17º Conferencia Internacional De Historia Oral 2012

14 August 2011

The Challenges of Oral History in the 21st Century:
Diversity, Inequality and Identity Construction.
4-7 September 2012
The International Oral History Association, IOHA and the Asociación de Historia Oral de la República Argentina, AHORA, invited/s you to participate in the XVII International Oral History Conference: “The Challenges of Oral History in the 21st Century: Diversity, Inequality and Identity Construction.", to be held in Buenos Aires from 4 to 7 September 2012
Abstracts: The call will be open from 1 July to 1 October 2011
Abstract Acceptance: November 15, 2011
Final submission of papers: March 30, 2012
The organization of the conference enabled from the first of July 2011 a form for submitting abstracts / papers.


1. Heritage, museums and Oral History.

   1. Archives and places of memory
       Archiving Memory. Methodologies - Interviewing and the material preservation of memory
       Places of Memory: management of the past from the present or the battles for memory.
   2. Oral History and audiovisual images
       Words and images in the construction of memory: Photographies, audiovisual resources   and screenplay
       Sound escapes, recreating the Sounds of the Past.
2. Theory, method and the teaching and learning of Oral History.
    o Legal and Ethical Dimensions of the Practice of Oral History.
    o Teaching and learning Oral History
Health Oral History.
o Health Management, Disabilities and Geriatrics.

 Gender, memory and politics

o Permanent Scars of Violence in Memory: Gender Violence, Femicide, and the Reconstruction of
the Memories of Victims of Violence.

o Body Politics: The Construction of Gender Identities, and Sexual Identities.
o Queer Theory and Transgender Studies.
Memories, politics and militancy
o NGOs Political Groups, Political Agency and Individuals. The construction of the Feminist Movement
Memory, Oral History and dictatorships

o Research on Living Under Dictatorship/Totalitarianism
Oral History and the world of work
o Individual and Collective Perceptions of the World of Work: Unions, Factory, and Gender

Control in the Workplace.
1. Territorial social organizations and workers’ self-management
Oral History and Economy
0. Businessmen, businesswomen, companies and Oral History
 Individual and collective perception of the economics process: companies, businessmen and economic policies.

1. Memories of the “Other economies”

 Co-operative movement, social, solidarity and participative economy, self management. Recuperated enterprises by his workers.

2. The Wounds of Economic Crisis in Memory:
 Memory, Welfare, and Economic Crisis.
Ecology and Environment:

o Natural Heritage and the Social Effects of Major Natural Disasters.

 Memory and trauma

o Human rights violation. Citizenship and the Re-Signifying the National Space: National

Identities, and the Fight for Citizenship Rights.
o Memories of survivors of war, terrorist attacks and genocides.
Art, culture, memory and Oral History
o The Pleasures of Memory: Artistic Expression and the Representation of Memory.
o Working class culture, art and politics
Migration, Exile, Diasporas, and Borderlands.
o Internal migrations, migrations from neighboring countries, diasporas and exile
Natives people, memory, politics and Oral History
o Culture, traditions and identities. Stories of resistance: colonialism, racism and exploitation. Current fights: territory, autonomy, education.
Memory, Oral History and community
o Teaching and learning narratives, educative experiences, school life. Family and

intergenerational exchange.

o Maternity, Paternity and the Transmission of the Cultural Heritage.

 Shared Beliefs, Religious Traditions, and the Oral Transmission.
2. Non-hegemonic cultures and Oral History

Tradition and Memory: Communities, Histories, Heritage and Traditions.

For More Information about the application and submission forms, accommodation, scholarships, evaluations, locations and other details go to (www.baires2012.org). This website is updated three time week and latest news are available there

Number of Visits: 4704


Full Name:
Part of memoirs of Seyed Hadi Khamenei

The Arab People Committee

Another event that happened in Khuzestan Province and I followed up was the Arab People Committee. One day, we were informed that the Arabs had set up a committee special for themselves. At that time, I had less information about the Arab People , but knew well that dividing the people into Arab and non-Arab was a harmful measure.
Book Review

Kak-e Khak

The book “Kak-e Khak” is the narration of Mohammad Reza Ahmadi (Haj Habib), a commander in Kurdistan fronts. It has been published by Sarv-e Sorkh Publications in 500 copies in spring of 1400 (2022) and in 574 pages. Fatemeh Ghanbari has edited the book and the interview was conducted with the cooperation of Hossein Zahmatkesh.

Is oral history the words of people who have not been seen?

Some are of the view that oral history is useful because it is the words of people who have not been seen. It is meant by people who have not been seen, those who have not had any title or position. If we look at oral history from this point of view, it will be objected why the oral memories of famous people such as revolutionary leaders or war commanders are compiled.

Daily Notes of a Mother

Memories of Ashraf-al Sadat Sistani
They bring Javad's body in front of the house. His mother comes forward and says to lay him down and recite Ziarat Warith. His uncle recites Ziarat and then tells take him to the mosque which is in the middle of the street and pray the funeral prayer (Ṣalāt al-Janāzah) so that those who do not know what the funeral prayer is to learn it.