Memory of Golmohammad Shekari

Translated by Ruhollah Golmoradi


During the days of the revolution, I worked in the village bathhouse. I heard the news of people's demonstrations on the radio. Sometimes I or another person would go from the village to the city and see the marches there. At the same time, one of the teachers of the village died a martyr in the city and a large number of people went to Bojnurd to participate in his funeral. My cousin (my uncle’s boy) was one of the revolutionaries living in Bojnurd. After a greeting, he suggested me to cooperate with him in distributing Imam's announcements. He used to take the leaflets from the house of Hajji Ahmad Yahooian in Bojnord and give them to me to deliver to Gholaman [Village]. I used to come to Bojnoord once or twice a week to buy bathroom items such as soap, shampoo, and cleaning agents. We used to stash the leaflets, which were two or three sheets, among these products and put them in the minibus. At night, we would take the sheets containing Imam Khomeini's messages and speeches to in front of the door of the local trustees' houses, and they would give the sheets to literate youths to rewrite them and put them in the hands of more people. The next morning, all the people of Gholaman gathered to read the announcements and everyone had heard the Imam's message. Another agent who delivered the leaflets to us was Colonel Masoud Vahidi's father who gave me the leaflets. The commander of the company, named Second Lieutenant Asheghe, was fully aware of distribution of the leaflets; however, not only he did not hinder our activity, he also cooperated with us many times. For example, he told me, “Instead of taking the leaflets to in front of the door in the middle of the night, bring them to the public bathroom and put them inside people's clothes.” Unlike him, head of the police station was very strict and threatened us many times that if I get an announcement from you, I will hand you over to the court. Once he arrested my cousin for having leaflets and beat her severely to reveal other people and that where she had got the leaflets. My cousin never confessed and said she found these papers in the alley. Every time I brought an announcement from Bojnurd, they stopped the minibus in front of the police station to inspect suspicious people. But I eluded them. I tried to stash the leaflets in the cleaning agents so that the gendarmes would not get suspicious. Once they doubted my goods; But the driver chivalrously said, “These goods are not for Golmohammad.” At the same time, I malingered and distanced myself from the car and started vomiting forcefully in order to remove the suspicion of Shah’s government officials about me. Alhamdulillah, the leaflets were delivered to the village without any problems and were distributed.


Source: Amini, Abolhasan & Farhad Forozan (2016). With Chivalrous Border Guards [in Persian: Ba Javanmardan-e Marzban], commissioned by the North Khorasan Border Guard Command and North Khorasan’s General Directorate of Preservation and Publication of Works and Values of Sacred Defense, Tehran: Sarir, pp. 37-39.

Number of Visits: 387


Full Name:
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