A Different Walking

Translated by Ruhollah Golmoradi


One day we were at my father's house; after having lunch, Ahmad suggested let’s go home together. I asked in surprise, “why now? You have a debate, don't you? Also, we were supposed to be here for the dinner, and most importantly, we don’t walk together in the street.” Those days in Qom, it was not customary for men, especially clerics, to walk on the street with their wives… he shook his head and said, “now, let’s go, we will come back soon.” We walked to the house. Our way was from Bahar Street, but Ahmad changed the route and moved towards “Ghabrestan-e-now”. He said, “let's have a walk and recite Fatiha.” I said to myself, “What kind of tour? Have we come together to read Fatiha in the cemetery?” We entered the cemetery and recited Fatiha on several graves. Then he asked me {Dr. Fatemeh Tabatabaei}: Are you ready to do something to fight against the Shah?” I understood what he meant to some extent. The answer was yes. Then he showed me a tomb and said, “open the door of that tomb, there is a picture of an old man on the niche and there is a piece of stone next to it. Take the stone, there is a paper under it. Take it with you carefully. Just be careful! If someone comes, keep calm and show yourself reciting Fatiha. Do not also look at anyone! If someone wanted to take the paper from you, you would resist and destroy it if you could!” He asked me again, “Would you like to do this?” I said, “Yes.” I went to do it. The entrance door of the tomb was very old and I pressured to open it. Its dark and humid atmosphere made me very anxious. I entered with fear and trembling. I was panting and felt like my heart was being ripped out. I looked on the niche, but I didn't find any paper. I came back and told it to Ahmad. He became so winced. He didn't say anything. He was trying to keep his cool. I asked, “What do you think happened?” He said, “There is nothing. Do not talk to anyone about this!”

When we left the cemetery, he said, “If you like you go back to your father's house, I will come after the class.” After a while, I found out the person who should have put the notice there was identified and arrested, but because he did not reveal the place of the meeting, we did not face any problem.


Source: Tabatabaei, Fatemeh (2011) Eqlim-e Khaterat [The Realm of Memoirs], Tehran: Research Institute of Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution, pp. 314-315.

*this book was translated in English by Seyyed Sadruddin Mousavi titled “My Life”, and published by Research Institute of Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution in 2018.

Number of Visits: 1379


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