The 347th Session of Memory Night-2
Like Chamran
Adjusted by Leyla Rostami
Translated by Ruhollah Golmoradi
The 347th session of memory night titled “Like Chamran” was held in the hall of the educational vice-chancellor of the art field (Hozeh Honari) organization of Islamic Revolution on Thursday, June 22, 2022. As well as, Martyr Chamran Educational Hall was also opened after the session. 5 narrators of martyr Chamran's comrades were in this program: Fereydoun Ganjour, Mohammad Nokhostin, two brothers Hassan and Ismail Shahhosseini, and Sayyid Abbas Heidar Rabouki. Davoud Salehi hosted this memory night.
The second narrator of the session was Hassan Shah Hosseini, one of the comrades and companions of Shahid Chamran. At the beginning of his speech, he said, “I had a post in the prime minister’s office when Shahid Chamran joined the prime minister body as Mr. Bazargan's deputy in revolutionary affairs. Many figures were there. I was 33 years old at that time and had a 3-year-old child. According to my thinking as a follower of Imam (RA), I saw Shahid Chamran closer to my beliefs than all those who were there and I was attracted to him. I was with him during the siege of Paveh, Kurdistan, Sardasht, and from the beginning of the Iran-Iraq war until 1981 when Dr. Chamran died a martyr.
We were in Paveh when Shahid Chamran became the Minister of Defense. When we came from Kurdistan, we had a few forces and when we arrived in Ahvaz, we had no troops. The only volunteer force they sent to us was from Defense Industries Organization. They also came because of the Ministry of Defense. When we came to Khuzestan, the war zone became wider and we needed more troops. Shahid Chamran resorted to Mr. Khamenei. I was there. Chamran was talking to Mr. Khamenei on the phone. Hazrat Agha (referring to Khamenei) came to Jundishapor University. Colonel Salimi, who later appointed as Amir (General in AJA) and passed away, was the head of his office. Agha called the cities from the same night until we received troops, but untrained troops. From grocers, students, doctors, engineers, carpenters, etc., all people came. We trained and worked with them. Because I am from Siroos and Sarpoolak neighborhood, Shahid Chamran used to say, “Send any of these forces who are “dash-mashti (hoodlum)” and “roughnecks” to Hassan.” I knew their language. I had lived 33 years under the Shah. There were some troops who didn't know how to pray at all or had his beard cut in a special style. I went and said, “Doctor! Here is the front, what are these!” He said, “see! First, are these forces Iranian or foreign? I said, “Iranian.” He said, “Every Iranian has the right to defend his homeland in any style and situation.” These are his own words. I said, “Well, what should we do with them?” He said, “It is your duty to do act according to Islamic ethics, which shows you are a commander and an agent, to do in a way that they know your way is right and their way is wrong. You can't force them.” God knows, these guys prayed, became righteous, and died a martyr. Chamran was a human. I saw Chamran heartily and he changed my whole life. We were four brothers, two of us survived, I am one of them that I am 32% disabled, and one is Haj Ismail Agha who was a motorcycle rider; two of us died a martyr. The mother made a will and said, “If you look at the Martyr's Foundation or go to the Veterans' Foundation and cause trouble for them, I will not forgive you for giving birth to you and nursing you.” We also followed.
To be continued...
Number of Visits: 1146

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