of Visits: 4489


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