CALL FOR PAPERS:The Ninth Biennial Iranian Studies Conference

28 March 2011

The International Society for Iranian Studies (ISIS)

1-5 August 2012
Istanbul, Turkey
In partnership with Iran Heritage Foundation and the co-sponsorship of American Institute for Iranian Studies and the Foundation for Iranian Studies
Conference Chair: Touraj Atabaki, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, Leiden University
Program Chair: Mansour Bonakdarian, Brooklyn College
The International Society for Iranian Studies (ISIS) invites proposals for the Ninth Biennial Iranian Studies Conference in all subfields of Iranian studies. ISIS particularly encourages works that are devoted to areas of transnational inquiry and which probe new scholarly approaches to Iranian Studies. ISIS also welcomes submissions on all aspects of the Turko-Iranian history and culture. The primary language of the conference will be English, and scholars are strongly encouraged to use that language, but proposals for papers in Persian will be considered as well.
The submission deadline for proposals is 20 April 2011. Paper proposals must be limited to 300 words and must present succinct scholarly outlines of the central themes and main arguments of the presentations. Prearranged panels are strongly encouraged. Ordinarily four papers are presented at each panel. Scholars wishing to submit a proposal for a pre-arranged panel should complete the panel registration form. The completed paper and panel proposal forms must be posted electronically at the ISIS website. The forms for both paper and panel proposals can be accessed on the ISIS website (for instructions on how to submit, please visit here).
Membership and preregistration are a required component of the proposal process. All conference presenters must be members of ISIS and preregister for the conference. To become a member of ISIS please click here.
For further information please contact

Number of Visits: 5283


Full Name:
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