In Memory of Memoir

26 September 2010

This book; »In Memory of Memoir «has been arranged in 3 volumes. In the first volume )this book( generalities of memoirs studies - including definitions, scientific terms and dimensions of the subject from the view point of religion, mysticism, history, literature and to some extent social science - has been concisely noted and analysed. In part II the historical development of the appearance of different types of memoirs in ancient and middle Persian language are recovered and samples of Zoroaster's Gathas in Avesta, epigraphs of Achamenian Kings - in particular the epigragh of the Darius the Great in Bistoon )in cuneiform script( and the epigraph of Shapur I )in Pahlavi characters( on Zoroaster's shrine at Naqsh-e Rustam  are presented as examples of persian language memoirs. Some parts of the books written in Pahlavi language that have some traces of memoirs are also presented. In brief, I have tried to expose that Writing memoirs can be seen in historical, cultural and even mythical past of Persia from the creation of the very first sites of collective life and civilization. In my view drawings on earthenwares and cliffs in anceint times, fables and myths - since thay show the thoughts and dreams of ancient people - are considered as elemertary and original samples of writing memoirs and self-speech.

The second volume of this book - which is being compiled and not finished yet - considers the gradual developments of writing memoirs in post - Islamic Iran in Persian language upto contemporary period. In the third volume we are about to discuss the generation of memoirs wriring movement affected by the Islamic Revolution and particularly Iran - Iraq War (Holy defence) in details. I Hope to able to present the reseach project that I have thought on for more than a decade with the wish of God and settle my dept.

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