Sacred Defense memory writing vanguards to be hailed

21 June 2011

During the press conference of Tehran's First Sacred Defense Memory Writing Festival, the event's secretary said:" Besides introducing five of the festival's top memory writers, five vanguards of sacred defense memory writing's scientific and practical fields will be honored as well. The ceremony is slated for June 22.

IBNA: The press conference of Tehran's First Sacred Defense Memory Writing Festival was held this morning in which Colonel Hassan Rasouli, literature and publication's deputy of Foundation of preserving and publishing sacred defense relics and the festival's secretary Mohsen Shahrezaee delivered speeches.

At the beginning, Rasouli honored the memories of late General Mohammad Taghi Khademi, one of the foundation's deputies and said:" Sacred Defense memory writing festival is the first program which is held following the demise of Khademi. So the festival will be held in his memories."

He said that the festival is held in all provinces and Tehran will be the last city which will host the ceremony. He added: "We will use all our experiences to hold the ceremony which includes holding a workshop with the attendance of 50 participants of Tehran's 1st Sacred Defense Memory Writing Festival. The workshop will be held an hour before the festival's closing ceremony."

Hassan Rasouli appreciated the festival's judges and said:" We will be ready to hold the first national congress of sacred defense memory writing in autumn."

Moreover Mohsen Shahrezaee said that all the people who didn’t leave the country during the war are among the war veterans and their memories are valuable indeed.

We thought more memories would be submitted he lamented which may be the result of weak advertisements. Some 1000 memories have been submitted of which 200 were shortlisted for the 2nd phase and finally 5 memories were selected as the best.

He added that the memories were evaluated according to its subject, documents, creativity and writing style. The memories will be the substructure of compiling books, plays and scenarios.

The literary festival is slated for Wednesday, June 22.

Number of Visits: 4606


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