A Memorial of the Islamic Association Abroad

Translated by: Zahra Hosseinian


One of the most passionate meetings of students after the Ashura [in 1978] was their gathering at the Surrey University. The great hall of the university had been booked, and over six or seven hundred population of men and women gathered there. I mentioned that the slogan of Takbir is the memorial of the Islamic Association Abroad. Before the revolution, Takbir was rarely heard in domestic meetings, but almost in the months leading up to the victory of the revolution, it became common in Iran; however, Takbir was already popular abroad. That night in the hall of Surrey University, I witnessed the students chanting Takbir loudly; such a Takbir that shook the hall. I had not seen such a passion among the students until that night. During the speech of that night, I saw tears flow from the eyes of men and women. The majority of women and girls did not wear hijab, but they chanted Takbir with the boy students. They shed tears of joy for visiting Imam and had made a covenant with the Islamic Revolution with heart and soul. When I went to Paris a few days later and visited Imam, I expressed the enthusiasm of the youth and their passionate meetings.  He prayed and said: ‘You must speak in such meetings.’ So, I felt I had to go back faster and do the same in different universities.[1]


[1] Hassan Rouhani,  Memoirs of Hojjatoleslam Dr. Hassan Rouhani, Tehran: Islamic Revolutionary Documentation Center, 2008, p. 484.

Number of Visits: 2335


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