One-day conference, Bangalore, 19 July - "Oral History and the Sense of Legacy"

18 July 2011

The Centre for Public History, Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore, in association with the British Council, is pleased to announce a one-day conference titled "Oral History and the Sense of Legacy" to be held at the National Gallery of Modern Art Auditorium on 19 July 2011 (9 am - 5 pm). The conference will have invited presentations by experienced practitioners on key issues with regard to Oral History and its uses. These will be followed by discussions.

Our speakers include Dr Robert Perks (Director and Lead Curator) and Ms Mary Stewart (Deputy Director) of the National Life Stories Programme of the British Library, London; Dr CS Lakshmi, SPARROW, Mumbai; Dr Suroopa Mukherjee, University of Delhi; Urvashi Butalia, Director of Zubaan Books; and Dr Indira Chowdhury, Centre for Public History, Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore. The presenters will, in discussing their different areas of research interest and experience, highlight some of the opportunities and challenges associated with using oral history as a methodology in the specific context of India.

The conference is open for a public audience. There will be a registration fee of Rs 1000 for delegates from corporate houses and Rs 750 for delegates from academic institutions, NGOs or individuals, which will cover conference material, lunch and tea. A concessional rate of Rs 500 is available for students and research scholars.

Please register early to reserve your space in the audience. On-the-spot registrations at the venue will be subject to availability. To register, and for more information, contact the Centre for Public History. Phone: 080-49000808/809 Email:

Centre for Public History
Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology
Bangalore, India

M. Madhava Prasad
Department of Cultural Studies
The English and Foreign Languages University
Hyderabad 500 007- 605 India
Ph: 040-27689400

Number of Visits: 5052


Full Name:
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