The 344th Night of Memoir-1

Compiled by: Leila Rostami
Translated by: Fazel Shirzad


Note: The 344th night of memoir was held on Thursday, the 23 February of 2023, with the presence of the brave men of the Air Force in the Soura Hall of Arts Center. In this program, General Alireza Rudbari, Second Brigadier General Fereydoun Samadi, General Mohammad Hasan Luqmanejad and captive pilot Brigadier General Mohammad Sediq Qaderi shared their memories. Also, the book "Honest Pilot" was unveiled in the presence of Mohammad Hasan Abu Tarabifard. Davood Salehi was in charge of this night of memoir.




General Alireza Rudbari, the narrator of the first night of memory, mentioned two things at the beginning of his speech and said: The sign of progress and development of any country is books and reading. Many developments in the Islamic world are owed to the special attention of our dear country Iran to science and knowledge. In fact, it can be said that the world university was founded in the land of Iran, and a part of the vast Islamic civilization is owed to the people of Iran. Therefore, it is better to name the Islamic civilization with the name "Iranian Islamic civilization". Then General Rudbari pointed to the veterans and epic creators of the holy defense and said: Both those who left so that we can stay and those who stayed are a lesson for us and the generations after us.

He went on to praise the General "Mohammed Sediq Qaderi" and distinguish his name and said: Muhammad is a spiritual word, honest (Sediq), able and powerful also has its own meaning. When you read the book "Honest Pilot", which I have read some parts of it several times, it really contains and institutionalized very precise, meaningful and valuable words such as chivalry, greatness and selflessness of us Iranians. The most important human need is security, which is one of God's gifts, and it is mentioned as a special blessing in the Holy Quran, and it is obligatory for us to identify the components of security. The most important component of security is power, which we must identify and achieve so that we are not attacked. If we do not have power, we will definitely be attacked by others. Eight years of holy defense was a part of this history when Saddam and Saddam's miscalculations and crude views felt that we had no power and for this reason they carried out a nationwide campaign for us.

He added: The Air Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran was one of the special forces that shined well in this field. The page of the history of the air force, both before the Islamic revolution, during the revolution and now, is derived from great honors. The period of eight years of holy defense is a special period and a part of the civilization of the history of this land, in which the entire nation of Iran, of all religions, men and women, old and young, had significant participation, but some parts, some organizations, some They were more special people, one of them being the Air Force of our beloved country, Iran. The Air Force is full of pride and pride and has set many "bests"; the first martyr, the first captive, the longest time of captivity for a captive. In fact, we are indebted to the fighters of the Air Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Willingly or unwillingly, more than four billion people have been lost on the planet and its four million years of life during many wars. According to the research conducted, there was no war on this earth for less than 250 years, and there was no war on earth for less than three weeks from 1945 to 1990, so war is a social and inevitable phenomenon, especially for our beloved country of Iran. which geographically has special and special conditions and we need to introduce the legends whose names have become immortal during the eight years of holy defense to these people and to this land. In fact, we must say that the sufferings and hardships experienced by the likes of Mohammad Sediq Qadri during their captivity have, according to many of us, turned into palaces of dignity, pride, chivalry, and forgiveness. It must be said that in this galaxy, men like Sediq Qadri are a part of the manifestation, beauty and glory of God Almighty and an example of the honorable verse " Praise be to God, who is the best of creators." whose name should remain eternal and be introduced to the generations after us and the younger generation who were such men and from They have defended this land so that, God willing, we can make their name eternal and continue their path.


Number of Visits: 1542


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