Holding the Third National Conference about the Oral History of the Sacred Defense on the 29th and 30th of January, 2022

Compiled by: Oral History Website
Translated by Fazel Shirzad


The Third National Conference on the Oral History of the Sacred Defense, organized by the Sacred Defense Documents Organization and the National Archives and Library Research Institute of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in collaboration with research institutions, universities, the military, and other centers and institutions, on Saturdays and Sundays. It will be held online and in-person in the Pen hall of the National Library of Iran.

      The main issues of the conference include the theoretical foundations and background of the oral history of the Sacred Defense, the oral history of the Sacred Defense, necessities and opportunities, pathology and obstacles to the oral history of the Sacred Defense, as well as policy-making and the role of the military and national organizations in the oral history of the Sacred Defense.

      Dr. Saeed Reza Ameli, Secretary of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, and Mr. Alireza Mokhtarpour, Head of the National Archives and Library, will speak at the conference, which is open to the public. Also, it is possible to access the panels on Saturday, 29th of January, is possible through the following links:





    It is worth mentioning that this conference was supposed to be held on 25th of January [, 2022], but it was postponed to review all the received articles.

Number of Visits: 2934


Full Name:
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